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关于家庭农场的外文文献有哪些答: 中英文外文翻译文献家庭农场摘 要家庭农场是一个农场拥有和经营的家庭像其他家族企业和房地产的所有权,往往会给下一代的传承。这是许多人类历史的主要是农业经济的基本单元,并继续在发展中国家。家庭农场的替代品,包括那些由农业,俗称“工厂化农场,或通过集体农业。关键词 家庭农场/现代农业/发展/策略

234 评论



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提供几篇关于土地资源管理工作的相关英文文献,供写作参考。[1] Vitousek P M, Mooney H A, Lubchenco J, Melillo J M. Human domination of earth' s ecosystems .Science, 1997,277, 277 :497~499 .[2] GLEMENT G, et al. OGDI : Toward Interoperability Among GeoSpatial Databases .SIGMOD Record, 1997,263, 26(3) :18~23 . [3] W Fan, L Libkin. On XML integrity constraints in the presence of DTDs .Journal of the ACM (JACM), 2002,493, 49(3) :368~406 .

148 评论


中国耕地利用集约度结构变化及其区域差异(英文)陈瑜琦 李秀彬 田玉军 谈明洪 【摘要】:Based on the data from the Cost-benefit Data of Farm Produce and the China Agricultural Yearbook, this paper divided the intensity of cultivated land use into labor intensity and capital intensity, and then analyzed their temporal and spatial change at both national and provincial levels between 1980 and 2006. The results showed that: (1) At the national level, labor intensity on food produce decreased from day/ha in 1980 to day/ha in 2006; and a continuous decrease with a steep decline between 1980 and 1986, a slower decline from 1987 to 1996, and another steep decline from 1997 to 2006. On the contrary, capital intensity shows an increasing trend since 1980. As to the internal composition of capital intensity, the proportion of seed, chemical fertilizer and pesticide input decreased from to and the proportion of machinery increased from to . The less emphasis on yield-increasing input and more emphasis on labor-saving input are the main reasons for a slow increase of yield per unit area after 1996. (2) At the provincial level, the developed areas have lower labor intensity and higher capital intensity. The less developed ones have higher labor intensity but lower capital intensity. From the viewpoint of the internal composition of capital intensity, labor-saving input accounts for more proportion in the developed areas than that of other areas. The main reason is that in these developed areas, labor input has become a constraint factor in food production as more and more labors engaged in off-farm work. Farmers increase the labor-saving input for higher labor productivity. However, in the less developed areas, the major constraint is the shortage of capital; food production is still depending on labor and yield-increasing inputs.

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