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当盗版变成促销 未授权复制如何使日本动漫在美国赢利日本动漫工业的全球销售在2004年达到了800亿美元的惊人数字,十倍于十年前. 它获得如此世界范围的成功, 部分是因为日本的媒体公司置各种"草根活动"而不理,这些活动也可以叫做盗版、无授权复制和流通、或称"文件共享",美国的媒体公司毅然决然试图制止。而痴迷忘我的消费者一身承担了(日本动漫)进入西方市场的风险,以及试销促销的成本。日本动漫早在1960年代就出口到西方市场,当时《阿童木(Astro Boy)》《铁人28号(Gigantor)》《马赫5号(speed racer)》在当地播出。不过,60年代末,民间组织ACT(Action for Children’s Television)和其它团体曾利用童子军造势、联邦法规,限制他们认为不适合美国儿童的内容。日本卡通逐渐把定位转向青春期少年和成人,频繁采用成人题材。结果,这些卡通的美国市场在70年代初就已枯竭,灰心沮丧的代理商甩手把他们的卡通打入日语有线电视的频道。美国的粉丝们用上异军突起的录像机后,可以把节目从有线电视上复制下来,跟朋友分享。不久他们开始把《星际迷航(Star Trek)》《太空堡垒卡拉狄加(Battlestar Galactica)》送给日本的粉丝们,还有美国大兵们,换来《三一万能侠(Getter Robo)》一类的日本节目。这些录像带在70年代末80年代初经历了一段科幻迷集会的流通,经常无字幕播出。在一种酷似歌剧广播节目的形式中,有人在节目开头站出来讲述剧情,往往依据他对另一次上映时所见版本的回忆。日本公司对这种情况略有所知,但没插手阻止。他们未经母公司允许,不能对粉丝收费,或是提供相关内容,不过他们想知道这些节目引起了多大的兴趣。不到80年代末,学生组织开始建设收藏广泛的图书馆,馆藏包括全部合法以及盗版内容。90年代初出现了“粉丝字幕”(fansubbing),即业余人士对 日本动漫所做的翻译和字幕。Time-synchronized VHS和S-VHS录象机系统让粉丝字幕组能够输出精准的文字和图像,配制到录像带上。早期的机器价格高昂,也就是说,粉丝字幕只能停留在集体创造的阶段:俱乐部投入时间和资源,确保他们最受欢迎的剧集传播到较为广泛的观众群。随着成本下降,粉丝字幕流传出来。不久俱乐部开始用互联网协调活动,按剧集分工,和一个孕育着新译者的更广群体打成一片。90年代初开始,大规模的动漫集会引来了日本的艺术家和代理商,他们吃惊的看到一种丰硕的文化,在让他们的美国营销节节惨败的内容上滋生。他们带着热切的渴望回国了,期待迎合人们的爱好从中得利。最先用DVD和录像带发布动漫的小众公司的出现,是在粉丝转变成内行之后,他们从日本的媒体公司取得代理权。最初发布的作品,像《阿基拉(akira)》和《泡泡糖危机(Bubblegum Crisis)》等几部,已经拥有一批狂热粉丝追随。粉丝俱乐部想让会员接触到日本市面上的所有内容,经常冒着商业代理不会遇到的风险,进入新体裁、新厂商、新剧集的市场里试水。商业公司踩着他们的足迹,只要发现热点就上。粉丝字幕往往放上一条建议,告诫用户“一经商业许可请即停止传播。”俱乐部没有打算通过动漫中介赢利,只是在拓宽市场;一旦某部作品有了商业代理,就中止其流通。无论如何, 商业版比起未授权录制版拥有更高的品质。最先商业版的剧集,像《美少女战士(Sailor Moon)》,往往需经录制重审,在挖掘潜在兴趣上做功夫,以面向轻度爱好的消费者。日本文化评论家小石岩渊(Koichi Iwabuchi)曾用“脱腥化”(de -odorizing)一词形容日本的“软商品”(soft goods)被摘掉本国本原的标志,向全球的流通开放这一过程。在此背景下,草根粉丝群体仍起着重要作用,用他们的网站和邮件列表教育美国观众,解释这些商品的文化背景和体裁惯例。粉丝俱乐部在不断的发掘潜在的小众商品,随时光流转,这些商品可能进入主流获得成功。如果说最先接触市场的基本上是面向小男孩的科幻作品,粉丝们后来就发现了定位于年轻女孩的爱情故事(含有同性爱情)的一整套作品大系。日本的媒体公司对这些行为的宽容与他们对国内粉丝群体的待遇相一致。粉丝创作的漫画(译注:即同人志,原注dojinshi),往往在很大程度上衍生自原来的商业产品,地下销售拥有很大规模,某些漫画市场每天吸引来15万参观者。厂商几乎从不采取法律行动,而是赞助此类活动,利用它们推广自己的发售、招募新鲜人才、观察受众口味的变动。至少他们是担心,一旦对这些根深蒂固的文化行为采取行动,会招致消费者的愤怒,而如果他们真的去追诉侵权者,日本的刑罚代价相对而言是很轻的。美国多数媒体公司会把所有这种地下流通看作盗版行为,在其得到极大扩散前予以制止。不过,我们已经从一个《马赫5号》流于边缘的世界,来到一个《口袋妖怪(Pokemon)》在美国比在其它美洲国家得到更高知名度的世界。

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《The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi》-《凉宫春日的忧郁》 (1) A far from ordinary school story starts here! This is a story of Suzumiya Haruhi, who upon enrollment at school announced, "I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, beings from the future, sliders, or super-humans, come see me. That is all!" Naturally, any normal person would think "What the...?!" but Haruhi is dead serious. Things get crazy when everyone realizes just how serious she is about it all and establishes the "SOS Dan". Suzumiya Haruhi is a good-looking high school girl who has a clear head, naughty personality and very egocentric thought. She has an unimaginably tremendous power to change the world, but she is totally unaware of her own power and so she is also unaware of the effect of her power on the outside world. A delightfully strange, yet marvelously interesting story! 一个远离普通学校的故事在这里开始! 这是一个关于凉宫春日的故事 ,她在学校入学时宣布, "我对普通人没有兴趣,如果你们之中有宇宙人,未来人,异世界人,超能力者,尽管来找我吧,以上!" 当然,任何正常的人都会认为"什么...?!" 但春日已“死”得严重。 当大家意识到她的一切事件如同疯了的严重时,她成立了" SOS团" 。 她有一种无法想象的巨大的力量来改变这个世界,但她完全不知道她自己的能力,所以她也是不知道她的能力对外部世界的的影响。 这是一个欣喜得奇怪,但神奇有趣的故事! (2) "The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhiis" a story about a high-school freshman, Suzumiya Haruhi, and those who are caught up in her antics. On the first day of school, she introduced herself in a bizarre way. "From East Middle School, Suzumiya Haruhi. I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, sliders, or espers here.. come join me. That is all!" Her classmates wondered whether she was serious or just kidding around. Kyon, a fellow freshman who sits in front of Haruhi, was interested in her because of her strange introduction. Little by little, he tried to talk to her, but Haruhi's answers would always be "Shut up!" "Moron!" "Be quiet!" "Who cares about that!?". However, as the days went by, Kyon becomes the first ever to talk normally with Haruhi and eventually inspired her to form the SOS Brigade which sole purpose is to find aliens,sliders, time travelers and espers, and have fun with them. 《凉宫春日的忧郁》是一个故事关于一所高中一年级的学生凉宫春日和那些被她发现的“奇人” 。 上高中的第一天,她还一个奇特的方式介绍了自己。 "毕业于东国中, 我的名字是凉宫春日,我对普通人没有兴趣,如果你们之中有宇宙人,未来人,异世界人,超能力者,尽管来找我吧,以上!" 她的同学不知道她的严重或只是开玩笑。阿虚 ,坐在前面春日的一大“研究员”,有兴趣她,因为她的奇怪介绍对她有兴趣。一点点,他试图对她说话,但春日的答案永远是"闭嘴" ! "废柴!" ! "肃静" ! "谁会关心! ? " 。然而,随着时间一天天过去, 阿虚成为有史以来第一次经常与春日谈话的人,并最终激发了她成立" SOS团",其中的唯一目的就是要找到宇宙人,未来人,异世界人,超能力者,并和它们一起玩。 anime=Japanese animation 多指日本动漫 anime music video=AMV 复数AMVs... anime seasons 季 cartoon 卡通,一般指欧美动画片 chibi Q版人物 comic 漫画,不包括日本漫画,属此类的一般有向美国MARVEL的超人,蝙蝠侠之类 cosplay=costume play 角色扮演,衍生cos(动词), cosplayer(玩cosplay者) doujinshi 同人志 ED=ending 片尾曲 fansubs 字幕组 J-pop=Japanese Pop 受到西方影响的日本流行音乐 =Japanese popular music lolicon 萝莉控 manga=Japanese comic 日本漫画 mangaka 漫画家,多指日本漫画家 mecha 机械(动漫/漫画类型) one-shots=short story 只有一章的漫画短篇 OP=opening 片头曲 OST=original sound track 动漫原声集 otaku=fanatic 御宅族,指对动漫,游戏等有狂热者... OVA=original video animation 原创动画录影带 OAV=original anime video 同上 raw 未经修改的原版,如直接录制的节目和直接扫描的漫画等等 terminology 术语,如漫画家自行想象出来的一些武器等 White Day 白色情人节 romanji 日文的罗马发音(方便外国人的...) scanlation 在网络上免费发布的翻译后的漫画,作用与fansub相似 不明白你说的句子的什么意思,就按我的理解了... Code Geass (反叛的鲁路修) The world won't change in pretty words alone. - Charles (鲁路修他爸...) I was dead until the moment I met you. I was powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Livin' without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. - Lelouch Lamperouge (鲁路修) ------- Black Cat (黑猫) I've come to deliver some bad luck! - Train Heartnet (托雷) ------- Evangelion (EVA) You're thinking in Japanese! If you must think, do it in German! - Asuka Langley Soryu (明日香) Survivability takes priority. - Misato Katsurag (葛城美里) Man fears the darkness, and so he scrapes away at the edges of it with fire. - Rei Ayanami (绫波丽) ------- Bleach (死神) Because we are amorphous. We hold them in reverence - Volume 1 (第一册...) People are able to hold unto hope, since death is that which cannot be seen. - Volume 2 (同上) If I were the rain, could I connect with someone's heart, as the rain could connect the enternally seperated earth and sky. - Volume 3 We come together like drops of water, like astral bodies. We oppose each other like magnets, like the colors of skin. - Volume 4 Unless I grip the sword I cannot protect you, while gripping the sword I cannot embrace you. - Volume 5 Yes, we have no destiny. Only those swallowed up by ignorance and fear, who take false steps shall plunge us into the muddy waters called destiny. - Volume 6 ------- Death Note A heart warming scene from the most un fortunate family in the world - Ryuk (流克) You may call me whatever you wish - but I'm taking your cake. - L Sitting normally reduces my powers of deduction by 40%. - L Light: "Then one day people will realize that 'doing this will get me killed', and I will build a world of the kind-hearted people only I can accept." Ryuk: "Then you'll be the only bastard left." Light: "What are you talking about, Ryuk? You could say I'm Japan's number one honour student." - Light (月) and Ryuk ------- Full Metal Alchemist (钢之炼金术师) I am going to get stronger, both emotionally and at fighting! ...and drink as much...milk...as I can... - Ed (爱德华...) ------- XXXholic Sincerity and determination...No matter what a person wants to attempt,those are needed. - Yuuko Ichihara (壹原侑子) Anime is animation in Japan and considered Japanese animation in the rest of the world. Anime dates from about 1917. Anime in Japan is popular among a small community and is now viewed throughout the world. Anime itself is considered a form of limited animation. Anime can be broadcast either through television or released directly to video, which are often called OVAs or OAV (Original Animation Video). Anime can be hand drawn or computer-assisted. It is used in television series, films, video, video games, commercials, and internet-based releases, and represents all genres of fiction. 别处载来的,有可能不符合你要求

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1、玩具:与电影有关的 2、服装:主人公的穿着 3、饮食旅游:电影中的拍摄地及相关民俗、饮食等 4、改编成小说、动漫 5、经典镜头做成广告或发布在网上

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资料很少,尽力了楼主,只有这么多PDF的这个网站你要全部复制然后粘贴在地址栏里才能打开 busts website selling pirated Japanese cartoon DVDThe Hong Kong authorities have demolished an illegal website selling pirated animation DVD to Japanese customers through mail, local press reported on website, registered by a Hong Kong native named Cheung, made up as a legitimate Japanese one by updating stockpile information and purchase details in Japanese, custom officials were quoted by Chinese daily Wen Wei Po as its operation over half a year, the website has sold out some 12,000 pirated DVDs and made Cheung around one million HK dollars (129,198 . dollars), estimated the to the Japanese instruction on the page, interested customers were asked to make their choice on-line and transfer the purchase and mailing fee to a certain account in Japanese bank, one of three bought by Cheung through black a bid to avoid investigation, Cheung, a 22-year-old man, travel to Japan once a month to withdraw the money put into the all the transactions were conducted through internet, Cheung's illicit business went unnoticed until two months ago, when the Hong Kong custom received complaints from copyright then made up as Japanese customers ordering DVD at Cheung's website and arrested him on Thursday, when he tried to mail out three packages of DVDs at a post office in eastern Hong the following research of Cheungs' apartment, officials found 160,000 pirated DVDs, all of which were well packed and had high quality. Two other male suspects, a 67-year-old and a 22-year- old, were also by the custom official as an "intellectual criminal," Cheung received only middle-school according to the Japanese trend, Cheung is believed to be a big fan of Japanese pop culture and may understand Japanese, said the custom : Xinhua

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