China is a low forest--covered country. The forest inthis country is mainly composed of young and middleaged plantations, and most of natural forests concentrateon remote areas. However, there arc two merits forpromotion of forestry in China; firstly there are rich treespecies that can provide an abundant gene pool for plan-..tation, and secondly Chinese government is paying agreat attention to plantation and protection of 1980 biomass and productivity have beeBased on a literature review, we re-analyzed Chinese national forest biomass and productivity data and response of predicted forest productivity to global climate changes. Total forest biomass in China was between 4. 0 Pg C (1 Pg C= 109 t C) and 7. 1 Pg C, with a best estimate of 4. 6 Pg C, and total national forest NPP excluding special product plantations and bamboo forest was 0. 4-0. 6 Pg C. a-1, with an average of 0. 5 Pg C. a-1. Studies of the terrestrial ecosystem models and the atmospheric general circulation models showed that prodicted global climate changes increased total forest NPP of China by 12 %-35 %, and that amplitude of change varies from place to place. These results provide effective data for future climate research in f…
1.怎样的环保才“理智”2.伐?___!猜一个字 (答案:罚)3.变废为宝 4.小小报纸用处大 5.保护森林——保护人类自己的家6.保护地球,从我做起 7.别说
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2011第六版北大撒核心期刊目录这两类核心期刊名目如下: P4 大气科学(气象学)类核心期刊表1大气科学5南京气象学院学报(改名为:大气科学学报)8气象科学2气