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PPP, is the English acronym for Public Private Partnership, that is, "public-private partnerships." PPP Government in alleviating the financial pressure to meet the infrastructure, improve investment efficiency and management have an advantage, be regarded as effective in attracting private capital in infrastructure construction of innovative ways. The successful operation of PPP projects, the need for a wealth of design experience in the construction and operation of the maintenance of an effective organizational structure, financing channels open, and good public relations, a strong legal support and so on, but the impact of PPP projects in the most critical success factor is the project risks in the public sector and private sector be allocated more rationally. PPP project cycle, as a result of long, complex contractual relationship, there is not a comprehensive risk identification, risk in the future can not be predicted, the probability of the risk of uncertainty, to risk the potential damage can not be accurately estimated, as well as some can not control the risk factors involved in PPP projects makes the risk-sharing between the parties on the protracted negotiations, it is difficult to reach an agreement. In particular, the introduction of PPP model in our country a short time, policies and regulations are not sound, as well as special market environment in China, there is an urgent need to establish a reasonable risk for China-sharing mechanisms. In this paper, the nature of the PPP model and the characteristics of the focus of analysis, and introduced the use of PPP model of China's current situation and problems. The use of experts to investigate the impact of PPP projects on the success or failure of the 34 risk factors against the probability of occurrence and the extent of analysis and evaluation, through the results of meta-analysis of the questionnaire to various risk factors in the public sector (government) and private sharing of results between.

161 评论


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  • 关于ppp模式论文范文资料

    pdf 附件不会传Buso, M., Marty, F., & Tran, P. T. (2017). Public-private partnerships

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