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首页 > 学术论文 > 国外质量管理研究展望论文

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质量管理起源于Shewhart的抽样控制理论,在Deming、Juran、Crobsy和Ishikawa等质量管理先驱的实践与推动下,已成为广为人接受的管理哲学(management philosophy)[1]。自20世纪80年代以来,国外学者们围绕质量管理实践(如TQM实践、World-Class企业质量管理实践、波多里奇框架等[2])与企业绩效(包括质量绩效、市场绩效和财务绩效)之间的作用机理进行了深入研究,证实了质量管理实践对企业绩效提升的显著作用。但是,质量管理领域的研究现状与发展趋势目前尚未有人进行系统梳理与归纳总结,特别对质量管理理论构建与研究方法的演进趋势没有进行系统分析。因此,本研究以国际三大顶级质量管理方向期刊近10年(1999—2008)文章为研究对象,进行文献归类与量化分析,并结合前人的相关研究和知识图谱工具分析质量管理理论构建与研究方法的现状与演进趋势,以更好促进国内质量管理研究的发展。1文献归类统计文献来源与分类统计Journal of Operations

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摘 要:我国质量管理技术的不断发展,缩短了与外国先进国家的差距,本文以对国内外质量管理的对比研究,总结我国质量管理工作所存在的问题,进而提出提高我国质量管理水平的具体对策。关键词:质量管理对比对策质量是产品的生命线,加强质量管理无论是对企业还是对市场消费者都具有重要的现实意义,纵观国内外都非常重视产量质量的管理,并且都在积极构架完善的质量管理体系,以此促进产品的质量,满足市场消费者的需求,进而更好的占领市场。由于我国市场经济发展起步相对比较晚,因此研究国内外质量管理的现状对提高我国产品质量管理,借鉴先进国家的经验具有重要的意义。1 国内外质量管理研究的现状国外先进国家对产品的质量非常重视,并且建立了完整的质量管理体系,纵观国家公认的质量管理其主要经历了以下四个阶段:产品检验阶段,其主要是对产品的生产标准进行检验,看其是否符合生产标准;统计检验阶段,统计检验阶段也是抽样检验,随着机械化生产的实施,流水线式的生产模式被应用在产品生产中,因此需要采取抽样式的检验模式;全面质量管理阶段,全面质量检验阶段就是以最经济的手段,在满足市场消费者需求的情况下,通过调动所有职工的积极性,实现企业产品质量的不断提高;现代质量管理阶段,现代质

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IntroductionDuring the past two decades total quality management (TQM) has spread considerablyamong firms, and consequently researchers have studied this management approach insome depth. Some authors find a positive relation between TQM adoption and organisationalperformance (. Douglas & Judge, 2001; Kaynak, 2003; Powell, 1995). Powell(1995), under the framework of the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm, conceptualisesTQM as a strategic resource. From that standpoint, various authors have considered theRBV as a useful theoretical approach to explain TQM’s impact on organisational performance(. Escrig-Tena & Bou-Llusar, 2005; Reed, Lemak, & Mero, 2000; Savolainen,2000). Under the RBV, TQM constitutes a resource that is difficult to imitate (Powell,1995) and that generates competitive advantages in the firms that adopt it (Savolainen,2000). Moreover, Reed et al. (2000) deduced that TQM itself has the potential to generatebarriers to imitation, necessary for sustainability. In turn, Escrig-Tena and Bou-Llusar(2005) conclude that TQM positively influences organisational performance through thedevelopment of a series of competencies (skills or specific abilities to deploy resources).Some consensus exists about TQM’s capacity to improve organisational performance,so we focus our analysis on how firms can increase the benefits deriving from TQM is the main objective of the current work. For this purpose, we use the theoreticaland conceptual framework provided by Williamson’s (1985) transaction cost theory(TCT). This allows us to examine the economic nature of TQM and its capacity toimprove organisational performance in terms of wealth creation. Under TCT, TQM canbe defined as a specific organisational design option (Wruck & Jensen, 1994). Thus, its capacity to improve organisational performance lies in its ability to solve the firm’s organisationaldesign (OD) problems. Specifically, following Milgrom and Roberts (1992),these problems are the information (coordination) and motivation (incentive) problemsarising in a review of the literature on TQM and OD, we argue and conclude that TQMadoption and implementation must be consistent with OD postulates. Otherwise, thepotential benefits of TQM can be diluted by the increase in the level of residual loss(ex-post transaction cost resulting from the appearance of opportunistic behaviours fromthe employees). We analyse a sample of firms that have adopted TQM, and find empiricalevidence of complementarities when firms apply OD and TQM elements results show that firms that manage to exploit these complementarities obtain superiororganisational paper is structured as follows. In the next section, we analyse TQM’s capacity togenerate value and solve the OD problems arising in firms (information and motivationproblems). We then present the design of our empirical research project, specifically thefinal sample and the variables used. The penultimate section reports and analyses theresults obtained. The final section presents the paper’s main conclusions and quality management (TQM) as an organisational design (OD) optionThe origin of organisational design (OD) problems lies in the fact that firm resources havemultiple owners. On the one hand, the presence of multiple owners implies the need forcoordination. On the other, their diverging interests lead to the appearance of opportunisticbehaviour.太长了,把分给我,我发给你好了。另:如果分高的话,你的毕业论文我可以帮你,我刚写完operations management的论文,虽然是全英文的,但可以帮你翻译

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