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古村落作为民族文化的源头和根基,是历史信息的载体,具有很高的保护价值和开发利用价值,对古村落进行保护与开发研究具有十分重要的意义,但同时,古村落新农村建设中存在诸多的问题,抢救古村落的工作刻不容缓。本文以江西婺源古村落为例,阐述在新农村建设背景下对古村落进行保护与开发的重要意义,同时分析古村落在新农村建设中存在的问题,提出古村落系统化保护机制,希望对古村落保护有所裨益。 [关键词]古村落;新农村建设;文化遗产;系统化保护 [中图分类号]G122[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-518X(2012)05-0249-03 古村落一般指的是具有完整的文化体系、丰富的物质与非物质文化遗产等特征的,至今已有五六百年悠久历史的村寨。古村落的系统化保护机制是指在科学发展观和可持续发展理念的指导下,从思想意识、管理制度等方面出发,建立和完善古村落多层次、全方位的保护制度的总称。古村落是我们的先人创造的美丽家园,亦是我们后代赖以寄托的精神家园,是我们梦里的“老家”,保护好这些古村落具有十分重要的意义。同时,古村落在新农村建设中也存在许多的问题,如何化解这些矛盾和问题,促进古村落的保护与发展,是我们亟待解决的课题。 一、古村落系统化保护与开发的意义 (一)民族文化遗产保护的需要 古村落是传统中国积淀文化、传承文明的最基本的社会单位。在几千年的历史长河中,我们的先人在这一方水土中休养生息,辛勤劳作,进行物质创造、精神创造和审美创造,形成了灿烂的村落文化。这其中包括古建筑物、历史遗址、工艺品等物质文化遗产和民风民俗、传说故事、地方戏曲、舞蹈和各种传统技艺等非物质文化遗产。如江西婺源古村落以传统的徽派民居建筑著称,是乡土建筑的精华,拥有江湾、李坑、汪口、思溪、理坑等许多保存良好的古村落,这里古祠堂、古民居、古桥、古亭等古建筑遍布乡野。同时古村落的居住理念、村镇布局、外形意蕴、三雕艺术等都蕴涵着丰富的文化内容,这笔制作精美的建筑遗产在海内外享有很高的声誉,极具研究保护价值及审美价值。 (二)弘扬民族传统文化的需要 古村落具有鲜明的历史特征与深厚的文化内涵,蕴藉了和谐文化、重教文化、商贸文化和民俗文化等。以婺源为例,朱子理学思想是婺源村落文化的灵魂,婺源作为朱熹故里,历来崇尚“读朱子之书,服朱子之教,秉朱子之礼”,有“十户之村,不废诵读”、“数家村落、必有蒙塾”的优良传统;而山多田少的自然环境则造就了婺源百姓勤俭持家和艰苦奋斗的风气,特别是婺源徽商更是以勤奋朴素闻名。此外,婺源大多乡村至今还保留有“杀猪封山”、“烧纸养生”的风俗习惯,使得婺源的生态环境得以保存良好。可见,保护古村落传承、保护民族尊严与民族文化的根脉,可以使古老的中华文明传承有序、生生不息。 (三)促进社会经济发展的需要 随着旅游业的发展和乡村游的兴起,中国的古村落,以其淳朴的民风、秀美的自然风光和众多充满历史文化底蕴的人文景观,吸引了大量久经都市喧嚣的人们慕名而来。以婺源为例,充分利用县内保存完好的生态和古村落资源,依托“中国最美乡村”品牌,大力发展乡村旅游及相关产业,把资源优势转化为经济发展优势。近几年来,婺源旅游业迅猛发展,极大地促进了婺源三大产业结构的调整优化,提高了农民生活水平,同时也提高了婺源古村落的知名度,增强了普通民众对民族文化遗产的保护意识,让古村落的保护受到更多人的关注。 二、古村落系统化保护的现状 (一)古村落整体景观不协调,古建筑破坏严重 随着古村落新农村建设的推进,一方面,古村落整体景观不协调,建设性破坏严重。许多古建筑周围的历史空间环境已被所谓的“现代建筑”空间所取代,以往古老的空间格局和传统风貌荡然无存;在许多古村落的老祠堂、老民居之间,都夹杂着一些新的建筑物;有些农民为改善生活居住条件,随意翻建或修缮古屋古院,把古栈道的路面毁坏而铺成水泥路,这在相当程度上减弱和破坏了村落的古朴风貌和历史氛围。另一方面,存在严重的古民居木制房屋构件买卖、交易问题。一些商人看中了古民居的旅游开发价值,出钱收购这些古民居后迁建到别处进行旅游开发。如在婺源县赋春镇,许多明清古民居被出售,景德镇一老板准备收购古徽派建筑迁建至景德镇开发旅游。 (二)旅游开发过度,商业氛围太浓 许多古村落试图通过发展旅游业来促进新农村建设,而原生态的古村落被开发成为游人如织的景点后,大量的游客涌入,停车场、水泥路、旅馆的修建破坏了古村落的原貌及其独有的幽静和美丽。同时,许多古村落景区不限制游客人数,大大地超过了古村落环境人口容量,对古村落的生态造成了严重破坏。如婺源秋口镇李坑村,在旅游旺季每天接待游客五六千人,甚至上万人,这严重破坏了古村落及其生态环境!我们不敢想象,如此过度的开发,若干年后,曾经的“小桥、流水、人家”是否依旧。此外,当古村落成为“景区”后,热情好客、淳朴善良的乡风民俗受到市场经济和现代文明的冲击,在许多古村落,家家户户都开起了餐馆、旅馆和小卖部,景区商业味太重。 (三)非物质文化遗产没有受到足够重视与保护 当前古村落新农村建设中,非物质文化遗产的保护开发没有引起足够重视,古村落中很少有人知道本乡本土的历史,很少有人能说出传统的礼仪、风俗,更没有人去关心和继承带有地方特色的民俗风情、民俗活动、传统工艺、地方戏曲等。同时,古村落的旅游开发也仅仅停留在古村落建筑、乡村自然风光开发上,而对于古村落的民俗文化、传统技艺的开发较少,没有对非物质文化遗产进行系统整理、挖掘和展示。 三、古村落系统化保护的对策 当前古村落面临着严重的危机,如再不进行抢救性保护,这一珍贵的历史遗存将逐渐消亡。因此,在古村落的新农村建设中我们必须本着对历史负责、对子孙后代负责的精神,站在全局高度,科学、合理、有效地保护这些不可再生的具有丰富内涵的文化遗产。而古村落保护是一个系统性、综合性的工程,牵涉面极广,笔者通过深入婺源古村落进行实地调查,同时结合国内古村落保护的经验教训,试提出古村落系统化保护机制,希望对古村落保护有所裨益。

336 评论


摘要:成都周边古镇星罗棋布。近年来,这些古镇纷纷走旅游开发的道路,较大的开发强度和不适宜的开发方式对古镇产生了很大影响。本文通过对其中一些古镇的亲身体验,对成都周边古镇旅游文化的问题进行了一个总结。 关键词:古镇旅游;成都周边 1成都周边古镇旅游资源 成都境内地形复杂多样,山地、平原、丘陵等地貌层出不穷,气候温和;4000多年的历史,身为古蜀文化的中心;加上发达的商业,便利的区域交通,使成都的周边产生了一个个古村落聚落,演变成现在的古镇。现代人生活在水泥森林里,人与人之间日渐冷漠,总会不由自主的对祖先的生活模式充满着向往,因此古镇旅游在现在越来越流行,成都人及外地人对古镇的喜爱从古镇的开发力度上也可见一斑。 成都周边古镇星罗棋布,媒体、网络、娱乐总有“成都最美的十大古镇”、“成都最好吃好玩的几大古镇”之说,据不完全统计,成都周边开发古镇有黄龙溪、怀远古镇、上里古镇、安仁古镇、元通古镇、悦来古镇、街子场、平乐古镇、西来古镇、洛带古镇、火井镇、白鹿古镇、唐场镇、泰安镇等十余个;未开发古镇更有罗泉古镇、柏合古镇等等。这些古镇物质遗存和精神内涵各有不同。 2代表古镇吸引力分析 自然景观通常,古镇的自然景观都由乡村田园景观、山水景观、古树木景观三种要素组成。乡村田园景观是古镇赖以生存的生态基质,也使构成古镇的视觉背景。而水景观则是一些古镇的核心区,如黄龙溪的同名水景;街子古镇的味江河水系,平乐古镇白沫江“一江分三水”的特色水景观,都以一条宽宽的水系作为重要景观,沿河流设置游憩滩涂,游船活动等。另外古镇悠久的历史,留下了很多古榕树、古柏树,充满灵气让人惊叹。 人文遗产古镇人文遗产主要有街巷、古代建筑以及、民居建筑群等。古街一般呈鱼骨型的基本形态,一条主街两侧接着几条小街,传统民居沿着街道次第排列,尺度亲切,空间连续,偶尔出现的重要历史遗迹成为街道的核心节点。 文化古镇文化底蕴丰富,一般有历史文化、特色文化、生活文化等,如位于龙泉驿的洛带古镇,就是客家文化与中原文化的结合地,同时生活在此的'原住民也有着与都市不同的生活方式,从而孕育了一种慢节奏、和谐闲适的生活文化。 3古镇旅游现状问题 原真性与原住民的问题 古镇原住民数量正在消减之中。在现代开发方式下,部分古街屋主将房屋店铺转让给外地人开店,收取租金以获得商业利益。更有许多年轻人搬出古镇,古镇居民结构老龄化越来越明显,随着留守居民年龄越来越大,而后代多在外定居,最终会导致原住民流失。现代旅游业喧闹的环境对部分原住民民的生活带来困扰。据调查,原住民生活质量并不是很高,也催生他们离开古镇的想法。原住民文化是古镇文化的重要组成部分,随着他们的流走,古镇的文化内涵也将受到损害,古镇将会丧失生命力。 古镇开发方式的问题 现在成都周边古镇的开发主要都是以旅游为导向。通常将历史街区看作旅游资源,而把保护当作获得经济利益的手段。然而从长远来看,保护的目的是为了获得历史文化遗产的延续,就需要保护对象的原有价值,而不是满足眼前的经济利益。为了使历史文化资源适应现代生活的生存环境,实现经济社会下的可持续发展、要妥善处理保护与开发的关系,科学确定开发方式和开发强度,正如国家文物局局长单霁翔在第三届“中国历史文化名街”评选中指出的,历史街区要“保护”而不要“打造”。 缺乏特色的问题 成都周边古镇数目多,而地域特色的差别性不是很大,在旅游开发过程中,古镇之间或互相模仿或模仿成功案例,殊不知模仿其形而不能获其神,模仿表象而丧失了内涵。不仅未能取得想要的效果,还是得在游乐项目、纪念品、文化内容各方面产生了雷同的现象。甚至有人表示,这些古镇上售卖的商品在成都火车北站的荷花池批发市场都能买到。古镇一日游也出现了上午逛街、下午喝茶、晚上放河灯的俗套旅游流程,这都是没有深刻挖掘古镇文化内涵带来的弊病。 急功近利的问题 旅游开发的压力较大,导致很多古镇的保护功利性严重。政府看重短期成效,开发商谋取经济利益,原住民也受到短期利益的驱使。对建筑采取速成的维护办法,对环境采取快速的打造方式,对古镇保护其实是非常不利的,同时商业的入侵也改变了古镇的原汁原味,古镇的保护应该循序渐进,分阶段分地段进行。 盲目模仿的问题 在保护改造过程中,有的设计曲解了历史环境,不顾地域风格的运用建筑形式,形成一批“假古董”,这对古镇的历史文化风貌是一种破坏,也使建设中的一种浪费。 非物质文化保护体制不完善的问题 现在的开发模式只重视古镇的物质依存,对物质空间环境进行打造,而忽略了古镇非物质文化的传承。由于缺乏对非物质文化的完善的保护策略,如一些民俗文化、民间工艺没有人传承,最终丧失。 参考文献: [1]朱大刚,付业勤.成都城市旅游竞争力研究. [2]成都市旅游局.成都市旅游业发展第十一个五年规划[EB/OL]. [3]白理刚.成都周边古镇特色及古镇开发中的问题初探,2007. 作者简介:周彦吕(1988-),女,浙江舟山人,四川大学本科生,城市规划专业。

230 评论


2 the ancient village eco-tourism development ecological tourismThe ancient village eco-tourism is proposed based on the ecological concept of a kind of ancient village tourism activities to the ancient village as a background, based on the ancient village landscape to attract and environmentally responsible travel and sightseeing. Mainly based on the protection of the environment to make the local ecological and sustainable development of population to the purpose. Ecological tourism is the implementation of sustainable tourism of ancient villages effective means and ways. At present, the ecological tourism because its advocates of human life and production and social harmonious coexistence, and realize the sustainable development of the region and quite popular with the idea. With the continuous development of ecological tourism, it has no longer restricted in some natural areas, including some social culture unique regional, mainly is some people need to protect cultural fragile belt. Ecological tourism development mode and conventional tourism development mode in the development idea is essential villages ecological tourism development modeThe leisure sightseeing ammeters development modeLeisure sightseeing models are mainly in the ancient name, appreciation, pastoral scenery, cultural atmosphere so as to cultivate one's morality raises a gender, relax. While tourists also can participate in the ancient village, where the farming activities taste delicacies, painting, embroidery, etc. The ancient village tourism development mode of leisure sightseeing should build the atmosphere and mysterious ancient village. The ancient village tourism resources of ancient architecture characteristics: cultural atmosphere, Style homes. Halcyon natural, Historic ancient village landscape construction of heritage conservation and ecological museumDevelopment modeDue to the impact of the industrial revolution and the progress of the society, the traditional Chinese way of life was gradually abandoned, sparked with traditional way of life and the ancient crafts and attachment, which makes the ancient village tourism developed rapidly. However, due to the ancient village landscape of scarcity and its historical value makes people have to strengthen the protection of ancient village ancient village landscape heritage protection from spatial structure to divide it into four areas: (1) the CBD (protection) -- it is MinGanOu without interference or only by the minimum interference. (2) buffer (decentralized recreation areas) -- in the peripheral area is certain human disturbance, the natural ecological system. (3) dense recreation areas - at the periphery of the buffer, and residents settlement is closely related to the intensity of land utilization, control of tourist service facilities, the main landscape clusters, provide excellent natural environment. (4) in community service - the periphery is dense leisure tourism infrastructure and facilities are concentrated area, is tourists and business managers, the strict life area in accordance with the relevant requirement garbage and solid waste ancient village landscape protection mainly embodied in two aspects:(1) natural geographical environment protection - mainly in the ancient villages, the ancient town of landscape character, the ancient town is landscape, body and (2) the ancient village humanism ecological environment protection, the protection of ancient mainly embodies in the wind, of primitive simplicity of folklore, the ancient militaryoutpostsbuilt culture breath, etc, to protect the ancient village of whole humanities ecosystem is the true ancient village tourism exploitation of the core. In order to strengthen the ancient village landscape heritage protection and promote the development of local tourism better in ancient villages, the construction of ecological museum will have great significance. Definition: the ecological museum through science and education and culture, management, research and open community heritage, including natural environment and cultural heritage. Therefore, ecological museum is a kind of public participation in the planning and development. Born state museum of local language, the application of real life, daily gain of tangible environment to change. To protect the ecological museum in the same time, using what protect natural ecology and humanism ecological tourist attractions, as appropriate, to the eco-tourism development in tourism benefiting local residents in the protection and development, establish a balance between, better resolve cultural heritage protection and tourist development, enhance the contradiction between ethnic identity of consciousness, promote cultural heritage of the self. Ecological museum tourism culture belongs to belong to experience tourism, cultural ancient villages in the room, the establishment of ecological museum center and display pictures and put materials, introduces the ecological features of commodity and custom museum of ancient villages to reflect the unique culture. Also on the ecological community participation, pay attention to the museum of material and non-material heritage protection.

208 评论


Eco-tourism Ancient Village Eco-tourism is based on the ecological concept of an ancient village proposed tourism activities, with ancient villages in the background to the ancient village landscape in order to attract objects, and environmentally responsible travel and tourism behavior. Primarily through the protection of the environment to make local sustainable development of ecological and demographic purposes. Eco-tourism is to implement an effective sustainable tourism ancient village ways and means. At present, eco-tourism because of its advocacy of human production and life and social harmony to achieve the regional vision for sustainable development in popular favor. With the continuous development of eco-tourism, it is no longer confined to a number of natural areas, but also includes some unique socio-cultural regions, mainly because some need people to make efforts to protect the culture of fragile zone. Eco-tourism development model with the conventional model of tourism development concept in the development of a fundamental difference. The ancient village of eco-tourism development model Leisure and tourism development model Leisure and tourism development model mainly to appreciate the ancient Ming Ju, ancient architecture, rural scenery, feel the ancient culture so as to achieve self-cultivation and relax for the purpose. The same time, tourists can also participate in the ancient village of farming activities, taste the local cuisine, painting, embroidery and other activities. Ancient village tourism recreation and tourism development model should try to create an ancient village in the ancient and mysterious atmosphere. The characteristics of ancient village tourism resources: old buildings and cultural atmosphere; poetry throughout their homes; quiet nature; QishanxiushuiThe ancient village of eco-tourism development model Leisure and tourism development model Leisure and tourism development model mainly to appreciate the ancient Ming Ju, ancient architecture, rural scenery, feel the ancient culture so as to achieve self-cultivation and relax for the purpose. The same time, tourists can also participate in the ancient village of farming activities, taste the local cuisine, painting, embroidery and other activities. Ancient village tourism recreation and tourism development model should try to create an ancient village in the ancient and mysterious atmosphere. The characteristics of ancient village tourism resources: old buildings and cultural atmosphere; poetry throughout their homes; quiet nature; QishanxiushuiAncient Village Landscape Heritage Protection and Eco-museum building Development model Due to the impact of the industrial revolution and social progress, China has been gradually abandoned the traditional way of life, aroused the people's unique traditional way of life and ancient crafts of the attention and attachment, which makes the ancient village tourism have developed rapidly. However, due to the scarcity of ancient villages in the landscape and its historical value makes it had to strengthen the protection of the landscape of ancient villages. Protection of the heritage of ancient village landscape architecture from space, it is divided into four regions on the protection of: (1) core areas (sensitive areas) - it is not subject to interference or subject only to minimal interference. (2) buffer (dispersed recreation areas) - at the periphery of the core area, are subject to certain human interference in natural ecosystems. (3) intensive recreation areas - are in the periphery of the buffer zone, and residents are closely linked settlements, land-use intensity greater control of certain tourist services and facilities, the main landscape resort, provide an excellent natural environment. (4) to serve the community - located on the periphery of intensive recreation area is the tourism infrastructure and service facilities are concentrated region, is the tourists and managers living region, which in strict accordance with the relevant standards required to deal with garbage and solid waste The landscape of ancient villages, the protection is mainly reflected in two aspe1) The physical geography ecology and environmental protection - mainly manifested in the ancient villages, ancient towns on the mountain style landscape features, landscape is the body and blood of ancient cities and towns; (2) Ancient Villages in human ecology and environmental protection - mainly reflected in the protection of ancient buildings of the original style original, ancient folk customs, rhyme lingering cultural atmosphere, protecting the ancient villages of the whole eco-system of human authenticity is an ancient village in the heart of tourism development and utilization. In order to enhance the landscape of ancient villages, heritage conservation and promotion of local tourism and better development, the building of eco-museum in the old village will be of great significance. Eco-museum of the definition: through science, education and cultural practices, management, research and open community heritage, including the natural environment and cultural heritage. Therefore, the Eco-museum is a kind of public participation in planning and development means. Eco-museum, the application of local language, daily real-life, specific to the physical environment to obtain the desired changes. Eco-museum focusing on the protection of the same time, the use of protected natural ecology and human ecology as a tourist attraction, a modest eco-tourism development, so that local residents benefit from tourism, in the protection and development to establish a balance between the more better resolve the nation's cultural heritage protection and tourism development, the contradiction between increased awareness of ethnic identity and enhance a culture of self-transmission capabilities. Eco-museum tour of a cultural experience of a cultural nature of tourism, eco-museum in the old village center set up a display room, display promotional materials and display pictures, kind, and the introduction of the Eco-museum, the characteristics of goods and customs, to reflect the unique culture of the ancient village. Eco-museum at the same time focus on community involvement, attention to intangible heritage and intangible heritage protection.

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