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学术堂整理了十五个好写的英语专业毕业论文题目供大家进行参考:1. 英语中的性别歧视(Sex Discrimination in English Language )2. 电影《乱世佳人》长期受到青睐的原因(Gone with the Wind – Why This Movie Has the Lasting Popularity)3. 广告英语特点分析(An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisement)4. 美国青少年教育问题浅析(An Attempting Study of the Problems of American Adolescents)5. 简爱自我价值的实现(The Realization of Jane Eyre’s Self-Worth )6. 自由贸易与保护主义(Free Trade Versus Protectionism)7. 如何在课堂上调动学生的积极性(How to Promote Motivation in the Classroom)8. 在英语教学中运用“交际法”提高学生的交际能力(Using CLT in English Teaching to Improve Students’ Communicative Competence)9. 文化差异对跨文化交际的影响(The Influence of Cultural Difference Upon Cross-cultural Communication)10. 论基督教对中世纪早期西欧文化的影响(On Christianity’s Influence Upon European Culture in the Early-stage Middle Ages )11. 《哈克贝利费恩历险记》是一部种族主义小说吗?(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn-a Racist Novel?)12. 第二语言学习中的文化学习(Culture Learning in Second Language Learning)13. 试论哈姆雷特的两个主题(On the Two Themes of Hamlet)14. 谚语中的文化差异(Cultural Differences in Proverbs)15. 浅谈电视暴力和儿童的关系(TV Violence and Children)

174 评论






Gender Inequality in Employment of College Graduates Though people's concept of gender has changed a lot, gender inequality in some cases still exists.


I will mainly express my opinions on gender inequality in employment of college graduates in this passage. It is generally acknowledged that college graduates are confronted with heavy pressure of seeking jobs in China. However it is more difficult for female graduates to seek a good job because of the social discrimination.


There is no denying that female job-seekers are treated unequally when they apply for most of the jobs such as computer programmers, drivers, factory workers and so on. There are numerous reasons accounting for this phenomenon.


Above all, compared with male graduates, female graduates are concerned to have inevitable physical weaknesses. In addition, women have to give birth to babies one day they get married, consequently they need a maternity leave for several months which certainly makes less profit for the company.


As far as I am concerned, women can do as good as men even better than men, therefore women shouldn't be treated unequally.


The government can take measures to improve this situation, in the meanwhile, the society and companies should also give equalopportunities to female graduates and male graduates. If this discrimination can be eliminated, our society will be bound to be better.


92 评论



Gender Inequality in Employment of College Graduates Though people's concept of gender has changed a lot, gender inequality in some cases still exists.


I will mainly express my opinions on gender inequality in employment of college graduates in this passage. It is generally acknowledged that college graduates are confronted with heavy pressure of seeking jobs in China. However it is more difficult for female graduates to seek a good job because of the social discrimination.


There is no denying that female job-seekers are treated unequally when they apply for most of the jobs such as computer programmers, drivers, factory workers and so on. There are numerous reasons accounting for this phenomenon.


Above all, compared with male graduates, female graduates are concerned to have inevitable physical weaknesses. In addition, women have to give birth to babies one day they get married, consequently they need a maternity leave for several months which certainly makes less profit for the company.


As far as I am concerned, women can do as good as men even better than men, therefore women shouldn't be treated unequally.


The government can take measures to improve this situation, in the meanwhile, the society and companies should also give equalopportunities to female graduates and male graduates. If this discrimination can be eliminated, our society will be bound to be better.


275 评论


论文题目是每个学校都有规定的。比如说:文学方面的,商务方面的~~你不要太着急,还是要看看你们学院的要求~按照要求下手,事半功倍哦~o(∩_∩)o... 题目推荐:“中美文化差异对商务谈判的影响”这个题目很普遍,比较好找资料。而且写的时候也比较容易。如果这个题目可以的话,回头我可以给你些资料。 呵呵。完整的一套abstract还有论文呢。是我自己写的。以前毕业论文的时候没有用上

214 评论


longGender Inequality is a long-standing historical and global problem .In ancient times,many countries in the world exist such Concept ,but the practice of Feminist movement have never over the world to advocate equality between men and women ,and in fact the situation is become better and better ,but many people still Hold on this concept In the subconscious .Today ,we are suffering the global financial crisis,downturn,the economic downturn,make it more and more difficult for the college graduates to look for this case,it seems unlikely that girls can find a job,because many enterprises and institutions in the recruitment of Discrimination against girls with a variety of my opinion,the concept is wrong,equality between the sexes has long been written into national laws of many there are many outstanding women,take a important roles in the government and enterprises .presentAt present-day society,the ability of women don’t seem to be smaller than men,so we should change our concept of inequality between men and women completely,we should give girls much more our society will become more harmonious and beautiful!

256 评论



248 评论


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