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At present, the accounting information distortion exposed more and more. False Accounting Information has seriously affected the normal economic order and economic construction. Accounting information managers, investors and creditors to improve its management and evaluation of the financial situation, make investment decisions. the main basis for preventing business risks. Accounting information will be distorted to managers, investors and creditors incalculable damage. Therefore, the reasons for recourse lead to distortion of accounting information and how to ensure the authenticity of accounting information. how accounting information in the broadest scope possible to prevent distortion, is a very important practical significance. and has become a matter of urgency. This paper from the accounting method, the macro enterprises outside supervision mechanisms, and accounting personnel and internal factors. incompatible with the economic development of the incentive mechanism of this phenomenon is explained by the distortion of accounting information, then analyze the reasons for the foundation, raised a number of approaches and measures to resolve the accounting information distortion. In the macro, accounting regulations and strengthening law enforcement efforts, and improve internal and external supervision mechanisms, the accountant appointment. change government functions and strengthen their self-discipline, the better to create a good economic environment for enterprises; at the micro level. raise awareness of the law, strict accounting methods to strengthen financial personnel, to improve the quality of information. False Accounting Information is not short-term issues, the implementation of the above preventive measures, it will be a long process and means.

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At present, our country mainly adopts institution accounting period. Although this system on institutions can cash receipts and effective control, but with China's socialist market economy system, the improvement of public finance system of government functions, the changing environment and the social environment accountant such as changes of revenue and expenditure, the disadvantages and deficiency becoming increasingly apparent that the accounting information authenticity and effectiveness of, can better guard against and defuse financial risks, Unable to fully and accurately record and reflect the financial institutions, To accurately reflect the true and institutions provide public products and public service cost and efficiency, etc. Thus, the revenue and expenditure has not meet our institutions and social development and the need of economic development, must be based on the accounting system for business unit of reform and development. In view of this, the author collected institution accounting related data and analysis, the conclusion: institution accounting into the accrual accounting will become the development and reform of a trend. This article will introduce accounting institution accrual of feasibility analysis, Suggestions and measures, and the main economic business accounting information disclosure and discusses related : institution accounting, The accrual, Revenue and expenditure

255 评论



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