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A construction-led design process for tubular trussesDesign Studies, Volume 15, Issue 3, July 1994, Pages 248-259Walid . Tizani, Gwynne Davies, Timothy J. design and management safety regulations in practice—progress on implementationInternational Journal of Project Management, Volume 18, Issue 1, February 2000, Pages 33-40Tony Baxendale, Owain Jones and construction of a concrete floating berthEngineering Structures, Volume 18, Issue 11, November 1996, Pages 837-841P. Starr, D. A. , construction and testing of an air-cycle refrigeration system for road transportInternational Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 27, Issue 5, August 2004, Pages 503-510Stephen W. T. Spence, W. John Doran, David W. Artt , construction and performance prediction of integrated solar roof collectors using finite element analysisConstruction and Building Materials, Volume 21, Issue 5, May 2007, Pages 1069-1078Marwa M. Hassan, Yvan Beliveau

306 评论


施工组织设计毕业论文参考文献:[1]徐晋仙.建筑施工中施工组织设计的重要性[J].科技向导,2010,(26):73.[2]李润成.编制投标施工组织设计的几点建议[J].山西建筑,2012,(6):74-75.[3]李海涛.工程投标中的施工组织设计编制[J].技术市场,2011,(6):295.[4]王革新.施工组织设计的作用与编制[J].甘肃科技纵横,2007,(1):54.[5]聂迎春.浅谈施工组织设计在工程施工中的重要作用[J].科技创新指导, 2010,(2): 29.[6]林瑞.优化施工组织设计合理确定工程造价[J].水利水电工程造价,2007,(3):25.[7]宋玮.施工组织设计与工程造价[J].水利水电工程造价,2007,(2):41.[8]吴永昌.简述安全、质量、进度、投资之间的关系[J].经济师,2010,(6):233.[9]陈兵.浅谈建筑施工组织设计[J].企业研究,2011,(20):183.[10]齐新红.浅谈施工组织设计编制及其重要性[J].建工论坛,2010,(23):181.

180 评论


  • 施工组织论文的英文参考文献

    A construction-led design process for tubular trussesDesign Studies, Volume 15,

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