crosscheck与turnitin区别如下:crosscheck[英]['krɒstʃek][美]['krɒsˌtʃek]vt.(以不同的方法)核对(计算结果等),核查; 交叉检验; 多方面求证; 交叉核对; 例句1、We have learned as of late to crosscheck all angels transcribing the genetic material on a recurrent basis and change out those whom are failing to do their job in full to compensate for this problem.我们已学会在其后交叉核对循环抄录基因材料的所有天使,并更换那些未能充分尽责的天使来弥补这个问题。2、When you crosscheck a backup, RMAN verifies that the information recorded in the repository is consistent with the physical backup status.你检查备份时,RMAN验证信息库中记录的信息是否与物理备份的状态相符。3、One can also crosscheck if the planes within the field are constructed properly; or if they have been damaged in any manner.一个人也能交叉测试,是否能量场中的显化层被正确构造或它们是否被以任何方式损害。turnitin1、But many schools are turning to technological solutions like Turnitin.但许多学校正选择用技术手段来解决问题,比如“图尼丁”软件。2、At schools that haven't invested in technology like Turnitin, teachers are developing their own strategies for detecting plagiarism.对于那些没有投资购买“图尼丁”这样的技术服务的学校,教师们便自己想法儿去抓剽窃者。
亲 发表论文吗
一、比对资源丰富 其文献比对资源囊括:学术文献,期刊,博士论文,硕士论文,会议论文,报纸,年鉴,统计数据,专利,科技成果,标准,法规,古籍,工具书,引文,图片搜