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摘要:With the increasing development of social psychology and research topics are also increasingly enriched and expanded. From the early community to promote research and development to the study of social lazy; obedience from the research, development and obedience to the anti-independence of the study, from violations of the research and development to the spirit of altruism; attracted from the research and development to love The study from the human perception of the research, development attributed to the study, and so on. Shows that the social psychology of vision is increasingly broad and in-depth. In the system through the introduction of social psychology of self-concept and self-efficacy and the acquisition of self-control and to help to deepen our understanding of the social psychology of self-concept of self - Understanding and knowledge of people and events in the community, understand their own, have been understanding of "I" the true meaning of the word第2种摘要:Along with social psychology's flourishing more and more daily, the research subject day by day is also rich and the expansion. Promotes the research from the early society, develops the social idle research; From the amenable research, develops instead obeys with the independent research; From infringement research, develops benefits his spirit the research; From the attraction research, develops love research; From the interpersonal consciousness's research, develop turns over to because of research and so on. Had demonstrated social psychology's research field of vision is being day by day broad and is thorough. In no use arrives at the self-control through system's introduction social psychology's self-concept and the self-potency as well as the acquired characteristics to deepen us again to the social psychology to know that the self-concept the understanding, understood in society the human and the matter, understands themselves, already understood “me” a character true meaning 关键词;)(1)Self-concept self-efficacy self-control Learned Helplessness (2)The self-concept self-potency self-control acquired characteristics is no use 2种都行

195 评论


In this paper, Qingyuan select three high and one high school, High, three students as a total of 315 subjects using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the state of the Chinese translation - Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) to investigate the quality of high school students sleep and anxiety correlation between the status. The results showed that high school students from the anxiety of the situation of gender, grade and school type, but their degree of trait anxiety is generally higher than the level of state anxiety; three highest anxiety level of students, of which the city-ching of the anxiety level of secondary school students for the highest three secondary schools , the lowest quality of sleep; of high school students the question of the existence of sleep disorders, gender, year of the sleep quality of high school students, there was a significant difference, high-need students to fall asleep by the time the longest sleep efficiency High students minimum; anxiety sleep quality is an important influencing factors, the higher the anxiety level of high school students, the poorer sleep quality.

198 评论


Abstract: With the increasing development of social psychology and research topics are also increasingly enriched and expanded. From the early community to promote research and development to the study of social lazy; obedience from the research, development and obedience to the anti-independence of the study, from violations of the research and development to the spirit of altruism; attracted from the research and development to love The study from the human perception of the research, development attributed to the study, and so on. Shows that the social psychology of vision is increasingly broad and in-depth. In the system through the introduction of social psychology of self-concept and self-efficacy and the acquisition of self-control and to help to deepen our understanding of the social psychology of self-concept of self - Understanding and knowledge of people and events in the community, understand their own, have been understanding of "I" the true meaning of the word. Key words:) self-concept of self-efficacy of self-control Learned Helplessness随着社会心理学的日益发展,研究课题也日益丰富和扩大。从早期的社会促进研究 ,发展到社会惰化的研究;从顺从的研究,发展到反顺从和独立性的研究;从侵犯的研究,发展到利他精神的研究;从吸引的研究,发展到爱情的研究;从人际知觉的研究 ,发展到归因的研究等等。显示了社会心理学的研究视野正日益广阔和深入.在通过系统的介绍社会心理学的自我概念和自我效能以及习得性无助再到自我控制来加深我们对社会心理学自我认识自我概念的理解,了解社会中的人和事,了解自己,已经了解“我”一字的真正含义。

325 评论


With the increasing development of social psychology and research topics are also increasingly enriched and expanded. From the early community to promote research and development to the study of social lazy; obedience from the research, development and obedience to the anti-independence of the study, from violations of the research and development to the spirit of altruism; attracted from the research and development to love The study from the human perception of the research, development attributed to the study, and so on. Shows that the social psychology of vision is increasingly broad and in-depth. In the system through the introduction of social psychology of self-concept and self-efficacy and the acquisition of self-control and to help to deepen our understanding of the social psychology of self-concept of self - Understanding and knowledge of people and events in the community, understand their own, have been understanding of "I" the true meaning of the word.关 键 词:)Self-concept self-efficacy self-control Learned Helplessness

207 评论


A Dream's Worth, Lesson on Psychology of DreamsA picture is worth a thousand words. You've heard it so many times that it sounds trite. But a picture really IS worth a thousand words. And if a dream is a very special kind of picture, how much is IT worth? Maybe more? What about very simple pictures and very simple dreams? No doubt they're worth a little bit less than complex, elaborate ones. Or are they? In my psychotherapy course one day, I presented my undergraduate students with these questions. "Here's a very simple dream from a psychotherapy client I worked with years ago. I won't tell you anything about the client. I'll just tell you his dream, and then lets see what we can discover about him by exploring it...... Here's the dream:" "I was wearing a white shirt and a purple tie." The students just stare at me, expecting more to come. "No," I explain, "that's it. That's the dream. Now let's start to explore it." I then lead them through a group process of free associating to the dream (much like I describe on the Working and Playing with Dreams Page). "Just let your imagination go. Take every element of the dream and just let your mind wander on it. Whatever comes to mind. Don't censor anything, that's important. There is no right or wrong. It can be a fun, playful exercise - although the results sometimes may be serious and powerful. Freud thought that free association bypasses the defenses of rational, logical thinking and unlocks deeper links within the unconscious. It opens one up to fantasy, symbolism, and emotion - the very place from which dreams spring." Here is a list of some of the associations the students come up with. For the purpose of this article I've organized them somewhat, whereas during the actual exercise the ideas surface in a much more freewheeling stream of consciousness: PURPLE .... royalty, bruises, choking, holding one's breath, grief, a combination of blue and pink, goes well with black, The Color of Purple TIE .... formal attire, going to work, phallic symbol, tied up, being tied to something, chokes the neck, confining PURPLE TIE .... unconventional, stands out, rebellious, showing off WHITE .... clean, pure, unstained, "good," light SHIRT .... the top part, covered up, tucked in, stuffed shirt, where are the pants? WHITE SHIRT.... conventional, boring, going to work, going to church, corporate America WHITE SHIRT AND PURPLE TIE.... unusual combination, contradictory combination, very unconventional, tie really stands out DEPLETION?.... there's nobody else in the dream, it's so static, there's nothing happening, where are the feelings? After we finish this free associating, I then describe the client to the class. At the time Dan had the dream, he was 23 years old. I would describe him as a quiet, held-back person who was very confined (the tie) in how he talked, behaved, and felt towards others. Put bluntly, people found him rather boring to be with (white shirt). His emotional and interpersonal life were choked (the tie). He had almost no friends and felt little connection to his family (the tie again). Other than going to his tedious job (white shirt) as a low level technician for a computer company, essentially nothing was happening in his static, uneventful life (depletion). Dan was also very limited in understanding anything but the most surface, top-level (shirt) characteristics of his personality. Although outwardly conventional in how he dressed and acted at his job (white shirt), secretly he felt rebellious against authority (purple tie on white shirt) and generally superior (purple) to most people. He liked to think of himself as a political activist who firmly believed in the rights of abused (purple) people and felt more tied to them than anyone else. Comparing outside to inside, he was a bit of a contradiction (white shirt on purple tie). But none of these issues is what consciously drove him to therapy. What he most desperately needed to discuss and resolve was the fact that he was homosexual (purple tie). Yet he didn't know whether he wanted to come out of the closet or not (the tie). Part of him wanted to let everyone know, to even show off and parade the fact that he was gay (purple tie on white shirt), to escape the feeling that his identity was being restrained and choked (more tie). His rebellious, unconventional side liked that idea. He sometimes did indeed bravely experiment with revealing his gay identity by wearing a purple triangle, which to him symbolized being homosexual (a combination of pink and blue). But another side of him (purple tie versus white shirt) was afraid to come out. He sometimes felt dirty, tainted, sick, for being gay. That part of him wanted to be somehow cleansed and redeemed (white shirt). Part of the problem was that sex in general was a very unpleasant issue for him. When he was young he had had surgery on his genitals. He still felt insecure and "bruised" (purple) down there. He was so conflicted about sex that I sometimes wondered if he had been sexually abused as a child (purple tie?, suffocating tie?). A dream, even a simple one, is worth at least a thousand words. Freud thought that there was no limit to how much you could analyze a dream. You can always go further and further into the symbols, the links of associations, the memories that generate a dream. At some deep unconscious level, any dream fans out into the infinite horizon of emotion and thought that constitute the individual psyche... that even transcends the individual psyche and constitutes us all. 920字左右,觉得不够你还可以再在开头或者结尾加一小段。本片小论文短小精悍,包括了理论与案例分析。觉得还能用的话希望能尽快加分:)

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