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can afford it. It doesn’t need any oil, and it can’t cause the polusion. All of these are the good needs pared to the car.

In the future, bicycle will be widely used. And it will be in good demand. People will produce much more modern bicycles.

Score: 14

Bicycles are very popular in China. Almost every family in the city has o or three bicycles. During the rush hour, you can see that thousands of people -- man and woman, old and young -- ride their bicycles to work and study. That is why China is called “the kingdom of bicycles”.

注:1. 第一句总写,第二句和第三句分写,最后总写。

2. During the rush hour 分词结构开头。

3. 破折号内容为同位语,句式多变化。

Compared with cars, bicycles are superior in many ways. First, they are cheap, convenient and easy to ride. Second, riding bicycle is good for health. Third, they bring no noise nor air pollution. Though cars are faster and more fortable, they are too expensive. They consume plenty of oil and they pollute the air. Sometimes, it is difficult for a driver to park his car. Moreover they often cause traffic jams and accidents.

注:1. Compared with cars 分词结构开头。

2. be superior to/ be inferior to 优于/ 低于

3. thirst, second, third 英语语言有层次感,信号词

4. cheap 便宜,最好用inexpensive

5. be good for health 对健康有好处(万能理由)

6. Moreover 表示递进

In my opinion, the future of bicycle is very promising. Since China is a developing country and has a large population, I think, riding bicycle is appropriate to Chinese present conditions. It will be an important means of transportation for quite a long time.

注:promising 有前途的 a promising young man

Score: 11

There millions of bicycles in today’s China. Bicycles are very important means of transport in people’s daily lives. Because to ride a bicycle is very simple, to buy a bicycle will not cost so much money, to park a bicycle needs just a *** all room and to ride a bicycle does not need oil but the rider’s strength, bicycles are popular all over the world, especially in China.

注:第一句应该用there be结构

Compared with a car, a bicycle is much cheaper. It is more suitable for China as a developing country. And a bicycle has almost caused no pollution but a car has. On the contrary, a bicycle is too slow, it costs more times than a car.

I think the population of China’s bicycle will be kept for the long run. Because it will be replaced by a car, a bus and so on in some developed areas in China, and it will be made a wide use in the developing areas in China, the number of bicycles in China will be the same as today but I believe that it’s quality will be improvedI、对比观点选择题:1.有人认为……; 2.另外一些人认为……; 3.谈谈你的观点和看法。(最好写成4段)

101 评论


Decline in Morals

In modern society, the decline in morals is becoming more and more severe. For example, there have been a few cases in which a senior woman pretended to have fallen over and then blackmailed the person who tried to help her. There was also another case where a little girl was hit by a car and no passers-by gave her a hand.

To solve this problem, we need first to find out the reasons. For one, the fast pace of modern society is driving people apart from each other, thus people are losing the patience to care for others. For another, with technology developing, it’s much easier for people to know what is happening in the world today. In order to draw people’s attention, some media would lay stress on negative news and overemphasize the negative effects.

To reestablish social morals, we must work together. People should learn to care for the others, while the media should treat negative news more properly.

Killing Time Indoors

Nowadays a growing number of people, especially the 20s or 30s, tend to stay indoors for most of their spare time, especially on holidays. Some spend the majority of the time online chatting, blogging, shopping, dating or playing computer games. Some sit with their eyes glued to the television screen, day and night.

People’s opinions vary when it comes to this way of killing time. A great number of people maintain that staying indoors is cheap, comfortable, and most importantly, very safe. Others, however, frown upon staying indoors for too long. They are worried that lack of physical exercise and face-to-face communication with others will do harm to people’s body and mind.

Personally, I don’t think staying indoors for most of the day should be advocated. Instead, people in all ages, their physical conditions permitting, should be encouraged to spend more time outdoors. The brilliant sunshine, the pleasant green space, the interactions with other people, etc. are all good for people’s health, both physically and psychologically.

The Way to Success

There are many ways to success, such as hard working, passion or good preparations. From Honore De Balzac’s famous remark, “There is no such thing as a great talent without great will power”, we can see that the way to success is having a strong will.

A strong will is essential if we want to achieve our goals. Initially, every success involves several stages of setbacks and risks, and we need to summon up our will to overcome them. Moreover, there are enormous temptations in our path of the pursuit of success. Only with a strong will can we resist the temptation, and persist in chasing our goals until we reach them.

The long history of human being has also proved that only those with a strong will can achieve success at last. We are all familiar with Thomas Edison’s story that he had tried one thousand kinds of materials before he finally made his great bulb light up. Without a strong will, Edison might have been a nobody. Without a strong will, no one can succeed.

316 评论


需要,起初是因为HTTP在传输数据时使用的是明文(虽然说 POST 提交的数据时放在报体里看不到的,但是还是可以通过抓包工具窃取到)是不安全的,为了解决这一隐患网景公司推出了SSL安全套接字协议层,SSL 是基于 HTTP 之下 TCP 之上的一个协议层,基于 HTTP 标准并对 TCP 传输数据时进行加密,所以 HTTPS 是 HTTP+SSL/TCP的简称。由于 HTTPS 的推出受到了很多人的欢迎,在 SSL 更新到 时,IETF 对 进行了标准化,并添加了少数机制(但是几乎和 无差异),标准化后的 IETF 更名为 (Transport Layer Security 安全传输层协议),可以说 TLS 就是 SSL 的新版本 。希望可以帮到你

358 评论


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