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在地球的未来,可能还会发生许多的灾难。这些灾难足以毁灭我们的“母亲”——地球。为了保护地球,我们要行动起来。 Inthe future of the planet, may still occur in many disaster. These disasters todestroy our "Mother Earth" --. In order to protect the earth, we needaction.在日常生活中,我们要从身边的小事做起:看见地上有纸屑,主动弯腰捡起;看见家人、朋友乱丢垃圾,及时制止;不要胡乱采植物,踩踏草坪;不要浪费粮食、水源及其他资源,这样可以节约地球上的资源······这些看似不起眼的小事,却可以为地球母亲的保护工作,尽自己的一份力量。但回顾过去的生活,这些小事你真的做到了吗? Indaily life, we should start from the trivial side: see litter on the groundthere, take the initiative to bending over to pick up; see family, friendslittering, timely stop; don't make production plant, the lawn; don't wastefood, water and other resources, so as to save the resources of the earth, andthese seemingly small things, but can work for the protection of the earthmother, as an own strength. But looking back on the past life, these littlethings you do that?也许,你会认为,这些只是大话。但是,如果全球的人们都这样做的话,地球母亲会变成现在这样吗?比如,在黄土高原上,以前的封建社会最为繁荣的地方,现在,由于人们滥砍森林,导致水土流失,已经不适于生存了。试想,要是人们能够保护大自然,那个美丽的地方会变成这样吗?地球母亲在哭泣,是她创造了我们,现在,我们却要毁掉它! Maybeyou will think, these are just big. However, if the people around the world do,mother earth will now become like this? For example, on the Loess Plateau, theprevious feudal society the most prosperous place, now, because peopledeforestation, resulting in loss of water and soil, is not suitable forsurvival. Just think, if people to the protection of nature, that beautifulplace would become like this? The earth mother crying, she created us, now, butwe have to destroy it!同学们,地球是我们的母亲,我们的家。保护地球,从身边的小事做起,让地球母亲恢复笑脸吧! Theclassmates, the earth is our mother, our home. Protect the earth, from the sideof things, let the earth mother back to smiles!

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191 评论


The future of the earth a deep night,I go into the sweet dream,I dream of the future of the dream of the summer of 2199,ultraviolet light passes through the thousand million holes in the ozone layer,shoot to earth,if people want to go out,get a special umbrella or wear special earth's plants and animals have been extinct for tens of thousands of species,the rest are near the hospital,the patient does not stop him,than simply have the Spring Festival also cars on the highway are whining to spray the smell,the original air pollution add a companies to drill,the earth drilling a hole,the Earth billions of years of savings to dig - - - - - - I was dream wake up,I can not help thinking:why do humans broken earth?Why?I see light suddenly:does the human have not seen a systemic disease,ugly earth crying?The earth is too lovely,also too easily broken,human is the best doctor,we should save earth,save ourselves.未来的地球 一个夜深人静的夜晚,我进如了甜蜜的梦香,我梦见未来的地球.我梦见2199年的夏天,紫外线穿过千疮万孔的臭氧层,射到地球上,如果人们要出门,得到特制的伞或穿特制的衣服.地球上的动植物已经绝灭了好几万种,剩下的都临近死亡.医院里,病人不停的送来,简直比过年还热闹.公路上的汽车都呜呜地喷着臭气,把原来污染的空气再添加一分污染.石油公司为了挖石油,把地球钻了一个又一个大洞,快把地球几十亿年的积蓄挖光了.还有------ 我被梦中情景惊醒,我不由得思考:为什么人类要破地球?为什么?我恍然大悟:难道人类没有看到一个全身是病、丑陋不堪的地球在痛哭?我们这个地球太可爱了,同时又太容易破碎了,人类是最好的医生,我们应该拯救地球,拯救我们自己------

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