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东方式的罗密欧与朱丽叶,比起西方的电影,舞台剧更让我感受到浪漫和那分思念,我想大家都一样吧,至少有那么一会儿对爱情的看法变了,被净化了... 总感觉威廉像莎士比亚,和钢炼剧场版的结尾借电影导演说的几句话一样威廉也在结尾说了几句,这些都是作者的良苦用心吧. 背景,人设,音乐,镜头,情节都很棒,越往后看越期待,可看到朱丽叶胸前的花纹我心凉了一截.心想这部经典不会又落入日本动画的怪圈里了吧. 听到威廉说"我不会写那样的女孩,我的女主角是凭自己意愿活到最后的" 我又高兴起来,因为这才继承了文艺复兴时的那个原著最经典的成分--人文主义! 作者的却坚持了这一点,到最后罗密欧与朱丽叶也没放弃,一直与命运抗争! 但可惜的是没逃出怪圈.虽然结局顺理成章,但还是怪怪的. 罗密欧的死是为了什么?制造悲剧?还是一定要死? 而朱丽叶呢?从那个虽渺小无力但仍充满正义勇敢抗争的人类一下变成了拯救生命的女神?为什么要加树(神力)的情节呢?明明前面讲述的都是罗密欧与朱丽叶的羁绊,都是人的力量,为什么将这么棒的矛盾铺设一下转题了呢?(是因为感觉不够宏大精彩还是因为主角都没死,如果是这样就是作者想错了,因为人的力量已完美演绎了宏大而且并不是主角都死了了才算好!!!)这一切单用作者的剧情是无法完美解释的,如果真这么理解下去这部动画就毁在结尾了,人的气息没了,人文主义荡然无存! 真可惜,我真的非常喜欢这部动画,可那个白发守树的女孩真的出现的莫名其妙!如果一定要加她,她也应做人类的能动性的烘托者!结尾应是人的生命力通过顽强抵抗,破除了那棵树神样的存在,不要什么契约和那个恶心的死亡之吻,只要因为失去那棵树城市回归了陆地,人与自然,人与人和谐共处,罗密欧与朱丽叶可以活在一起或死在一起.(但从剧情发展的角度看,他们应该活!死太做作,太刻意,因为主要矛盾已解决) 很失望啊,结尾的制作那么精良,情节却怪怪的...

257 评论


















122 评论


1、The play begins with a street brawl between two families: the Montagues and the Capulets. The Prince of Verona, Escalus, intervenes with his men and declares that the heads of the two families will be held personally accountable for any further breach of the peace. Later Count Paris, a young nobleman talks to Lord Capulet about marrying his thirteen-year-old daughter Juliet. Capulet demurs citing the girl's tender age, and invites him to attract the attention of Juliet during a ball that the family is to hold that night. Juliet's mother tries to persuade her daughter to accept Paris' courtship during this ball; and Juliet says that although she will make an effort to love him, she will not express love that is not there. In this scene Juliet's nurse is introduced as a talkative and humorous character, who raised Juliet from the meantime, Benvolio queries his cousin Romeo, Lord Montague's son, to find out the source of his melancholy. He discovers that it stems from an unrequited love for a girl named Rosaline, Capulet's niece. Upon the insistence of Benvolio and another friend Mercutio, Romeo decides to attend the masquerade ball at the Capulet house in hopes of meeting Rosaline. Alongside his masked friends Romeo attends the ball as planned, but falls in love with Juliet (forgetting about Rosaline) and she with him. Despite the danger brought on by their feuding families, Romeo sneaks into the Capulet courtyard and overhears Juliet on her balcony vowing her love to him. He makes himself known to her, and the two declare their love for each other and agree to be married. With the help of the Franciscan Friar Lawrence, who hopes to reconcile the two families through their children's union, the two are married secretly the next 、In the present drama, we often hear the phrase "children are innocent", it can be the story is often the last, the child's fate is the most tragic. To the family interests, Romeo and Juliet with a loss, in desperation, the choice of relief. Driven by a love them to death forward, the situation urging them to abandon the family together Tian, Qiu was doomed to the fate of their repulsion, pain hidden behind the number of helpless ah. Romeo and Juliet's story is not just a drama, it must also be a portrayal of real life at that time, too much control over becoming countless helpless, this is love to bring people to unforgettable is a minor child the parents of the most taboo thing, love is the young men and women most want to have things, love is a very old looking to accompany grateful when things. It plays many roles, it can be tragic comedy director can also be planners; it can be a poison can also be a honey, no one can touch the penetration it. Once the jump into the trap of love, like arrows no longer beyond recovery to Li Xian, but stubbornly toward their own goals and flew ignore distance, straight through the air, finally landing. After landing there are two possibilities: one is intact reach the target, and the other is because for some reason, broken wings ... ...Clearly, Romeo and Juliet's love of the Arrow has been folded pieces, spoilers powerful as if the lightning can be split pine and cypress. Do not think that love can be a strong long-term, once it is detrimental to the interests of third parties, then this situation will surely be forced to break up the danger. Regardless of whether they are innocent, no matter how they resist the background of the story had been foreshadowing for their outcome. Their tragic do? Perhaps, because they could not spend the old to learn, but the roots of premature death, perhaps not, because they find a final part of his own the other wonderful end of the story, usually in comedy ended, readers read they are happy and can be seen in a few days later it will be forgotten. If a story ends in tragedy, then it must be something left in the readers mind, or regret, or pity, so that the reader repeatedly chew and thought. People are the pursuit of perfection. At the same time, people also praise the beauty of defects, it seems a contradiction, but not does not seem contradictory."Romeo and Juliet" is a tragedy, as I wrote above, it left in my mind what I said sure, and perhaps regret that bar ... ...Love more than big, but smaller than life!

262 评论


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