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好的[新手] 从正规的说法看,是为了和轨国际接轨。从实际看,我国学术尚在低潮期,需要与外国比较然后找出出路,所以在学术训练中做英文摘要是一种途径。佛教初入中国时,翻译佛经的一个词会动用几百甚至上千的高智商的人,在此基础上,才有禅宗和理学的出现,所以,对英语的消化也有一个过程。 文章八股自古皆然,历史上写诗文的大家大多是八股高手,起承转合破题承题都是在写八股过程中练出来的,关键不在他的死格式而在活思想,毛泽东论说文气势磅礴,论证严谨有力,其实他的出发点主要是孟子、庄子、韩愈,八股的活力是有的,关键在思想。 中国的工科学术落后于西方 用英语一旦发表就可以让他人检索到 ,可以与西方相应国家的相关技术有可比性,分出孰优孰劣,有利于自己论文的修改和提高。同时我国正全面进行小康社会的建设,改革开放是一个必要渠道,学术上的交流更突出其重要性。因此通过英文摘要,可以为中西方的学术交流提供了一个便利平台。从上面意义上说,要求在论文中写英语摘要就是用心良苦的一件事了

340 评论


软件翻译,仅做提示参考Talk about swindle of letter of credit and legal structure [Content summary ] Letter of credit as modern important way that international trade pay, it is international trade that develop into certain result of historical stage. It replaces commercial credit with the credit of the bank, has played the function of ensuring seller's security to collect money , avoid the settlement risk objectively. The principle of independent character (or independence ) of the letter of credit is the fundamental principle that the system of the letter of credit depends on for existence and development, separate according to this letter of credit of principle and relevant document and contract trade. But this kind of mechanism has created conditions that the beneficiary is engaged in the fraud , so in order to remedy the defect of the operating mechanism of letter of credit , make great efforts to look for the measure of preventing the letter of credit from swindling, various countries have developed the important system of preventing the letter of credit from swindling gradually - -The letter of credit swindles the exception. The analysis of the meaning that this text swindles from the letter of credit and production reason is started with, what is meant by to " swindle " the ones that swindled the exception while using on this basis, how should should getting rid of , issuing bank swindling the exception suitably carry on the discussion to the important problem of swindling the exception , swindling the relation that the exception and court prohibit Fu Ling etc., and think to the question existing in the judicial practice of our country , propose the relevant perfect suggestion. There is an enormous realistic meaning to international trade of our country in the research and exploration to this question, especially after entering the WTO, face the complicated and changeable international trade problem, our country needs to pay enough attention to the letter of credit even more, could guarantee the development that the economy of our country is healthy and fast !

313 评论


gee, if you cannot write this essay yourself, why in the world do you deserved to be a master degree holder? You are so lazy and cheat. Why don't you go back home and work in the farms.

317 评论


A View on L/C Fraud and Legal RegulationsAbstract: L/C is an important payment term in modern international trade, which is en evitable way in the development of international trade. It replaces the business credit of the traders with bank credit, which guarantees the payment to the seller and reduces the risks of settlement. The independance rule of L/C is fundamental for the existence and development of L/C. According to the rule, the L/C and the documents are seperate from the contract in the business. But this rule brings the fraud conditions for the beneficiary. In order to make up the defects of L/C operation machanism and prevent L/C fraud, an important rule - Fraud Exception of Documentary Credit is developped by many countries. This paper starts at the definition and causes of L/C fraud, discusses the key problems of the "fraud" in fraud exception cases, exclusion of fraud exception application, how to deal with fraud exception by the issuing bank and the relationship between fraud exception and legal bans, analyzes the problems in the judicature practice, and points out some related suggestions for improvement. The research to this problem is crucial in the international trade in China. Already as a member of WTO, China is confronted with complicated and variable situation in international trade, China must put enough emphasis on L/C problems to guarantee proper and fast growth of the words: L/C, L/C fraud, independance rule, fraud exception of documentary credit真诚希望楼主为我们外贸事业做贡献!

313 评论



161 评论


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