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篮球的历史History of Basketball Basketball. The world's greatest sport ever. But of course, it hasn't been around since the world began. No, somebody had to have invented it. And that somebody would be James Naismith. Born in Almonte, Ontario, Canada, this Canadian Gym Teacher and Physician would soon be the founder of basketball. It all started in December of 1891. Naismith was teaching in Springfield, Massachusetts and was asked by Luther H. Gulick, the Headmaster of the school for Christian Works to make a new sport. The main idea of the sport was mainly to be played inside when it was too cold to go outside. The new sport also had to keep athletes in their top conditions between the baseball and football season. Naismith began to work. The first game-ball was a soccer ball. The first baskets were peach baskets that Naismith cleverly thought of hanging on the wall. From there, the legacy of basketball began. Originally, there was 9 men to each team, but the objective was still the same; to pass the ball to other players on your team and put the ball in the opposing team's net, or basket back then. From there, basketball caught on like a wildfire. During 1885 highschools and colleges began to adopt the game, and by 1898, the first Pro League was founded. After the first game played, Naismith drafted 13 rules and regulations, but many more were yet to come. The hoops we know today were invented in 1906. They were steel, with a net hanging from it's rim. 篮球作为世界上最伟大的运动之一,并不是凭空而来,它一定有自己的发明者。这个发明者,就是James Naismith。James 出生于加拿大的安大略,他曾是一个体育教师。在1891年他在马塞诸塞教授体育的时候,学校的校长让他为基督教的活动想出一种运动,而这种运动一定要在室内进行,因为室外很冷。这种运动,按照校长的要求,一定要使运动员保持棒球和足球比赛时的激情。于是,他就开始思考这项运动。经过思考,他想出了一种方法:在墙上挂网子,然后把球扔向这个用网子做的篮子里。从此,篮球得以产生。本来,每个队伍有9个队员,但是规则是:把球传向自己队伍的队员,然后设法投向对方的筐子里。从此,篮球就很快传播开来。1885年,高中和大学都开始采用这种运动方式,到1898年,第一个篮球联盟成立。第一次比赛后,James设计了13个比赛规则。篮球筐子的边缘框架是在1906年设计的,材料是钢。 Dr. James Naismith is known world-wide as the inventor of basketball. He was born in 1861 in Ramsay township, near Almonte, Ontario, Canada. The concept of basketball was born from Naismith’s school days in the area where he played a simple child’s game known as duck-on-a-rock outside his one-room schoolhouse. The game involved attempting to knock a "duck" off the top of a large rock by tossing another rock at it. Naismith went on to attend McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. James 作为世界闻名的篮球发明家,出生于1861年的Ramsay小镇,位于加拿大的安大略。他发明篮球的点子是来自他小时候玩的一种游戏,叫“duck-on-a-rock”。这种游戏就是用一块石头把另一块石头打掉。James 后来转去了魁北克的Montreal大学教授课程。

288 评论


Beijing June 15, the home team in the Orlando Magic Amway Arena, Zijin Bryant led the military to 99 than 86 guards to beat the Magic at home, but also to the total score 4 to 1 out of magic in the production team of 61-year history The first 30 times in the finals to win its first championship in 15. 7 years, this is the Bryant in the absence of O'Neal after the most exciting performances. Game, Bryant vote of 10 in 23, had scored the highest 30 points and 6 rebounds, 5 assists, 2 steals, 4 blocked shots. Bryant does not care in the first half when a finger injury, but he has refused to end doctor to rest against injury, perhaps pain in the fingers than Kobe, the Magic will be more public officers and men of heart pain. This game, the Lakers scored in double 5, of Lamar Odom came off the bench to contribute 17 points, 10 rebounds,阿里扎15 points, Pau Gasol 14 points, 15 rebounds, Derek Fisher also recorded 13 points. Magic scored the first 5 were all on the double, Lewis contributed to 18 points, 10 rebounds, both team maximum, Howard 11 points, 10 rebounds, Rafer Alston, Lee and Turkoglu had 12 points off. Kobe is MVP, the final 5 games are games where the contribution Bryant points, rebounds, assists, won the "Bill - Russell trophies" taken for granted. After 13 years later, Bryant picked up the regular season MVP, Finals MVP, Olympic gold medal, championship honors, etc., to achieve the Michael - Michael Jordan-style "Grand Slam." The only regret is that the championship is not the awards show in Los Angeles, Lakers fans can only cheer at home to celebrate in front of the television. This is the "Zen Master" Phil - Jackson coach 10th career victory, which let him go beyond the "red leader" Auerbach, becoming coach in history to win NBA championship coach the most. Chinese player Sun Yue, and after following the battle to become the second to put the players championship rings.

347 评论


The main content of my speech is a team, this team is well-known . national basketball team is that the people have called the Dream Team, Dream Team first appearance in the 25th Olympic Games, of course, Dream Team with the emergence of thanks to the help of FIBA. 1989, FIBA changes to the original entry rules to allow players to participate in the first international basketball tournament. Therefore, the United States Basketball immediately from the NBA in the recruitment of a lot of good players, formed a new . national team, such as Jordan, Bird, Johnson, Drexler, Patrick Ewing, Pippen, Malone , Stockton, Robinson, Barkley, and so on. The group stage, they have defeated Angola Croatia Germany, Brazil and Spain, also in the knockout in Lithuania beat Puerto Rico, they encountered in the finals of Croatia. Eight games, the dream of an averaged points per game Kuangzhuan opponents points. This is the history of the Olympic basketball miracle. These games no shock to the basketball fans throughout the world. But the Dream Team miracle in the 28th by the end of the Athens Olympics, USA Basketball this session because of security problems have a lot of big-name players did not go to, so that the Olympic Games in the United States in the first three teams Jinhuo, however, Beijing Olympic Games, mvp Kobe Bryant, led the gradual maturity of James, Anthony, Paul, the . team once again stand on the highest podium of the Olympic Games, they proved that they are the real king, the Dream Team will wish Will bring us more exciting race.

231 评论


Everybody early morning is good, the weather is sunny, very cool, suits the is I does assumes duty for the day the report, in this long English study life, I studies now although not greatly good, but I believed, I can have the enhancement in this the past summer vacation, I nearly many only again relaxed, play the game, did not understand treasured the time, I thought at that time I was how ignorant, now, in next, I could study English diligently, believed my result office enhanced, read, read the news, went out for a walk, outside the world was very big. I want to become police, therefore I will now have like diligently, the J future, to be the society make the contribution. 大家早上好,天气晴朗,很凉爽,适合运动。今天是我做值日报告, 在这漫长的英语学习生活中,我现在学习虽然不大好,但我相信, 我在这学期会有所提高。在过去的暑假中,我几乎多只再放松,玩 游戏,并不懂得珍惜时间,我觉得当时我是多么愚昧,现在, 在今后,我会努力学英语,相信我成绩会所提高,多看书, 多看新闻,多出去走走,外面世界很大。

197 评论




The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o’clock on Friday night. Long before that, people began to arrive at the gymnasium.

By seven-thirty the seats were almost filled. The school band was there; they wore yellow and black uniforms. They started to play at about a quarter to eight. Everybody stood up, and the people sang. The game was about to start. Two teams ran out to the floor. The referee blew his whistle, and the game started. A basketball game is divided into two halves, and each half is divided into two quarters.

There is a rest period between the halves. During the first five minutes of the second half, the score was tied. From then on, the game was very exciting. First one team made a basket, then the other. The people cheered, and everybody was wondering which team was going to win.


Since I was small, I like to play basketball, because I was effected by my father, he likes to watch basketball game so much, I will watch the basketball game with him. So when I went to school, I joined the basketball team in my class, we made up of a basketball team. Last week, we had our first match.

I was asked to play in the first time, I felt so nervous, I am so afraid that I could not cooperate with my team well. When the match started, I watched the basketball and moved as the ball flied, I forgot my job, I was asked to cover the team leader. I recognized my mistake, I changed my move, at last, I covered our captain successfully, our team won the game.

I learned so much from this match, team work comes first.


There was a basketball game in our school this afternoon. It was between Class 3 and Class 6 of Grade 5. They are the best teams in our school. When the game started, both of them played actively. I could only see the ball passed quickly from one to another.

It was really a wonderful game. At last Class 6 won the first prize and Class 3 congratulated them warmly. They really embodied the sports spirit of "friendship first, competition second".


My extra-curricular life,is so rich and varied:reading,Internet,listen to music,playing basketball…… may be my favorite is playing basketball.

Winter vacation day,and several students came to school on the playground playing divided into two teams,each team starting five,with two bench.

Game started,our team of the basketball center Chenheng Sen fought over,I grabbed the basketball,immediately dribble a Hao as a result of the cover to me,I speed up the pace,like a wild horse,like the Tuojiang Zhidao Huanglong,immediately attracted a pincer attack from the siege of three leaping high,I tried to cover the Linweibuju,with the eyes of Yuguang glance around to see the small Wang Hao,then a pass behind,passed the ball a little space身处Wang Hao,after his catcher,jumped the sky and the ball went Into the basket.

Into a ball,everyone cheered,the extra cash on hand to did not expect a rival Zhuizhe,immediately issued Jiewai Qiu,when we do not prepare and prevent a fast break."Quick,quick-back!" I-back defense,then the immediately back to defense,opponents have rushed to the surprise Wang Hao from behind Tiaoqi opponent,to give him the at the late,then fast,I grabbed the basketball,like Pegasus meteor into the market this time our opponents formed a "three strikes and the" advantage,followed by a beautiful,"one or two" after a three-step layup Chenheng Sen,also caused a foul sounded on our cheers,we Xiangyong celebration,and opponents have Chuitousangqi…… ultimately,by virtue of our superb skill and team unity,cooperation,we made a score of 24:6 final victory.

For me,playing basketball can not only exercise,to temper their strong will,can understand the importance of cooperation led me to understand many principles.

Basketball of the campaign,she like an esoteric difficult the game,between the top matches,not just on the technical chess competition,but will and psychological said that often the outcome is not only the skills of higher-chao,but who will be any example:NBA first round of the playoffs last year,the League regular season champion Dallas has been ranked eighth victory over the Warriors,the Warriors success of the "black eight miracle." Is the so-called Jiaobingbibai and Mavericks in the case of two Lianshu not on the will of the defeated his opponent,swallow the failure of the fruit also come as no is the pride of their victims.

I like playing basketball,playing basketball not only because of strong physically,but also people understand life from the truth,people gains a great de








我喜欢打篮球,因为打篮球不仅强壮身体,还让人从中明白人生道理,让人收益匪浅. 。

192 评论



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