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Management problemsIntegrated project team planningManaged communications across many peopleA formal decision-making processAn integrated test plan and managed test processApplying lessons learned from earlier implementations to later implementationsUser problemsTechnical problemsERPComplexity造成的问题二Management problemsUser problemsPeople obstacles, 62%Business process issues, 16%Information technology (technical issues), 12%Technical problemsERPComplexity造成的问题三Management problemsUser problemsTechnical problemsNonrobust and incomplete ERP packagesComplex and undefined ERP-to-legacy-system interfacesMiddleware technology bugsPoor custom codePoor system performanceERP Intractable的原因[3]ReliabilityBig-bang seductionOvereager customizationCultural hurdleERP 的Hidden Costs [3]TrainingTransitionProlonged scheduleSparing the bestDelayed ROI (Return on Investment)Model-Based Architecting and Software Engineering[3]Success modelTechnological vs. comprehensiveProduct modelMonolithic vs. UnitizedProcess modelBig-bang vs. incrementalModel of Risk Factors[2]External Business ContextOrganization ContextIS ContextEnterprise System ProjectModel of Risk Factors in ES Implementation [2]FoxMeyer vs. Dow Corning之一[2]FoxMeyer vs. Dow Corning之二[2]FoxMeyer vs. Dow Corning差异[2]Organizational cultureDow Corning has an open culture- communicationsFoxMeyer less open - forced by a contract with UHC in 90 daysUse of ConsultantsFoxMeyer-AndersenDow Corning - no consultant, but ask for SAP's helpProject leadershipFoxMeyer- no steering committee nor strong PMDow Corning- VP + planning committeeModel-based analysisFoxMeyer's reaction to Environment ChangeDown Corning's ability to withstand environmental changeProject Resolution by Type [4]Type I Successful on time and within budgetAll required functions and features initially specifiedType 2 Challenged and operationalSuffered budget overruns and/or program slipsOffered fewer functions and features than originally specifiedType 3 Impaired or abandoned at some point of the life cycleIS Failure by Lyytinen and Hirschheim [4]Correspondence failureobjectiveProcess FailureBudget and time scheduleInteraction FailureUser usage, attitudes and satisfactionExpectation FailureMeet the stakeholders' requirements, expectations or values.其它高失败率的IS导入资料仓储系统(Wixom and Watson, 2002)1/2到2/3 是失败的客户关系管理系统(Payton and Zahay, 2003)50%-70%是失败的供应链管理系统(Elmuti, 2002)仅2%厂商认为自己的SCM是世界级的参考文献Krasner, H. (2000). Ensuring E-Business Success by Learning from ERP Failure, IEEE IT Pro, January/February, pp. , J. E. and Vessey, I (2002). Managing Risks in Enterprise Systems Implementations, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. , C. (2002). Intractable ERP: A Comprehensive Analysis of Failed Enterprise-Resource-Planning Projects, Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. , K. T. (2002). Critical Failure Factors in Information System Projects, International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 20, pp. 241-246.参考文献-ERPKrasner, H. (2000). Ensuring E-Business Success by Learning from ERP Failure, IEEE IT Pro, January/February, pp. , J. E. and Vessey, I (2002). Managing Risks in Enterprise Systems Implementations, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. , C. (2002). Intractable ERP: A Comprehensive Analysis of Failed Enterprise-Resource-Planning Projects, Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. , K. T. (2002). Critical Failure Factors in Information System Projects, International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 20, pp. 241-246.参考文献-OthersWixom, B. H. and Watson, H. J. (2001), An empirical investigation of the factors affecting data warehousing success, MIS Quarterly; 25(1), pp. , F. C. and Zahay, D. (2003), Understanding Why Marketing Does not Use the Corporate Data Warehouse for CRM Applications, Journal of Database Management; 10(4), pp. , D. (2002), The perceived impact of supply chain management on organizational effectiveness, Journal of Supply Chain Management; 38(3), pp. 49-57.

270 评论


[1]马士华.供应链企业之间的合作模式[J]. 电子商务世界,2003 (6):68—69.[2]徐贤浩,马士华.供应链企业之间合作对策的研究[J].武汉交通科技大学学报,2000 (8):375—378.

317 评论


我的有译文的!!!我会私下发给你,因为这是我的毕业论文,怕同学的和我重复。。。我的是到图书馆借书之后文字识别的,相信翻译的没问题。我第一次回答问题,一定要把分数给我啊!我也要加分!The Adaptability for Production Change of Team团队的生产变革适应能力Ⅰ.Get lost in the fog of change——Paint a picture of what is happeningThe manager of a team has an unique perspective . He or she has a wider view of the organization than team members have . The manager also is closer to information from higher levels in the organization . This extensive vantage point plays a critical role in changing times .一、在变革的迷雾中丧失方向——把现状勾勒出来团队的经理人拥有一个独特的视角。对于组织,他比其团队成员看得更广,也更易接团织组近来自组织更高层的信息。这个更宽广的视野在变革中扮演了很重要的角色。

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