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208 评论


本设计以AT89S51单片机为核心芯片,与型号为1602的液晶显示器构成数字电子时钟电路。AT89S51是一个低功耗,高性能CMOS 8位单片机,片内含4K Bytes ISP(In-system programmable)的可反复擦写1000次的Flash只读程序存储器,器件采用ATMEL公司的高密度、非易失性存储技术制造,兼容标准MCS-51指令系统及AT89C51引脚结构,芯片内集成了通用8位中央处理器和ISP Flash存储单元,功能强大的微型计算机的AT89S51可为许多嵌入式控制应用系统提供高性价比的解决方案.液晶显示器以其微功耗、体积小、显示内容丰富、超薄轻巧的诸多优点,在袖珍式仪表和低功耗应用系统中得到越来越广泛的应用。

234 评论



188 评论


一、 实验目的1、 熟悉数字式频率计的基本工作原理。2、 熟悉数字频率计中计数显示及控制等部分的综合设计及调试方法。二、实验原理数字频率计是测量电信号频率的仪器之一,其原理图如下所示:......被测信号经过放大整形成为脉冲信号,作为计数器的计数脉冲,计数器受控制门(闸门)的控制,闸门开启,计数器开始对输入的脉冲信号计数,若闸门开启的时间为1秒,则计数器累计的脉冲数就是被测信号的频率。在闸门关闭后,停止计数,计数器的状态写入锁存器,并通过译码器驱动数码管显示出测量值。这样,当再次测量(计数)时,数码管可以保持上一次的测得的数据。三、 实验要求1、 利用555定时器设计标准秒脉冲发生器电路。2、 译码显示电路用实验箱中的四路数码管显示电路。四、设计思路根据实验原理框图,做如下设计:信号的放大部分可以用三极管放大电路来完成,而整形部分可用施密特触发器来完成,为简单起见,可用555来做。控制门用一个与门即可实现。两个单稳态触发器完全一样,均可用555来做。计数器用74LS160来完成,免去了接十进制计数器的麻烦(若用74LS161)。锁存电路用四路锁存器74LS75来完成。其输出可直接接到数电箱上的74LS247译码电路,进而显示结果。在这次实验中,设计四位频率计,故需用四个74LS160和四个74LS75。五、 实验器件555定时器 74LS160 74LS75 74LS04 74LS00 电阻、电容若干六、设计思路这里主要说明一些参数的选择。对施密特触发器只涉及到一个外接小电容,典型值为。

242 评论


Abstract With the rapid changes in technology in modern life, time is life, that is efficient. People more and more time on value, more and require precise time, the stopwatch is the most common time to precision instruments. Stopwatch for the regular movement (basketball, football, etc.) when the test items; stopwatch is also used in a variety of areas (agriculture, scientific research in areas such as) the precise time measurement. Stopwatch is a typical digital circuit. The design of the digital stopwatch count by the module, decoding module, data control module and Clear / suspended circuit. The realization of the stopwatch counting module clock count; decoding the data display module in the control module will be under the control of the transmission of the clock counting module of dollars in digital decoder on the output; through the clock and suspended the realization of Clear reset / pause function. Then connect the module to carry out simulation, debugging download to complete the design. With the rapid development of EDA technologies, EDA works in the field of electronics and integrated circuit design an increasingly important role in this design is the use of hardware description language in the Verilog HDL language, the use of Quartus II software stopwatch on each module code The preparation, simulation, and download validation. The main content: ⒈ Verilog HDL software for use of two-color cycle lantern controller to prepare the code, wave simulation, error, and the last wave accompanied by graphics simulation. ⒉ in the hardware authentication code and download the program. Key words: stopwatch, procedures, wave to verify

331 评论


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