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楼上那个是绿色化学专业系统,不是绿色化学...Green chemistryThis article is about the concept of the environmentally friendly design of chemical products and processes. Green chemistry, also called sustainable chemistry, is a chemical philosophy encouraging the design of products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances. Whereas environmental chemistry is the chemistry of the natural environment, and of pollutant chemicals in nature, green chemistry seeks to reduce and prevent pollution at its source. In 1990 the Pollution Prevention Act was passed in the United States. This act helped create a modus operandi for dealing with pollution in an original and innovative way. It aims to avoid problems before they a chemical philosophy, green chemistry derives from organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, and even physical chemistry. However, the philosophy of green chemistry tends to focus on industrial applications. Click chemistry is often cited as a style of chemical synthesis that is consistent with the goals of green chemistry. The focus is on minimizing the hazard and maximizing the efficiency of any chemical choice. It is distinct from environmental chemistry which focuses on chemical phenomena in the 2005 Ryoji Noyori identified three key developments in green chemistry: use of supercritical carbon dioxide as green solvent, aqueous hydrogen peroxide for clean oxidations and the use of hydrogen in asymmetric synthesis.[1] Examples of applied green chemistry are supercritical water oxidation, on water reactions and dry media is also seen as a promising technique for achieving green chemistry goals. A number of important process chemicals can be synthesized in engineered organisms, such as shikimate, a Tamiflu precursor which is fermented by Roche in bacteria.

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绿色化学又称环境无害化学、环境友好化学、清洁化学。绿色化学是设计研究没有或只有尽可能少的环境负作用,并在技术上、经济上可行的化学品和化学过程。包括原料和试剂在反应中的充分利用(原子经济性),它是实现化学污染防治的基本方法和科学手段,是一门从源头上阻止污染的化学,绿色化学适用各种化学领域。是用化学的技术和方法去减少或消灭那些对人类健康、社区安全、生态环境有害的原料、催化剂、溶剂、试剂和产物、副产物等的使用和产生。它是实现污染预防的基本的和重要的科学手段,包括许多化学领域,如合成、催化、工艺、分离和分析监测等。一、绿色化学是一种理念,它说明了化学对对环境的负面作用是可以避免的。绿色化学的理想在于不再使用有毒、有害的物质,不再产生废物,不再处理废物。它是一门从源头上阻止污染的化学。这种预防化学污染的新理念和新实践正日益被人们认识、接受和重视。绿色化学的最大特点在于它是在始端就采用实现污染预防的科学手段,因而过程和终端均为零排放或零污染。它研究污染的根源--污染的本质在哪里,它不是去对终端或过程污染进行控制或进行处理。绿色化学关注在现今科技手段和条件下能降低对人类健康和环境有负面影响的各个方面和各种类型的化学过程。绿色化学主张在通过化学转换获取新物质的过程中充分利用每个原子,具有"原子经济性",因此它既能够充分利用资源,又能够实现防止污染。很明显,绿色化学要求负作用尽可能小,它是一种理念,是人们应该倾力追求的目标。要预防化学污染,最关键的问题应该是从小培养具有环境保护意识的人,学生最早系统地学习化学知识是在中等基础教育阶段,这就需要将绿色化学思想贯穿于中学化学教育的全过程中。把绿色化学融合于中学课程教材改革和课堂教学改革之中,使绿色化学成为中学化学教育的一个重要的组成部分,这是中学化学教育的崭新课题。要把绿色化学的理念贯穿到整个化学教育之中,首先,化学教育工作者要树立可持续发展的观念,绿色化学有利于保护人类赖以生存的环境、实现人类社会的可持续发展。其次,化学教育必须体现绿色化学的新内容,要在课程教材中体现绿色化学的理念,使绿色化学的思想和内容贯穿于从基础教育到高等教育的始终。教师在课堂教学、实验等方面,要始终贯彻绿色化学的思想;要让学生了解绿色化学,树立起绿色意识,培养学生从事绿色化学研究与开发的能力。从绿色化学的角度来看,中学化学中许多物质的制取反应、化学工艺等等都是值得讨论和重新考虑的。这给改革课堂教学、培养学生的创新精神和创新能力提供了良好的契机。绿色化学不但有重大的社会、环境和经济效益,而且说明化学的负面作用是可以避免的,显现了人的能动性。绿色化学体现了化学科学、技术与社会的相互联系和相互作用,是化学科学高度发展以及社会对化学科学发展的作用的产物,对化学本身而言是一个新阶段的到来。作为新世纪的一代,不但要有能力去发展新的、对环境更友好的化学,以防止化学污染;而且要让年轻的一代了解绿色化学、接受绿色化学、为绿色化学作出应有的贡献二、在化学实验教学中要渗透绿色化学的思想。化学实验教学不仅可以使学生观察到用语言难以表达清楚的清晰的实验现象,增强直观的感性认识,而且能培养学生观察、描述、分析问题和解决问题的能力。但实验必定会涉及到有害、有毒的物质,从某种意义上讲学校中环境污染主要来源于化学实验。因此,化学实验教学中要力求利用最少的实验药品,获得最佳的实验效果,最大限度的减少废弃物,提高学生的环境意识是非常必要的,也是切实可行的。如微型实验;封闭式一体化实验;利用实验~投影放大等多媒体手段实验教学。1、节约药品,最大限度减少污染源微型化学实验是在实验操作技术是以尽可能少的试剂来获取所需的化学信息的实验方法。它具有现象明显、效果良好、节约实验材料和时间、减少污染、安全、便于携带等优点。在微小型的仪器中,用尽可能少的试剂来进行实验(一般为常规量的十分之一至千分之一)。因为只有仪器微型化了,才能减少试剂在器皿上的附着量,同时还应尽可能减少中间产物的转移过程,以减少试剂在器皿上的附着。所以,微型化学实验不是常规实验的简单微缩,也不是对常规实验的补充,更不是与常规实验的对立,它是在绿色化学思想下用预防化学污染的新实验思想、新方法和新技术对常规实验进行改革和发展的必然结果。尽可能小剂量是微型化学实验的核心,它是没有终止的,是动态发展趋势,它使每一个化学工作者无论在何种实验条件中都在考虑:“为了保护环境,只要能达到实验目的,我能不能把实验技术、方法、仪器和设计等改革一下,使改革后的实验相对于改革前,尽可能少用一点试剂? ”“尽可能小剂量实验”是一种思维方向,为了追求新的“尽可能小剂量实验”,解放人们的思想,推动化学实验的不断改变,这是化学实验改革和发展的动力之一,是绿色化学思想在化学实验中的具体体现。在日常的化学实验教学中,怎样才能实现“尽可能小剂量实验”呢?请使用微型实验仪器。2、创新改进实验,减少环境污染在现行中学化学教材中,有些实验指明了药品浓度,有些实验没有指明了药品浓度。我对许多涉及药品浓度的实验探索和改进。既节约了药品、保证了实验效果,又减少了环境污染。1.指示剂浓度的减少,指示剂酚酞、石蕊等原浓度为%~%,经改进可减少到%~%,也可以相应减少酒精的用量。2.对苯酚性质,苯酚溶液浓度由2%降至%~ %,溴水浓度也可降低为橙红(稍浓)。3.对定性检验剂硝酸银浓度改进,配制银氨溶液,硝酸银浓度、氨水浓度可由2%降为1%。一般离子检验,硝酸银浓度%就足够了。4.浓度对化学平衡的影响,硫氰酸钾、三氯化铁溶液的浓度可由降为,不变。这些改动实验药品的浓度都增强了实验效果。降低实验药品浓度的例子还很多,作为化学实验工作者,应具有绿色化学的思想,并指导日常工作,尽可能地降低实验药品浓度,减少药品的损耗,预防环境污染。“绿色化学”是当今社会提出的一个新概念。在“绿色化学工艺”中,理想状态是反应物中原子全部转化为欲制得的产物,即原子利用率为100%(原子经济性)。原子的利用率越高,意味着生产过程中废物的排放量越少,对环境的影响也越小。“绿色化学”是指从技术、经济上设计出可行的化学反应,尽可能减少对环境的负作用。20世纪90年代初,国际上提出了“预防污染”这一新概念。绿色化学是“预防污染”的根本手段,它的目标是研究和寻找能充分利用的无毒害原材料,最大限度地节约能源,在化工生产各环节都实现净化和无污染的反应途径。绿色化学是“预防污染”的根本手段,而对污染物的处理,最根本的方法就是杜绝污染源。关于化工厂的选址,应充分考虑环境问题,要符合“省资源、节能源,省污染,减成本”的绿色化学要求。

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Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice Chemical Engineering Progress, Sep 2000 by Alexander, Gregory The concept of green chemistry has gained prominence in the last several years, as evidenced by the annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference sponsored by the American Chemical Society, and by the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award. Anastasia and Warner have written a short and useful introductory text on the subject. Their working definition of green chemistry is "... the utilization of a set of principles that reduces or eliminates the use or generation of hazardous substances in the design, manufacture, and application of chemical products." The authors clarify the definition by listing the 12 principles of green chemistry. These, paraphrased, are: (1) minimize waste generation; (2) maximize atom economy; (3) minimize the use of toxic ingredients; (4) maximize the product efficacy/toxicity ratio; (5) minimize the use of solvents and other auxiliary substances; (6) maximize the use of renewable resources; (7) minimize energy use; (8) avoid derivitization (use of blocking groups, protection/deprotection, temporary modification of physical/chemical processes) to the lowest practical limit, since such steps can require additional reagents and generate waste; (9) use catalytic, rather than stoichiometric, reagents; (10) make products that do not persist in the environment; (11) measure and control processes for the prevention of hazardous-substance production; and (12) select raw materials and intermediates so as to minimize accidents and exposure. Several of the concepts are familiar. For example, principles Nos. 3 and 4 are the tenets behind the research in formaldehyde-free and non-isocyanate cure coatings. Principle No. 10 is the one behind research in biodegradable plastics. No. 12 proposes that we design safety into the process from a chemistry standpoint, which is consistent with today's standard approach of engineering safety into a process. Others are less familiar, yet obvious upon reflection. Nevertheless, implementation of these criteria is not necessarily so straightforward. Consider, for example, principle No. 5. Industrial chemists and engineers typically focus on ease of processing, yield, process safety, and economics. Our training has prepared us to focus on these issues. We are rewarded for achieving positive outcomes against these metrics. Reducing or eliminating solvents as an a priori goal in developing a new product or process requires a major shift in mindset.

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The Green Chemistry Expert System (GCES) allows users to build a green chemical process, design a green chemical, or survey the field of green chemistry. The system is equally useful for new and existing chemicals and their synthetic processes. The GCES features are contained in five modules: The Synthetic Methodology Assessment for Reduction Techniques (SMART) module quantifies and categorizes the hazardous substances used in or generated by a chemical reaction, based on information entered by the user. Reactions can be modified in the SMART module and re-evaluated to optimize their green nature. The Green Synthetic Reactions module provides technical information on green synthetic methods. The Designing Safer Chemicals module includes guidance on how chemical substances can be modified to make them safer; it is organized by chemical class, properties, and use. The Green Solvents/Reaction Conditions module contains technical information on green alternatives to traditional solvent systems. This module also allows users to search for green substitute solvents based on physicochemical properties. The Green Chemistry References module allows the user to obtain additional information using a number of search strategies. The user may also add references to this module.

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    楼上那个是绿色化学专业系统,不是绿色化学...Green chemistryThis article is about the concept of the e

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