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1 the meaning of financial riskYe at "small and medium-sized financial risk assessment and control of research" that the financial risk is the possibility of corporate insolvency and shareholders, the proceeds of uncertainty, it is difficult because of enterprise funds, to adopt a different mode of financing brought about by from the analysis of financial risk on its meaning, characteristics and types of content; at this based on the causes of the financial risk to conduct in-depth analysis and detailed research, analysis concludes that the financial risks arising from internal factors and external aspects; in turn, establish a risk awareness, the establishment of an effective risk prevention mechanism; set up and improve the financial management system to meet the financial management of environmental change; set up the financial risk early warning mechanism, strengthen the financial crisis management; improve the scientific level of financial decision-making to prevent due to poor decisions arising from the financial risk; through internal systems to prevent the establishment of binding mechanisms to control and guard against financial risk in five areas of financial risk prevention measures as well as self-insurance, diversification of risk control, risk transfer, risk averse, risk reducing the five techniques. Only controlled enterprises to guard against and defuse financial risks, in order to ensure that enterprises in the fierce competition in the market in an invincible causes of the financial risks(A) external causes1, the national policy changes brought about by the financing risk. Generally speaking, small and medium-sized production and operation because of instability. A country's economy or monetary policy changes, there may be small and medium-sized production and management, market conditions and financing forms have a certain impact. Beginning in 2007, our country has increased the intensity of macroeconomic regulation and control, the central bank to raise the fourth time the deposit reserve ratio, in particular, are ready to implement the difference between a direct deposit system to make small and medium-sized service-oriented small and medium-sized commercial banks to tighten credit, SMEs First of all, the capital supply disruption, the risk of inviting a lot of financing, SMEs also in urgent need of funds can not be forced to stop production or the scale of downsizing. 2, bank financing channels for non-financial risks caused by fluid. Corporate sources of funds are nothing more than its own funds and external financing in two ways. In various modes of financing, the bank credit is also an important source of funds, but banks in the country's financial policies as well as their own sound system is not under the influence of such circumstances, the general enthusiasm for SME lending is not high, their loans more difficult to increase the the enterprise's financial risk.(B) internal factors one, blind expansion of investment scale. There is a considerable number of conditions are not ripe for the SMEs in the circumstances, only the experience of one-sided pursuit of companies to determine the expansion of the extension, ignore the company's content and core competitiveness, resulting in a major capital investment wasted. 2, the investment decision-making errors. For business, the correct selection of industries are the starting point for the survival and development strategy. However, some industrial enterprises in the selection process, the often overlooked "industry is a dynamic selection process" concept, should not a keen grasp of industry trends and direction of evolution. 3, improper selection of investment partners. Enterprises to make investment decisions, we must give full consideration to qualified partners, reputation, and should have to bear the corresponding risks. 4, less than honest. Lack of SME credit is a common situation. Therefore, small and medium-sized banks to provide loans or investments to small and medium-sized people had to step up investment on human resources in order to improve the quality of information collection and analysis. This respect has increased the investment bank or person lending and investment costs. On the other hand also give small and medium enterprises financing difficult. Ability to finance capital, to finance the number of funds, the financing of SMEs exist great uncertainties.

208 评论


方便发给我吗?我也在写此类论文…… 谢谢!

253 评论


我需要一篇外文文献及翻译!关于企业财务风险防范的内容!要求字数达标、有外国作者的名字和出处共两篇 ,希望对楼主有用什么是财务风险 财务风险是企业在财务管理过程中必须面对的一个现实问题,财务风险是客观存在的,企业管理者对财务风险只有采取有效措施来降低风险,而不可能完全消除风险。文章通过对企业财务风险类型分析,从中找出不同财务风险产生的具体原因,并试图探索出解决各类财务风险的有效方法。 当今世界上因财务风险而倒闭破产的公司,甚至是特大公司也不为少见,如2002年世界500强的安然就是一例。因此,忽视财务风险将给我们带来的后果是严重的。 财务风险的定义和基本类型 财务风险是指企业在各项财务活动中由于各种难以预料和无法控制的因素,使企业在一定时期、一定范围内所获取的最终财务成果与预期的经营目标发生偏差,从而形成的使企业蒙受经济损失或更大收益的可能性。企业的财务活动贯穿于生产经营的整个过程中,筹措资金、长短期投资、分配利润等都可能产生风险。 根据风险的来源可以将财务风险划分为: 1.筹资风险 筹资风险指的是由于资金供需市场、宏观经济环境的变化,企业筹集资金给财务成果带来的不确定性。筹资风险主要包括利率风险、再融资风险、财务杠杆效应、汇率风险、购买力风险等。利率风险是指由于金融市场金融资产的波动而导致筹资成本的变动;再融资风险是指由于金融市场上金融工具品种、融资方式的变动,导致企业再次融资产生不确定性,或企业本身筹资结构的不合理导致再融资产生困难;财务杠杆效应是指由于企业使用杠杆融资给利益相关者的利益带来不确定性;汇率风险是指由于汇率变动引起的企业外汇业务成果的不确定性;购买力风险是指由于币值的变动给筹资带来的影响。 2.投资风险 投资风险指企业投入一定资金后,因市场需求变化而影响最终收益与预期收益偏离的风险。企业对外投资主要有直接投资和证券投资两种形式。在我国,根据公司法的规定,股东拥有企业股权的25%以上应该视为直接投资。证券投资主要有股票投资和债券投资两种形式。股票投资是风险共担,利益共享的投资形式;债券投资与被投资企业的财务活动没有直接关系,只是定期收取固定的利息,所面临的是被投资者无力偿还债务的风险。投资风险主要包括利率风险、再投资风险、汇率风险、通货膨胀风险、金融衍生工具风险、道德风险、违约风险等。 3.经营风险 经营风险又称营业风险,是指在企业的生产经营过程中,供、产、销各个环节不确定性因素的影响所导致企业资金运动的迟滞,产生企业价值的变动。经营风险主要包括采购风险、生产风险、存货变现风险、应收账款变现风险等。采购风险是指由于原材料市场供应商的变动而产生的供应不足的可能,以及由于信用条件与付款方式的变动而导致实际付款期限与平均付款期的偏离;生产风险是指由于信息、能源、技术及人员的变动而导致生产工艺流程的变化,以及由于库存不足所导致的停工待料或销售迟滞的可能;存货变现风险是指由于产品市场变动而导致产品销售受阻的可能;应收账款变现风险是指由于赊销业务过多导致应收账款管理成本增大的可能性,以及由于赊销政策的改变导致实际回收期与预期回收的偏离等。 4.存货管理风险 企业保持一定量的存货对于其进行正常生产来说是至关重要的,但如何确定最优库存量是一个比较棘手的问题,存货太多会导致产品积压,占用企业资金,风险较高;存货太少又可能导致原料供应不及时,影响企业的正常生产,严重时可能造成对客户的违约,影响企业的信誉。 5.流动性风险 流动性风险是指企业资产不能正常和确定性地转移现金或企业债务和付现责任不能正常履行的可能性。从这个意义上来说,可以把企业的流动性风险从企业的变现力和偿付能力两方面分析与评价。......希望采纳,谢谢

302 评论



145 评论


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