From the "Unity between Man and Nature" on the traditional Beijing courtyard philosophy
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Building Types and Design A building is closely bound up with people,for it provides with the necessary space to work and live in . As classified by their use, buildings are mainly of two types: industrial buildingsand civil buildings are used by various factories or industrial production while civil buildings are those that are used by people for dwelling, employment, education and other social activities. Industrial buildings are factory buildings that are available for processing and manufacturing of various kinds, in such fields as the mining industry, the metallurgical industry, machine building, the chemical industry and the textile buildings can be classified into two types single-story ones and multi-story ones. The construction of industrial buildings is the same as that of civil buildings. However, industrial and civil buildings differ in the materials used and in the way they are used. Civil buildings are divided into two broad categories: residential buildings and public buildings. Residential buildings should suit family life. Each flat should consist of at least three necessary rooms: a living room, a kitchen and a toilet. Public buildings can beused in politics, cultural activities, administration work and other services, such as schools, office buildings, parks, hospitals, shops, stations, theatres, gymnasiums, hotels, exhibition halls, bath pools, and so on. All of them have different functions, which in turn require different design types as well. Before any of the building can begin, plans have to be drawn to show what the building will be like, the exact place in which it is to go and how everything is to be important point in building design is the layout of rooms, which should provide the greatest possible convenience in relationto the purposes for which they are a dwelling house, the layout may be considered under three categories: “day”, “night”, and “services”. Attention must be paid to the provision of easy communication between these areas. The “day “rooms generally include a dining-room, sitting-room and kitchen, but other rooms, such as a study, may be added, and there may be a hall. The living-room, which is generally the largest, often serves as a dining-room, too, or the kitchen may have a dining alcove. The “night “rooms consist of the bedrooms. The “services “comprise the kitchen, bathrooms, larder, and water-closets. The kitchen and larder connect the services with the day is also essential to consider the question of outlook from the various rooms, and those most in use should preferably face south as possible. It is, however, often very difficult to meet the optimum requirements, both on account of the surroundings and the location of the roads. In resolving these complex problems, it is also necessary to follow the local town-planning regulations which are concerned with public amenities, density of population, height of buildings, proportion of green space to dwellings, building lines, the general appearance of new properties in relation to the neighbourhood, and so on. There is little standardization in industrial buildings although such buildings still need to comply with local town-planning regulations. The modern trend is towards light, airy factory buildings. Generally of reinforced concrete or metal construction, a factory can be given a “shed” type ridge roof, incorporating windows facing north so as to give evenly distributed natural lighting without sun-glare.摘自一片建筑学论文,具体我忘了,希望可以帮到你。
From the "Unity between Man and Nature" on the traditional Beijing courtyard phi
建筑工程管理毕业论文参考题目1. XX工程项目筹资与投资管理的研究2. 混凝土项目工程造价管理的研究3. 建设工程造价控制问题与对策4. XX项目房地产市场营销