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投稿时尽量写全吧,以免技术审查不通过耽误审稿时间。 期刊名 world journal of gastroenterology 出版周期: 周刊 中科院杂志分区 胃肠肝病学分类下的 3 区期刊 近四年影响因子:2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 出版社或管理机构 杂志由 BAISHIDENG PUBLISHING GROUP INC 出版或管理。 ISSN号:1007-9327 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 WJG is an international learned journal of gastroenterology. It is published in English bimonthly and distributed worldwide, and it aims to strengthen international exchanges of modern and traditional gastroenterology, to promote the development of gastroenterology, and to make contributions to human health. WJG is the only international journal of gastroenterology published in English based in China. It mainly publishes original papers of basic research and clinical studies in gastroenterology from all of the world. Original articles with international competitiveness, articles from projects supported by scientific grants, original articles of traditional Chinese digestive medicine and herbs, of acupuncture, of ethinomedicine, and of combined traditional and modern digestive medicine are published with priority. Commentaries, literature reviews, rapid reports, clinical experience, and case reports of rare diseases are published preferentially as well.

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journal of clinical gastroenterology在美国纽约出版,由:Lippincott Williams and Wilkin出版您选择的journal of clinical gastroenterology的指数解析如下:简介:J CLIN GASTROENTEROL杂志属于医学行业,“胃肠肝病学”子行业的中等级别杂志。 投稿难度评价:影响因子还可以,但是不难投中。 审稿速度:一般,3-6周级别/热度:黑评语:冷门杂志,关注人极少。 说明:指数是根据中国科研工作者(含医学临床,基础,生物,化学等学科)对SCI杂志的认知度,熟悉程度,以及投稿的量等众多指标综合评定而成。当然,具体的,您还可以结合“投稿经验分享系统”,进行综合判断,这更是大家的实战经验,更值得分享和参考。注意,上述热门指数采用专利技术,由计算机系统自动计算,并给出建议,存在不准确的可能,仅供您投稿选择杂志时参考。

146 评论


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