If one will have been beaten hurt by a mad dog, follow these instructions: the wound with soap water for a few minutes; that apply appropriate alcohol to the wound, in order to kill the bacteriea; wound should be exposed rather than patient should immediately receive vaccine injection in a nearest hospital.我只是单纯翻译了你的要点,至于衔接应该自己可以搞。或者把数字换成" firstly,secondly...."
同意 因为城市里有人喜欢狗 加上有人没事的时候遛狗 娱乐 但是狗毕竟是动物 不知道它们的存在对于城市的环境和人的安全是有关系的很多的时候狗会养伤人 尤其是狗的身上可能存在狂犬病毒 所以这样让一部分人害怕和它们接触 还有在公共场合 狗的行为不受人的约束 随地大小便 这样就造成了狗对环境和市容的破环 以上就是我的观点了 你看了用吧
呵呵 一看你就是高中学生 咱们是深有同感啊!! 因为李华!!! 我他妈的非常狠李华 只要是英语作文就他TM有他!!!这要靠你自己了 兄弟 老师一般不怎么用心看单词 一般你只要开头写点 之后写些英文歌词凑字就可以了。。。
1 He has got a deadly rabies,which is infected by dog bites 2 I come to realize that knowledge is very important 3 It is very difficult to describe its beauty for those who haven't been to the small village of people i 4 Pay the price for the pursuit of fashion and noble people should change their lifestyle as soon as possible 5 it is difficult to work with stubborn people 6 In addition French,he also spare time to learn Japanese
2005年,分别来自泰国、英国和WHO的3位著名狂犬病专家Veera Tepsumethanon, Henry Wilde和 Francois X Me
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