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张娜*,康虞玲,刘智勤,等.自微乳化药物传递系统的应用与研究[J].中国医院药学杂志,2010 张娜*,郭圣荣.双嘧达莫嵌段共聚物胶束的制备及体外药物释放研究[J].河北大学学报自然科学版,2010 张娜,郭圣荣. 聚己酸内酯及其在医药领域的应用 [J].生物医学工程学杂志,2003 -749张娜,郭圣荣. 高分子量聚癸二酸酐的合成 [J].中国药学杂志,2005 译著《生物高分子》第一卷木质素、腐殖质和煤,15、16章,北京,化学工业出版社,2004

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王众托,吴江宁,郭崇慧.信息与知识管理,电子工业出版社,2010.王延章,郭崇慧,叶鑫.管理决策方法,清华大学出版社,2010.郭崇慧,田凤占,靳晓明等译.数据挖掘教程(世界著名计算机教材精选).清华大学出版社,2005.(M. H. Dunham. Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics. Pearson Education, Inc., 2003.)唐焕文,唐一源,郭崇慧,陈克伟.神经信息学及应用,科学出版社,2007.郭崇慧等译.非线性规划.麻省理工学院开放课件,2007.郭崇慧译.学习的网络:分类与回归.麻省理工学院开放课件,2006.参编:管理运筹学:模型与方法(新坐标管理系列精品教材).清华大学出版社,2008参编:数学模型引论(第三版)(国家级十五规划教材).高等教育出版社,2005.(参加编写约4万字内容)参编:实用最优化方法(第三版).大连理工大学出版社,2004.(参加编写约3万字内容) Zhen Zhang, Chonghui Guo. A Method for Multi-granularity Uncertain Linguistic Group Decision Making with Incomplete Weight Information. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2012, 26: Zhang, Chonghui Guo. Association Rules Evaluation by a Hybrid Multiple Criteria Decision Method. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science, 2011, 2(3): Li, Chonghui Guo, Piecewise cloud approximation for time series mining. Knowledge-Based Systems. 2011, 24(4): Guo, Fang Li. An improved algorithm for support vector clustering based on maximum entropy principle and kernel matrix. Expert Systems with Applications, 2011(7), 38: Chai, Chonghui Guo. Copula-Based Dependence Analysis of . Stock Index and Futures Time Series in Financial Crisis. International Business and Management, 2011, 3(1): , Chonghui Guo, Yunhui Zang. Cluster Number Estimation Based on Normalized Cut Criterion in Spectral Clustering. ICIC Express Letters, 2011, 5(1): Zhang, Zhenwei Shi, Chonghui source extraction based on generalized autocorrelations and non-Gaussianity. Neurocomputing, 2009, 72 (10-12): Zhang, Zhenwei Shi, Chonghui Guo, Enmin Feng. Semi-blind source extraction algorithm for fetal electrocardiogram based on generalized autocorrelations and reference signals, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2009, 223(1): 409-420Yumin Yang, Chonghui Guo, Zunquan Xia. Independent component analysis for time-dependent processes using AR source model. Neural Processing Letters, 2008, 27(3): Yang, Chonghui Guo. Gaussian moments for noisy unifying model. Neurocomputing, 2008, 71(16-18): 3656-3659Hongjuan Zhang, Zhenwei Shi, Chonghui Guo and Enmin Feng. Blind Source Extraction for Noisy Mixtures by Combining Gaussian Moments and Generalized Autocorrelations. Neural Processing Letters, 2008, 28(3): Zhang, Chonghui Guo, Zhenwei Shi, Enmin Feng. A new constrained fixed-point algorithm for ordering independent components, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2008, 220(1-2): 548-558Hongjuan Zhang, Zhenwei Shi, Chonghui Guo, Enmin Feng. A two-stage source extraction algorithm for temporally correlated signals based on ICA-R, Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics. 2008, 26(5-6): Sun, Liwei Zhang, Chonghui Guo. MI-based image registration using a new histogram estimation scheme. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2007, 37(1): Sun, Liwei Zhang, Chonghui Guo. Medical image registration by minimizing divergence measure based on Tsallis entropy. International Journal of Biomedical Sciences, 2007, 2(2), Qin, Huanwen Tang, Chonghui Guo. Channel coordination and volume discounts with price-sensitive demand. International Journal of Production Economics, 2007, 105(1): 43-53Bing Wang, Huanwen Tang, Zhilong Xiu,Chonghui Guo. Optimizing synchronizability of scal-free networks in geographical space, Chinese Physics Letters, 2006, 23(11): 3123-3126Bing Wang, Huanwen Tang, Chonghui Guo, Zhilong Xiu and Tao Zhou. Optimization of network structure to random failure. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2006, 368(2): 607-614Bing Wang, Huanwen Tang, Chonghui Guo and Zhilong Xiu. Entropy optimization of scale-free networks’ robustness to random failures. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2006, 363(2): 591-596Zhongzhi Zhang, Lili Rong and Chonghui Guo. A deterministic small-world network created by edge iterations. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2006, 363(2): 567-572Chonghui Guo, Yuchang Lu, Huanwen Tang. A Modified Evolutionary Algorithm for Global Optimization. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. 2004, 15(1), 1-6Chonghui Guo, Huanwen Tang.Asymptotic stability and balanced growth of the singular dynamic input-output system.Journal of Systems Science and Information, 2004, 2(1), Guo, Huanwen Tang.Optimization models and algorithms of inverse problem for input-output analysis.OR Transaction,2002,6(2),1-8Chonghui Guo, Huanwen Tang.Stability analysis of the dynamic input-output system.Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B,2002,17(4),473-478Chonghui Guo, Huanwen Tang. Global convergence properties of evolution strategy.Chinese J. Num. Math. & Appl.,2001,23(2),78-84Chonghui Guo, Huanwen Tang, Liwei Zhang.Global convergence for a class of conjugate gradient methods.OR Transaction,1999,3(2),46-49 李海林,郭崇慧,邱望仁.正态云模型相似度计算方法.电子学报, 2011, 39 (11): 2561-2567.郭崇慧,苏木亚.基于独立成分分析的时间序列多路归一化割谱聚类方法.系统工程理论与实践,2011,31(10): 1921- 1931.郭崇慧,张艳昌.基于率失真理论的模糊聚类模型与算法.情报学报, 2011, 30(8): 812-818.郭崇慧,庞军.一种求解单一簇的模糊双聚类算法.系统工程学报, 2011, 26(6): 857-866.柴尚蕾,郭崇慧,张震.国际股指波动性的非对称效应异方差模型及聚类分析.系统管理学报,2011,20(2):137-142.柴尚蕾,郭崇慧,苏木亚.基于ICA模型的国际股指期货及股票市场对我国股市波动溢出研究.中国管理科学,2011,19(3):11-18.郭崇慧,张震.基于组合评价方法的关联规则兴趣度评价.情报学报,2011, 30(4), 353-360郭崇慧,李芳.基于核矩阵的改进支持向量聚类算法.情报学报,2010, 29(3), 422-427郭崇慧,张娜.基于共邻矩阵的复杂网络社区结构分析方法.系统工程理论与与实践,2010, 30 (6), 1077-1084郭崇慧,谷超,江贺.求解旅行商问题的一种改进粒子群算法.运筹与管理,2010, 19(5):20-26.国涓,郭崇慧,凌煜.中国工业部门能源反弹效应研究.数量经济技术经济研究,2010, 27(11): 114-126国涓,凌煜,郭崇慧.中国工业部门能源消费反弹效应的估算——基于技术进步视角的实证研究.资源科学,2010, 32(10):1839-1845.国涓,项吉宁,郭崇慧.空间影响与环境库兹涅茨曲线:基于空间经济计量方法的实证分析.数理统计与管理,2009, 28(4), 678-684郭崇慧,张亮.基于PCA的复杂网络社区结构分析方法.运筹与管理,2008, 17(6), 144-149郭崇慧,贾宏峰,张娜.基于ICA的时间序列聚类方法及其在股票数据分析中的应用.运筹与管理,2008, 17(5), 120-124郭崇慧,覃华勤.一种改进的禁忌搜索算法及其在选址问题中的应用.运筹与管理,2008, 17(1), 18-23覃毅延,郭崇慧. 在弹性需求和物品易变质条件下数量折扣定价模型. 管理学报, 2007, 4(2), 163-168郭崇慧,岳晓辉.一种改进的禁忌搜索算法及其在连续全局优化中的应用.运筹与管理,2007, 16(4), 6-11鲁明羽, 沈抖, 郭崇慧, 陆玉昌. 面向网页分类的网页摘要方法. 电子学报, 2006, 34(8): 1475-1480覃毅延,唐焕文,郭崇慧. 需求随价格变化的具有折扣的易变质物品的库存模型.运筹与管理,2006,15(4): 22-26.李刚,郭崇慧, 林鸿飞, 杨志豪,唐焕文.基于词典法和机器学习法相结合的蛋白质名识别,计算机与应用化学, 2006, 23(6): 395-398.郭崇慧,孙建涛,陆玉昌.广义支持向量机优化问题的极大熵方法,系统工程理论与实践,2005,25(6),25-32郭崇慧,陆玉昌.预测型数据挖掘中的优化方法,工程数学学报,2005,22(1),25-29.岳晓辉,唐焕文,郭崇慧.一种禁忌搜索算法在二维HP非格模型中的应用,计算机与应用化学,2005,22(12): 1101-1105.郭崇慧,唐焕文.动态投入产出模型的解及灵敏度分析.大连理工大学学报,2004,44(1),151-153.孙建涛,郭崇慧,陆玉昌,石纯一.多项式核支持向量机文本分类器泛化性能研究.计算机研究与发展,2004,41(8),1321-1326郭崇慧,唐焕文.修订直接消耗系数的熵优化模型与算法.系统工程学报,2003,18(5),431-437.郭崇慧,唐焕文.干线公路网等级结构优化模型与算法.运筹学学报,2002,6(4),69-74郭崇慧,唐焕文.一种改进的进化规划算法及其收敛性.高校计算数学学报,2002,24(1),51-56郭崇慧,唐焕文.演化策略的全局收敛性.计算数学,2001,23(1),105-110 (MR:1824949)郭崇慧,唐焕文.宏观经济智能预测模型体系研究.运筹与管理,2001,10(4),1-8郭崇慧,唐焕文.论宏观经济智能预测系统中的综合集成技术应用.中国软科学,2001,12,111-114唐焕文,郭崇慧,张立卫.一种混合的HS—FR共轭梯度算法.大连理工大学学报,1999,39(2),132-136李宏,唐焕文,郭崇慧.一类进化策略的收敛性分析.运筹学学报,1999,3(4),79-83 Hailin Li, Chonghui Guo, Libin Yang. A Method of Similarity Measure and Visualization for Long Time Series Using Binary Patterns. PAKDD Workshops, 2011: Guo, Yanchang Zhang. Time Series Similarity Measure Based on the Function of Degree of Disagreement. KSEM 2011: Guo, Hailin Li, Donghua Pan. An improved piecewise aggregate approximation based on statistical features for time series mining. KSEM2010, LNAI 6291, pp. 234-244, Chai, Chonghui co-integrating relationship between stock index and futures prices. Proceedings - 2009 International Conference on New Trends in Information and Service Science, NISS 2009, pp. 1389-1392, , Chonghui Guo. A note on spectral clustering method based on normalized cut criterion. Proceedings of the 2009 Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition, CCPR 2009, and the 1st CJK Joint Workshop on Pattern Recognition, CJKPR, pp. 799-803, Zhang, Chonghui Guo, Zhenwei Shi, Enmin Feng. Nonlinear Innovation to Noisy Blind Source Separation Based on Gaussian Moments. ICIC2008, LNAI 5227, pp. 709-716, guo, Hong Li. Multilevel Thresholding Method for Image Segmentation Based on an Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm, AI 2007, LNAI 4830, pp. 654–658, 2007Yumin Yang, Chonghui Guo, Zunquan Xia. An EM Algorithm for Independent Component Analysis Using an AR-GGD Source Model, AI 2007, LNAI 4830, pp. 816–820, 2007Shaoyan Sun, Chonghui Guo. Medical image registration by maximizing a hybrid normalized mutual information. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Pages 964-967, IEEE Press, 2007Shaoyan Sun, Chonghui Guo. Image registration by minimizing Tsallis divergence measure. The 4th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'07), Pages 712-715, IEEE Guo, Ping Zhu, Huanwen Tang, Mingyu Lu. An Improved Simulated Annealing Algorithm and its Application to Protein Structure Prediction. 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