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1995年底世界卫生组织(WHO)将每年3月24日作为世界防治结核病日(World Tuberculosis Day),

Ende 1995 nahm die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (die) März 24 als Welttag der Tuberkulose an,


In 1882 veröffentlichte der deutsche Mikrobiologe Robert Koho seine Entdeckung des Tuberkulose-Erregers einer Gruppe von Ärzten in Berlin.


Um die Öffentlichkeit daran zu erinnern, das Verständnis für Tuberkulose zu vertiefen.


Die Entdeckung der Tuberkulose durch Koch stellte eine wichtige wissenschaftliche Grundlage für die Erforschung und Bekämpfung der Tuberkulose dar.


Es bringt Hoffnung auf eine mögliche Beseitigung der der Verfügbarkeit wirksamer TB-Medikamente in den 50er Jahren,


Aber die meisten Menschen auf der Welt haben keinen Zugang zu wirksamen Behandlungsdiensten.


Seit der Entdeckung der Tuberkulose in 1882 wurden mindestens 200 Millionen Menschen durch Tuberkulose getötet.

309 评论


我们利用病例对照研究设计,以评估潜在的预测,在结核病痰检阴性患者。 我们采样所有例涂片阳性培养阳性的肺结核病从纪录。 3个对照组患者,每项研究的病人进行抽样调查以随机抽样方式,从病人正在医院留医,因涉嫌结核病在同一周内,并产生了负面影响抹片及培养结果。 大约五势控制患者存在每项研究的病人。 涂片阳性培养阳性的肺结核病

187 评论


我们曾经情形控制设计评估TB 的潜在的预报因子在抹上消极患者。 我们抽样了所有连贯患者与抹上正面文化正面TB 从纪录。 三名控制患者每研究患者随机被抽样了从被录取医院为TB 怀疑在同样星期期间和有消极污迹和文化结果的患者。 大约五名潜在的控制患者为各名研究患者存在了。 抹上正面文化正面TB 涂阴培阳肺结核 控制 对照

329 评论












353 评论


问题一:有一个肺结核的英文怎么说 There is a pulmonary tuberculosis. 有一个肺结核。 问题二:预防结核病英语怎么说 2010年主题:遏制结核,健康和谐 2011年主题:遏制结核,共享健康 2012年主题:你我共同参与,消除结核危害 问题三:介绍肺结核的英语短文怎么开头? 开头 My family has # is my ... 我的家里有#个人.包括我的... 结尾 This is my family,and I am very glad of their presence in my life. 这就是我的家,我很高兴有他们的陪伴. 问题四:“结核外科”用英语怎么说? tuberculosis surgery 问题五:肺结核检查英文代码怎么写 TB Test 肺结核检查 问题六:肺结核抗体英文缩写 he grows tall and strong 问题七:抗结核药的不良反应及处理英文怎样翻译 The adverse reaction and treatment o恭 anti-tuberculosis drugs. 一楼是机译的,意思错误 问题八:结核病实验室简介英文翻译 结核病实验室简介 Introduction to Tuberculosis Laboratory 问题九:关于肺结核英文答辩论文ppt 我能够帮你做 问题十:某某是联合国结核病和艾滋病亲善大使这个,用英语怎么说。 Somebody is the United Nations ambassador for tuberculosis and HIV 来自百度翻译 话说你会百度提问 不会直接百度搜答案吗

245 评论


World Tuberculosis Day" World TB Day," The Origin and Meaning: March 24, 1882 is a world-renowned German scientists Branch liked reading in Berlin found that TB day. Tuberculosis was rampant in Europe and the Americas are popular because of Branch-like discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, for future research and control of tuberculosis has provided important scientific basis for the possible elimination of TB brings hope. 50s of this century, even though effective anti-TB drugs available, but the majority of the world's people do not have effective treatment services. Therefore, from the 1882 Branch-like discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis have been at least 2 million people have lost their lives tuberculosis. Memory Branch at 1982 Hearst found the 100th anniversary of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Federation of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD) joint initiative will be March 24 as "World TB Day", to alert the public to enhance awareness of TB. World Health Organization in 1993, held in London at the 46th World Health Assembly adopted the "Declaration on the global TB emergency," and actively promote the importance of disease prevention and control. Recently, because of the global tuberculosis epidemic seriously, "World TB Day" in 1998, the United Nations first became important case of international health. "World TB Day," the main purpose is to strengthen the Government's commitment to mobilize public support for global TB control. Our country at all levels of government, the Centers for Disease Control, Tuberculosis Association of full use of the "World TB Day," the opportunity to extensively mobilize the masses, actively carry out various forms of tuberculosis dissemination and education activities, a great harvest. So that the history of mankind biggest killers - tuberculosis can receive timely diagnosis and effective treatment. 2006 " World TB Day" campaign theme: tuberculosis control perseverance. At the end of 2005 our country to achieve the World Health Organization's "three goals", it should continue to strengthen TB control and attention to ensure that TB prevention and control work of sustainable development.

167 评论


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