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糖尿病的非药物治疗【关键词】 糖尿病;,,非药物;,,治疗据WHO报道,糖尿病已成为全球第三位威胁人类的慢性非传染性疾病[1], 无论是发达国家还是发展中国家其患病率均呈逐年上升的趋势。1997年全球有糖尿病病人亿,到2000年大约有亿,2025年将剧增至亿[2]初步估计,我国现有糖尿病病人约3 000万人,其中2型糖尿病约占90%~95%,糖尿病已成为我国重要的公共卫生问题[3]。国际糖尿病联盟(IDF)提出的糖尿病综合治疗(饮食治疗、运动治疗、药物治疗、血糖监测、糖尿病教育)[4],其中非药物治疗占了4个部分。现对糖尿病的非药物治疗的研究概述如下。1 糖尿病教育 糖尿病教育的对象糖尿病患者和家属,以及有糖尿病家族史者、广大医务工作者及普通人群。 糖尿病教育的形式由于教育对象年龄、职业、文化层次不同,对糖尿病知识的接受能力、理解能力不同,因此糖尿病教育可采取多种形式如: ① 分发糖尿病知识手册及订阅有关书籍、报刊、杂志;②门诊咨询,对患者进行个别教育,随时回答患者提问;③开座谈会、病友会的形式相互探讨,交换治疗心得;④利用墙报、漫画、知识讲座等通俗易懂形式定期进行宣教。总之可以根据不同内容、不同层次开展多种形式的健康教育[5]。 糖尿病教育的内容①糖尿病基础知识,用简单易懂的语言解释与疾病有关的症状、诱因等;②让患者正确认识糖尿病及其并发症的危害并掌握其正确的治疗方法,使患者积极地配合治疗;③使用药物治疗过程中的注意事项,尤其是使用胰岛素治疗时使用方法、注射部位、剂量及药物的保存[6];④进行尿糖、血糖监测的重要性,了解低血糖、高血糖的症状及发生时相应的处理方法;⑤糖尿病病人的心理指导,使患者充分认识糖尿病不是不治之症,调整心态,树立战胜疾病的信心和决心。2 饮食治疗糖尿病发病主要是胰岛素的绝对和相对分泌不足导致血糖升高引起的代谢紊乱的疾病。降低血糖,控制血糖的水平是糖尿病治疗的最终目的,而饮食治疗则是糖尿病治疗的基础。首先,向患者说明饮食治疗的重要性,使其主动遵守饮食计划,定时定量进餐。其次,指导患者制定合理的饮食。在三餐的饮食上应按照身高、标准体重、实际体重、工作强度、血糖水平等算出总热量,进行合理的分配。如表1所示。值得说明的是总热量的摄入以达到和维持理想体重为标准[7] 。糖尿病饮食三大营养素中碳水化合物的比例不宜过低,太低可引起体内脂肪的过度代谢,可导致酮症酸中毒,对糖尿病患者要小心选择含糖食物,尤其是含有天然糖分的水果容易被吸收,应选择含糖指数较低的食物如燕麦片、甘薯、豌豆、酸乳酪、花生米和柚子等。脂肪在糖尿病饮食中不可缺少也不能过量,应多吃含多链不饱和脂肪的食物如瘦肉、鸡蛋,尽量减少动物脂肪及含饱和脂肪的食物[8]。蛋白质摄入量过高易增加基础代谢同样会引起酸中毒,肾功能不全者,每日蛋白质摄入量应酌减。糖尿病并发高血压、冠心病、心肌梗死、肾功能损害等,食盐严格控制在2 g/d左右为宜[9]。有些食物还有降糖作用,如苦荞麦、嫩南瓜、绿茶、人参蛋清汤和枸杞子等[10]。3 运动治疗 运动的作用合理的运动不仅能降低血糖、改善肥胖和胰岛素抵抗性,对代谢综合征发挥治疗和预防作用,更重要的是运动能调节机体的整体机能,提高生活质量。 运动调节糖代谢,降低血糖Boule等[11]通过14项临床试验meta分析发现,在体重不减轻的情况下,50%~60%最大摄氧量的踏车练习使2型糖尿病病人的氧化血红蛋白水平下降。由此运动持续时,肝脏和肌肉内的储存糖原分解成葡萄糖,为运动提供能量,不断消耗,血糖逐渐下降,高血糖状态得以缓解。表1 糖尿病患者饮食参照表(略) 运动降低血脂和控制肥胖Aiello等[12]实施60%最大摄氧量,3次/周、1 h/次,共6个月的运动使2型糖尿病人血脂明显下降,高密度脂蛋白-c水平上升,从而延缓糖尿病并发症的发生发展。同时,长期而适当的运动能增强脂肪细胞中酶的活性,加强脂肪的分解,促进多余脂肪消耗,促使减肥[13]。 运动增强胰岛素敏感性2型糖尿病进行高强度的有氧运动3次/周,持续2个月,其胰岛素的敏感性提高46%。利用葡萄糖钳夹技术即使不伴体重下降,葡萄糖利用率、胰岛素与其受体结合率也会增加,胰岛素抵抗改善[14]。 运动改善心肺功能运动能增加血管壁的弹性,直接改善心肺功能。Maiorana A等[15]对2型糖尿病人进行8周的50%~60%最大摄氧量耐力运动,结果发现患者每膊输出量增加,血压下降,休息时心率下降,延缓和预防血管并发症的发生。 运动提高机体适应性UKPDS“英国糖尿病前瞻性研究”资料显示,运动能使毛细血管与肌纤维比值增加而改善体力。从运动中获得心理功能的改善可增加对日常活动的信心,消除紧张应激状态,积极改变不良的生活方式,增强社会适应能力。 运动疗法的适应证与禁忌证美国运动医学会以及我国的研究人员吴毅等[16]经过大量实践,认为运动疗法的适应证可分为绝对适应证和相对适应证。见表2。此外,也有学者提出稳定期的1型糖尿病,在病情得到较好控制后也可以进行运动锻炼。运动也有危险性,特别是已有糖尿病并发症的人,则可能使冠心病加重,运动中血压升高,视网膜出血,尿蛋白增加,神经病变进展,进行性关节病加重,以及发生低血糖等,所以需严格遵守禁忌证和限制运动指征。见表3。

348 评论


For most foreigners, their first impression about China is the food,

121 评论


Diabetes is a group characterized by high blood sugar and metabolic diseases. Hyperglycemia is due to defects in insulin secretion or action of biological damage, or both cause. Longstanding diabetes high blood sugar, leading to a variety of organizations, particularly chronic damage to the eyes, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, nerves, and of disease1. genetic factorsType 1 or type 2 diabetes are significant genetic heterogeneity. Diabetes onset familial tendency, 1/4 to 1/2 patients have a family history of diabetes. Clinically, there are at least 60 or more kinds of genetic syndromes may be associated with diabetes. Type 1 diabetes has multiple DNA sites involved in the pathogenesis, which DQ polymorphism loci HLA antigen genes most closely. In type 2 diabetes has found a variety of mutations in specific genes, such as the insulin gene, insulin receptor gene, glucokinase genes, mitochondrial . envirnmental factorEating too much physical activity to reduce obesity leads to type 2 diabetes is the most important environmental factors that make individuals with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes genetic morbidity. Type 1 diabetes patients with immune system abnormalities, after some viruses such as coxsackie virus, rubella virus, parotid gland virus infection leads to autoimmune reactions, destroy the insulin β manifestations1. Polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia and weight lossThe typical "little" severe symptoms of high blood sugar, more common in type 1 diabetes. When ketosis or ketoacidosis, "a little" more obvious . Fatigue, weakness, obesityMore common in type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes often before the onset of obesity, if not timely diagnosis, weight will gradually examination1. blood sugarIt is the Sole Criterion for the diagnosis of diabetes. Obviously "a little" symptoms, as long as the abnormal blood glucose level can be diagnosed once. Asymptomatic diabetes diagnosis requires two abnormal blood glucose level. Suspects to be done to 75g glucose tolerance . UrineOften positive. Positive urine when blood glucose concentration exceeds the renal threshold for glucose (160 to 180 mg / dl). Renal glucose threshold increased blood sugar even reach a diagnosis of diabetes can be negative. Therefore, urine is not measured as diagnostic . KetonePositive urine ketone ketosis or . Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c)Is a non-enzymatic reaction of glucose and hemoglobin product of the reaction is not reversible, stable HbA1c levels reflect the average blood glucose level before taking the blood of two months. Analyzing the state of glycemic control is the most valuable . Glycated serum proteinIt is a non-enzymatic reaction with glucose serum albumin product of the combination, before taking reflect the average blood glucose level of 1 to 3 . Serum insulin and C-peptide levelsReflect reserve islet β cells. Type 2 diabetes early or obese normal or elevated serum insulin, as the disease progresses, islet function gradually decline, decreased insulin . LipidDiabetic dyslipidemia common in poorly controlled blood sugar especially. Expressed as triglycerides, total cholesterol, elevated LDL cholesterol levels. Reduce high-density lipoprotein cholesterol . Immune IndexesIslet cell antibodies (ICA), insulin autoantibodies (IAA) and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) antibodies are type 1 diabetes humoral immune abnormalities of three important indicators, which GAD antibody positive rate, long duration of 1 Great value diabetes diagnosis. In type 1 diabetes in first-degree relatives also have some positive rate, meaning there is prediction of type 1 . Urinary albumin excretion, RIA or enzyme-linked methodCan be easily detected by urinary albumin excretion, early diabetic nephropathy urinary albumin increased diagnosis usually is not difficult, fasting blood glucose greater than or equal to mmol / l, and / or two-hour postprandial blood glucose greater than or equal to mmol / l can be confirmed. After the diagnosis of diabetes to be typing: diabetesAge of onset of light, mostly <30 years, sudden onset, polydipsia and polyuria more food weight loss symptoms, high blood sugar levels, many patients with ketoacidosis as the first symptom, serum insulin and C-peptide levels low, ICA, IAA or GAD antibody positive. Oral medication alone is invalid, required insulin diabetesCommon in the elderly, a high incidence of obesity, often associated with hypertension, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis and other diseases. Insidious onset, early without any symptoms, or only mild weakness, thirst, blood sugar tolerance test were not obvious to be done to confirm the diagnosis. Serum insulin levels normal or increased early and late low.

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表2 运动疗法的适应证(略)表3 运动疗法的禁忌证和限制指征(略) 运动的实施运动疗法泛指把运动作为一种治疗手段,是人全身大肌肉群参加的周期性连续性有氧运动。病人只有根据自己的疾病情况来选择适当的运动项目、合适的运动强度,以及掌握好运动实施的时间和运动持续时间。见表4。才能获得明显而持久的收益,从而使糖尿病的控制变得易行、经济而且有效。表4 运动单位交换表(略)4 血糖监测糖尿病患者由于体内胰岛素功能的丧失或缺乏不能充分发挥作用,而血糖升高直接影响病情,造成各种急慢性并发症,故必须对糖尿病患者进行血糖监测,根据血糖结果来评估饮食、用药、运动情况以及是否需要调整。患者及家属应学会使用血糖仪监测血糖,最好保持空腹血糖< mmol/L,餐后血糖< mmol/L,并定期做尿液检查,查有无酮体,若血糖监测居高不下或尿酮体持续阳性者,应立即就医。5 评估与展望糖尿病非药物治疗是糖尿病综合治疗中不可少的重要部分。做好糖尿病非药物治疗,一方面可以减少糖尿病药物的过多使用,另一方面还可以延缓糖尿病各种并发症的产生和发展,减少糖尿病患者日益高涨的医疗费用,节约大量的社会资源,给糖尿病患者带来巨大的益处。在糖尿病饮食治疗、运动治疗、血糖监测、糖尿病教育方面还有许多值得研究和探讨的领域,也是当前糖尿病研究的热点之一。参考文献:[1] and classification of diabetes mellitus and its complications, report of a WHO consultation[J].Geneva, 1999:1.[2] 钱荣立.糖尿病的代价.1999世界糖尿病日口号[J].中国慢性病预防与控制,1999,7(6):241.[3] 胡传峰,李立明.2型糖尿病危险因素研究进展[J].中国全科医学,2002,4(4):235.[4] 宋 玲,王爱芹.健康教育在糖尿病防治中的地位和作用[J].中华临床医药杂志,2002,3(9):84.[5] 李凤英,房 健,王 丽,等.糖尿病患者护理中的饮食指导[J].中国临床康复,2002,6(9):1362.[6] 许曼音.享受健康人生-糖尿病细说与图解[M].上海:上海文献技术出版社,2002,36:118.[7] 郭晓杰,殷继东,吴翠英.饮食疗法在糖尿病治疗中的作用[M].中华实用医学,2002,4(16):61.[8] 黄 莉,蔡筱彦.糖尿病的护理[M].国外医学护理学分册,1996,15(4):150.[9] 王淑英,呼瑞英.糖尿病人的饮食控制及护理[J].护理研究,2002,16(1):32.[10] 张笃香,吕海云,刘爱柱.糖尿病病因及饮食疗法[J].时珍国医国药,2001,12(5):455.[11] Boule NG,Haddad E, Kenny GP, et al .Effects of exercise on glycemic control and body mass in type 2 diabetes mellitus:a meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials[J].JAMA,2001,286:1218.[12] Aiello LP, Wong J , Cavallerano JD, et al . Retinopathy. In: Ruderman N, Devlin JT ,Schneider S ,Kriska A ,ed .Handbook of Exercise in diabetes .2nd ed[J]. Alexandria,Va: American Diabetes Association,2002:401.[13] Ross R , Dagnone D, Jones PJ ,et al . Reduction in obesity and related conmorbid condition after diet-induced weight loss exercise-induced weight loss in men:a randomized . controlled trial[J].Ann Intem Med,2000,133:92.[14] 胡永善,冯光斌,吴毅,等.运动对糖尿病大鼠肝细胞胰岛素受体的影响[J].中国康复医学,1997,12(3):109.[15] Maiorana A, O,Driscoll G , et al . The effect of combined aerobic and resistance exercise training on vascular function in type 2 diabetes[J].J Am Coll Cardiol ,2001,38:860.[16] 吴 毅.运动对糖尿病大鼠骨骼肌细胞膜胰岛素受体及葡萄糖运载体的影响[J].中国康复医学,1998,13(27):45.

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To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night. To know the pain of too much tenderness.

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