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Abstract Objective: To ring for the treatment of mixed hemorrhoid surgery, most of the large presence of local damage, post-operative complications and other defects. Observed using different stripping tie ring mixed hemorrhoids surgical treatment efficacy, and to explore the anal sphincter function and circumferential mixed pathogenesis. Surgical techniques: the ring mixed hemorrhoids external hemorrhoids with the sub-stripping, ligation of internal hemorrhoids with injection of non-liquid Xiaozhiling area hemorrhoids ligation method. Circumferential mixed for varicose veins do not release the anal sphincter, and for circumferential mixed connective tissue type to give anal sphincter release. Results: 164 patients were cured and 158 cases, 96%, effective in 6 cases, accounting for 4% of all effective course of 12-21 days, an average of 16 days, one year after surgery follow-up, there are follow-up results of 156 cases, including two cases of occasional wet anus, itching, with no recurrence and secondary anal fissure, anal stenosis. Conclusion: The circumferential mixed Keywords circular mixed hemorrhoid ligation stripping anal sphincter injection Xiaozhiling

309 评论


[摘要]根据自己在编审医学论文英文摘要工作中的实际经验,总结和归纳在翻译医学论文摘要时应注意的问题及使用的方法、策略,重点论述医学论文英文摘要的写作格式、文章标题的表达方式、语态和时态的使用、长难句翻译等。[关键词]医学论文;英语摘要;写作;翻译为繁荣医学教育,提高医疗水平,传播医学知识,促进同国外的医学交流,推动医学科学的进步,我国目前已出版发行了数百种医学期刊。为了方便论文的检索和查阅,保持同国外医学期刊的一致性,医学论文大多要求书写中、英文摘要。笔者在医学期刊的英文编辑工作中发现,相当一部分摘要的书写不够规范,部分作者在遇到长句及疑难句子时就不知从何下手,有的将检索的外文资料生搬硬抄,同自己的原文完全不对应。笔者特撰写此文,以期对提高广大医务工作者书写英文摘要的水平、提高医学论文的质量有所帮助。1 英文摘要的写作格式医学论文摘要的格式目前主要采用结构式摘要(structured abstract),它是由加拿大Mc Master大学临床流行病学和生物统计学教授Haynes博士[1]于1990年4月首先提出的。而几乎在同年,美国《内科学纪事》(Annals of Internal Medicine'Ann Intern Med)在国际上率先应用结构式摘要[2],随之,世界各国的医学期刊都采用了结构式摘要[3]。这些结构式摘要有8段式、7段式、6段式、5段式、4段式及3段式等,内容主要包括研究目的、研究设计、研究单位、研究对象或病人、处理方法、检测方法、结果及结论共8项。而在实际应用中,8段式结构式摘要逐渐简化为4段式。我国大多数医学期刊都采用了4段式结构式摘要,即目的、方法、结果和结论。(1)目的(objective):简要说明研究的目的,表明研究的范围、内容和重要性,常常涵盖文章的标题内容。(2)方法(methods):简要说明研究课题的设计思路,使用何种材料和方法,如何对照分组,如何处理数据等。(3)结果(results):简要介绍研究的主要结果和数据,有何新发现,说明其价值及局限。此外,还要给出结果的置信值,统计学显著性检验的确切值。(4)结论(conclusion):简要对以上的研究结果进行分析或讨论,并进行总结,给出符合科学规律的结论。为了更好地说明问题,我们来看下例:(1)目的:探讨螺旋CT(SCT)对结、直肠癌术前分期的价值。(2)方法:51例疑诊结、直肠肿瘤的患者行SCT扫描,扫描前清洁肠道,并经直肠注气,扫描范围从膈顶至耻骨联合。51例中,41例经直肠镜或手术病理证实为结、直肠癌,其中31例有手术、SCT等完整资料参与分期研究,将影像诊断与手术病理结果进行对照。(3)结果:SCT总的分期准确率为(18/31),判断T分期的准确率为(27/32)'N分期的准确率为(19/31)。评价肿瘤浆膜外侵犯的敏感性和特异性分别为和。(4)结论:SCT扫描对结、直肠癌的术前分期有重要价值,有助于判断肿瘤浆膜外侵犯及区域淋巴结和远处转移情况。其对应的英文摘要为:(1)Objective:To evaluate spiral CT (SCT) in the preoperative staging of colorectal carcinomas. (2)Methods:Fifty?one patients suspicious of having colorectal carcinoma underwent spiral CT scans performed from the dome of the diaphragm to symphysis pubica after cleansing enema and rectal air insufflation. 41 of the 51 patients were proved to have colorectal carcinoma by colonoscopy and/or pathology. The findings of SCT of 31 patients treated with surgery were compared with the surgical pathological examination for staging.(3)Results:The overall accuracy rate of SCT staging was (18/31). For evaluation of T staging and N staging'the accuracy rates were (27/32) and (19/31). Sensitivity and specificity for serosal infiltration were and .(4)Conclusion:SCT scan'playing a significant role in the preoperative staging of colorectal carcinoma'is useful to detect the serosal infiltration'lymph node and distant metastasis.上述摘要中英文对应准确,叙述简练,基本上概括了全文的主要内容,便于专家和编辑的审稿和校对,也便于医务工作者以及普通读者的查阅和检索。

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2008年2月26日:《柳叶刀》上。9613;371(23):651 - 9。Epub 2008年2月14日。 相关的文章,连接 益生菌治疗急性重症胰腺炎预测:随机、双盲、安慰剂对照试验。 Besselink毫克,范Santvoort HC,Buskens E,Boermeester马、货车Goor H,Timmerman HM,Nieuwenhuijs VB组合成的TL型、货车、营运Ramshorst B,Witteman Rosman 1061 Ploeg刃具、边缘,马,Schaapherder房颤、Dejong CH,Wahab PJ,范Laarhoven CJ,安迪·Eijck Harst E,麻萨诸塞州,Akkermans廖建忠、Cuesta汞、荷兰、Gooszen激光束急性胰腺炎研究小组。 部门,大学医学中心外科手术、乌得勒支、荷兰乌。背景:感染性并发症及相关的死亡率是急性胰腺炎关注的主要问题。肠道益生菌可以防止传染病管理的并发症,但是令人信服的证据是很少的。我们的目的是评估摄服益生菌的影响患者的预防性治疗急性重症胰腺炎的预测。方法:在此multicentre随机、双盲、安慰剂对照试验,预测298例重症胰腺炎(急性生理学和慢性健康评价[鞍鞯II)得分,Imrie > = 8 >或3位,得分或c反应蛋白> 毫克/升)被随机分配在72小时出现症状获得multispecies益生菌准备(n = 153)或安慰剂(n = 145页),为28天每天两次伤。主要终末点是综合的感染性并发症——即感染肺炎菌血症、坏死、胰腺癌、urosepsis或感染腹水——在入学和90天的随访。分析了治疗意图。本研究ISRCTN38327949登记、数量。结果:每组中有一个人被排除,因为不正确的诊断分析152人;因此,胰腺炎的益生菌集团和144安慰剂对照组进行统计分析。团体一样的基线而言,病人的特点和疾病的严重性。感染性并发症发生在46(30%)患者的益生菌集团和41%的人(28%)在安慰剂组(相对危险度可信区间为 -试验),24(16%)的患者相比,益生菌组死亡9例(6%),对照组(相对危险度股票,95%可信区间为122 - )。9名患者中肠缺血(益生菌集团开发与致命的后果)8,与之相比,在安慰剂组比较差异有统计学意义(p = ).差异。 解释:在预测急性重症胰腺炎患者预防与该组合,益生菌对益生菌菌株没有降低患感染性并发症及相关的风险增加死亡率。益生菌预防不应给予这类的病人。

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[摘要] 目的 探讨“师生角色互换法”教学方式在临床医学专业《康复医学》教学中的应用效果。方法 对在校96名临床医学专业学生进行分组教学,其中实验组48名学生采用“师生角色互换法”教学方式,对照组48名学生采用传统教学方式。课后对两组学生同时进行理论考试和问卷调查。结果 实验组学生的理论考试成绩优于对照组(p<),且两组学生理论考试成绩的优良率差异有统计学意义(p<);实验组学生在学习兴趣和主动性、知识的记忆和理解、自学能力和解决问题能力方面要强于对照组(p<)。结论 “师生角色互换法”教学方式在《康复医学》教学中应用效果较好。[关键词] 角色互换;教学方法;康复医学;探析【摘要】痉挛型脑瘫是脑瘫中最常见的一种,其运动功能障碍主要表现为运动发育滞后、异常姿势、腱反射亢进、肌张力增高等。依据Bobath疗法的原理,Bobath球在治疗痉挛型脑瘫儿童的运动功能障碍方面可以起到很好的作用。【关键词】痉挛型脑瘫;运动功能;Bobath球 [abstract] objective law "and" role exchange in clinical teaching method in the teaching of rehabilitation medicine specialized application effect. Methods of clinical medicine in 96 professional students, including experimental group teaching by 48 students "and" teaching mode role exchange control, 48 students adopts the traditional teaching mode. After two groups of students and theory test and questionnaire. The result of the exam scores than theory of students in control group (p < ), and two groups of students' theory test scores are statistically significant differences between rate (p < ), Students in learning interest and initiative, knowledge and understanding of memory and self-study ability and problem solving ability than control group (p < ). Conclusion "and" teaching mode role exchange in the teaching of rehabilitation medicine application effect is good.[key] role exchange, Teaching methods, Rehabilitation, exploring[in] spasm of cerebral palsy type cerebral palsy is one of the most common, and its main function obstacle for sports development lags behind, abnormal posture, tendon hyper-reflexia, increased muscle tension, etc. According to the principle of Bobath therapy in the treatment of Bobath ball movement of cerebral palsy children borderline dysfunction can have very good effect.[key] spasm of cerebral palsy, Movement function, Bobath ball1,“师生角色互换法”教学法在《康复医学》教学中的应用探析2,Bobath球在改善痉挛型脑瘫运动功能障碍中的应用1, "the role of teacher teaching method" in the exchange of rehabilitation medicine application2, the ball in improving spasm Bobath type cp motor dysfunction application辛苦~~

346 评论


Abstract Objective: the treatment of circular mixed hemorrhoid operation, mostly local injury in operation, complications after multiple defects. Observation of using different stripping ligation operation in the treatment of circumferential mixed hemorrhoids curative effect, and discusses the function of the anal sphincter and the relationship between the onset of circumferential mixed hemorrhoids. Operation method: on circular mixed hemorrhoid by piecewise external dissection, internal hemorrhoid ligation, and hemorrhoid ligation of internal hemorrhoids ichor injection of zone method. For varicose veins not releasable circumferential mixed hemorrhoids anal sphincter, and the connective tissue type annular mixed hemorrhoids give anal sphincter loosening. Results: 164 cases were cured in 158 cases, accounting for 96%, 6 cases, accounted for 4% of all effective, treatment 1221 days, average 16 days after the operation, one year follow-up, with follow-up results of 156 cases, including 2 cases with anal wet, pruritus, with no recurrence and secondary to anal fissure, anal stenosis. Conclusion: connective tissue type annular mixed hemorrhoids patients, the anal sphincter tension, poor elasticity, operation for anal sphincter loosening, can reduce the pain after the operation, prevent local edema, and can prevent the operation after anal stenosis. Varicose vein type annular mixed hemorrhoids patients, most of the anal sphincter relaxation, operation is not releasable anal sphincter, also won't cause anal stenosis. The anal sphincter dysfunction and the ring-like mix hemorrhoids the pathogenesis remains to be : Circular Mixed Hemorrhoids ligation of anal sphincter Xiaozhiling injection

246 评论


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