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Purpose: to laevigata for root and stem the anti-inflammatory effects of comparative study, to study the root and stem rose laevigata the pharmacological effects of contrast, ensure the safe and effective medication and laevigata scientific research work, as its quality standards, regulating market. Method: acute and chronic inflammatory experiment inflamed by the : Gold cherry stem in mice have acute and chronic Pro-and anti-inflammatory effect, and there is no laevigata; anti-inflammatory effect stems from rose laevigata ethanol extract of the anti-inflammatory effect than water extracts strong anti-inflammatory : this product stem of different solvent extracts in acute inflammatory experiments on mice have toes swelling obvious inhibitory effect, swelling volume and blank-control group has significance; in chronic inflammatory experiments stem of different solvent extracts on Granuloma growth inhibitory effect, there is an obvious Granuloma weight compared with a control group and obvious ease; different solvents of the root extracts of acute inflammation experiments on mice toes without obvious inhibitory effect, and the control group, no significance; in chronic inflammatory experiment with different solvents of the root extract on agar-induced Granuloma no clear inhibitory effect, and the control group, no significance.

86 评论


研究论文中国药理学报2010年6月31期 746-752页 【数字对象唯一标识符】:吉西他滨联合顺铂治疗Ⅱ期非小细胞肺癌的临床研究范云,李能明,马胜林,罗吕红,罗芳,黄志宇,于海峰,吴凤琴摘要目的:对未接受过化疗的III期和IV期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者,静脉注射吉西他滨,d1、d5,顺铂 d1,以研究吉西他滨(dFdC)的药效学药和药代动力学。方法:一个联合治疗周期,吉西他滨1250 mg/m2,静脉输液30 min,d1、d5,每三周静脉输液一次顺铂75mg/m2,d1。两次注射间隔1hr。观察该方案的毒性反应。此外,第一次输液周期中监测不同时期的吉西他滨(dFdC)及其代谢产物(dFdU)的血药浓度。使用药代动力学软件(PKS)评价吉西他滨及其代谢产物(dFdU)药代动力学参数。结果:共有28名患者参与此项研究,平均年龄54岁(介于27~75岁之间),大多数病人的临床表现良好。27名患者接受了2个或以上的治疗周期。临床总有效率为。中位生存期13个月。估算的肿瘤进展时间(TTP)中位天数为个月,1年生存率为。毒性反应总的较轻。主要毒性为骨髓抑制;的病人出现3/4度血液学毒性,而的病人出现3/4度非血液学毒性——常见的胃肠道反应。吉西他滨及其代谢产物(dFdU)药代动力学参数在注射吉西他滨d1、d5前后无差异。在注入吉西他滨d5前,dFdU(2,2'—双氟脱氧胞嘧啶核苷)的最低浓度为± μg/mL,而吉西他滨未检测到。结论:该方案是治疗未接受过化疗的非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)晚期患者的有效方案,总体临床耐受性良好。在静脉滴入吉西他滨,d1、d5后,吉西他滨及其代谢产物(dFdU)药代动力学参数较之前无差异,而在注入吉西他滨d5前,dFdU(2,2'—双氟脱氧胞嘧啶核苷)浓度最低。

301 评论


Purpose: to laevigata for root and stem the anti-inflammatory effects of comparative study, to study the root and stem rose laevigata the pharmacological effects of contrast, ensure the safe and effective medication and laevigata scientific research work, as its quality standards, regulating market. Method: acute and chronic inflammatory experiment inflamed by the : Gold cherry stem in mice have acute and chronic Pro-and anti-inflammatory effect,

232 评论


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    药学论文参考文献 [1]周自永,王世祥.新编常用药物手册,第3版.北京:金盾出版社,2000,248-249. [2]竺新影.药理学[M].第3版.北京:人民卫

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