ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA《麻醉与止痛法》81篇、ANAESTHESIA《麻醉学》34篇、ANESTHESIOLOGY《麻醉学》33篇、BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA《英国麻醉学杂志》27篇、PAIN《疼痛》22篇、ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE《麻醉与监护》19篇、PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA《儿科麻醉术》18篇、CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA-JOURNAL CANADIEN D ANESTHESIE《加拿大麻醉杂志》18篇。1. ACTA ANAESTHESIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA 《斯堪的纳维亚麻醉学报》Monthly ISSN: 0001-5172WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC, COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN, USA, MA, 02148创刊年:1957 出版地:美国2. ANAESTHESIA 《麻醉学》Monthly ISSN: 0003-2409WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC, COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN, USA, MA, 02148创刊年:1946 出版地:美国3. ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE 《麻醉与监护》 ISSN: 0310-057X创刊年:1972 出版地:澳大利亚4. ANAESTHESIST 《麻醉师》Monthly ISSN: 0003-2417 创刊年:1952 出版地:美国5. ANASTHESIOLOGIE & INTENSIVMEDIZIN 《麻醉学与监护医学》Monthly ISSN: 0170-5334 德国麻醉学和监护医学会与德国麻醉师职业联合会主编。创刊年:1960 出版地:德国6. ANASTHESIOLOGIE INTENSIVMEDIZIN NOTFALLMEDIZIN SCHMERZTHERAPIE 《麻醉学,监护医学,急救医学,疼痛治疗》Bimonthly ISSN: 0939-2661 创刊年:1966 出版地:德国7. ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA 《麻醉与止痛法》Monthly ISSN: 0003-29998. ANESTHESIOLOGY 《麻醉学》Monthly ISSN: 0003-3022创刊年:1940 出版地:美国9. ANNALES FRANCAISES D ANESTHESIE ET DE REANIMATION 《法国麻醉与复苏纪事》Monthly ISSN: 0750-765810. BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA 《英国麻醉学杂志》 Monthly ISSN: 0007-0912创刊年:1923出版地:英国11. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA-JOURNAL CANADIEN D ANESTHESIE 《加拿大麻醉杂志》Bimonthly ISSN: 0832-610X创刊年:1954 出版地:美国12. CLINICAL JOURNAL OF PAIN 《疼痛临床杂志》Bimonthly ISSN: 0749-8047创刊年:1985 出版地:美国13. CURRENT OPINION IN ANESTHESIOLOGY 《麻醉学新见》Bimonthly ISSN: 0952-7907 创刊年:1988 出版地:美国14. DOULEUR ET ANALGESIE 《疼痛和镇痛》(注:2008年开始被SCI收录)ISSN: 1011-288X 创刊年:1988 出版地:美国15. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY 《欧洲麻醉学杂志》Monthly ISSN: 0265-021516. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PAIN 《欧洲疼痛杂志》Quarterly ISSN: 1090-3801 创刊年:1997 出版地:英国17. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRIC ANESTHESIA 《国际妇科麻醉学杂志》Quarterly ISSN: 0959-289X 创刊年:1991 出版地:英国18. JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA 《麻醉杂志》Quarterly ISSN: 0913-8668 创刊年:1987 出版地:日本19. JOURNAL OF CARDIOTHORACIC AND VASCULAR ANESTHESIA 《心胸与血管麻醉杂志》Bimonthly ISSN: 1053-0770 创刊年:1987 出版地:美国20. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ANESTHESIA 《临床麻醉术杂志》Bimonthly ISSN: 0952-8180 创刊年:1989 出版地:美国
Objective: To evaluate the analgesia effect of para vertebral nerve block (PVB) post nephrectomy. Methods: Sixty patients undergoing simple nephrectomy (age 35-65 years old, both genders, weight 45-80 kg, ASA grade I or II) were randomly divided into two groups using the table of random numbers: the control group and the PVB group, with 30 patients in each group. For both groups, patients were given intravenous infusion of ropivacaine 250 ml post operation and intravenous morphine patient-controlled analgesia. Six, 12, 24 and 48 hours post operation, blood gas analysis was conducted and VAS scores under quiet and exercising conditions were assessed. The cumulative morphine usage and cases of complications were calculated at 48 hours post : Compared with control group, PVB group had a significant higher PaO2 and lower PaCO2. There were significant differences in VAS scores under exercising condition while no difference under quiet condition between two groups. In PVB group, the cumulative morphine usage decreased, there were fewer cases of nausea, vomiting, pruritus and orthostatic hypotension, and the first flatus time post operation was shortened (P<). Conclusions PVB analgesia post nephrectomy may reduce the usage of morphine and the incidence of complications.问题:CEA的英文全称未给出,故翻译时未采用此缩写。方法中未说明PVB何时及如何实施。吗啡辅助镇痛没查到有assist的翻译,一般就直接说patient controlled analgesia,或其后加pump。
[ Abstract ]Objective: To evaluate the effect of continuous paravertebral analgesia after 60 patients who only did nephrectomy,aged between 30 and 65, and weighed from 45kg to 80kg in both ASA was I or II. The patients were also divided into two groups randomly: The control group (CEA group ) and the continuous paravertebral nerve block group (PVB group ). and each group has 30 patients. Both groups were injected with 250ml ropivacaine continuously, and adopted the intravenous morphine patient-controlled analgesia blood was tested, the VAS in still and in movement was evaluated seperatedly after 6/12/24/48 hours of teh nephrectomy, and the accumulated marphine usage and the cases of complication of the patients after 48 hours were : Compared with CEA, PVB has significant higher PaO2, has the same VAS in still state with the CEA while different VAS in movement, and the accumulated usage of marphine is , the PVB has less patients showing nausea,vomiting,pruritus and orthostatic. In addition, the patients in PVB have short interval (P<) for the first flatus. Conclusion: Compared with CEA, using PVB for analgesia after the nephrectomy can reduce marphine usage and reduce related thoracic , amides ; pain after surgery ; analgesic我觉得我今天一定是心情大好....不然怎么会这么花时间去做这个呢....要不要用,你自己看着办吧...
首先,要确定好发什么级别和研究方向的文章,然后找到相应的期刊、杂志。然后投稿过去,等到收录用通知即可。 但是,想发医学类核心期刊,确实是比较困难,原因:
不是,都是国家级期刊 1.慢性病学-期刊级别: 国家级期刊 《慢性病学杂志》以从事慢性病学研究的科研人员、临床医师和药师、制药工程技术人员、护理人员、医院管理人
医学四大期刊名单:1、新英格兰医学杂志(NEM)。2、柳叶刀( Lancet)。3、美国医学会杂志(JAMA)。4、英国医学期刊(BMJ)。作为医学界的四大期刊