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1、艾滋病对个人的危害 生理上讲,艾滋病病毒感染者一旦发展成艾滋病人,健康状况就会迅速恶化,患者身体上要承受巨大的痛苦,最后被夺去生命。 心理、社会上讲,艾滋病病毒感染者一旦知道自己感染了艾滋病病毒,心理上会产生巨大的压力。 另外,艾滋病病毒感染者容易受到社会的歧视,很难得到亲友的关心和照顾。 2、艾滋病对家庭的危害 社会上对艾滋病人及感染者的种种歧视态度会殃及其家庭,他们的家庭成员和他们一样,也要背负其沉重的心理负担。由此容易产生家庭不和,甚至导致家庭破裂。 因为多数艾滋病病人及感染者处于养家糊口的年龄,往往是家庭经济的主要来源。当他们本身不能再工作,又需要支付高额的医药费时,其家庭经济状况就会很快恶化。有艾滋病病人的家庭,其结局一般都是留下孤儿无人抚养,或留下父母无人养老送终。 3、艾滋病对社会的危害 艾滋病主要侵害那些年富力强的20-45岁的成年人,而这些成年人是社会的生产者、家庭的抚养者、国家的保卫者。艾滋病削弱了社会生产力,减缓了经济增长,人均出生期望寿命降低,民族素质下降,国力减弱。社会的歧视和不公正待遇将许多艾滋病人及感染者推向社会,造成社会的不安定因素,使犯罪率升高,社会秩序和社会稳定遭到破坏。 4、艾滋病对儿童的影响 艾滋病使千千万万的儿童沦为孤儿,使千万无辜儿童被迫承受失去亲人的痛苦,还要经常忍受人们的歧视、失学、营养不良以及过重的劳动负担。 艾滋病是我们人类共同的敌人,要消灭艾滋病需要全社会的共同努力,需要培养预防艾滋病的社会责任感,需要从"我"做起。

266 评论


忘记了是从那一天起,爱滋病这个略带西方色彩的字眼闯如了我们的生活.它惊醒了沉睡中的我们.让我们认识了爱滋,了解了爱滋,惧怕了爱滋,远离了爱滋病人. 人性就在这时体现了.普存忻这个我不太熟知,但是他是有名的爱滋病大使.也许我连他的名字都不会写,可是我从心里崇拜他,因为他有一颗剔透的心,高尚的灵魂.其实我心里也知道,爱滋病是靠性传播,血液传播,母婴传播的.可是就是人性的自私,我也保护我自己,如果有一个人他站在我面前说要和我握手,而且告诉我他是爱滋病人,恐怕我也会胆怯,我也会踌躇.可是他呢!毅然的和他们握手,吃饭,交流.也许这些在正常人与正常人之间太微不足道了.可是如果是一个正常人和一个爱滋病人之间,那么是多么的崇高的一种气节.是多么的伟大.他们做到了,可是今天的我真的做不到. 人之初,性本善.也许是自私抹杀了我的善良.也许是自己保护的意识让我收起了善良.今天我只能在这里高唱凯歌,百般称赞那些能做到和爱滋病人平等的人,对不起,今天的我依然做不到~ 艾滋病是一种有艾滋病病毒、即人类免疫缺陷病毒入侵人体后破坏人体免疫功能,使人体发生多种不可治愈的感染和肿瘤,最后导致被感染者死亡的一种严重传染病。天猫爱卫唾液收集器不用抽血在家取样,保护隐私。 全球艾滋病20年来造成2800万人死亡,目前还有4300万患者,并且每天新增病人万人。我国现有65万艾滋病感染者,去年每天新增192人。 艾滋病传染途径主要有三种:一是性接触传播;二是血液传播;三是母婴传播。 目前,艾滋病仍然是不治之症。它威胁着每个人和每个家庭,预防艾滋病是全社会的责任。 ]1、洁身自爱。遵守性道德是预防经性途径传染艾滋病的根本措施。2、使用避孕套。正确使用避孕套不仅能避孕,还能减少感染艾滋病、性病的危险。3、治疗性病。及早治疗并治愈性病可减少艾滋病的感染。正规医院能提供正规、保密的检查、诊断、治疗和服务咨询,必要时可借助当地性病、艾滋病服务热线进行咨询。4、远离毒品。避免共享针头,禁止吸毒,减少血液接触。处理伤口时,一定要注意避免皮肤、眼睛、口腔接触到别人的血液。5、防止交叉传染。避免不必要的输血、注射、使用没有严格消毒的不安全拔牙和美容等,使用经艾滋病病毒抗体检测的血液和血液制品。 只要按照预防艾滋病的方法去做就不会感染到这种病。就可以不让自己的生命白白浪费掉。

186 评论


World Aids Day According to UNAIDS(联合国艾滋病规划署)estimates there were million adults and million children living with HIV at the end of 2002, and during the year 5 million new people became infected with the virus. Around half of all people who become infected with HIV do so before they are 25 and are killed by AIDS before they are 35. 95% of the total number of people with HIV live in the developing world. But HIV still remains a threat to people of all ages and nationalities. Stigma and Discrimination is the theme of the 2003 World AIDS day. In many parts of the world, discrimination prevents people who are known to have HIV from securing a job or caring for their families. Discrimination can cause isolation and marginalizes(排斥)people who have HIV and AIDS. This can prevent people from being offered or seeking the treatment which could save their lives. In order for HIV to be effectively tackled on an international level, efforts need to be made to End the discrimination against people with HIV and AIDS. Educate people in safer sex and drug use, using appropriate media. Provide condoms freely to people in the developing world. Provide financial and medical assistance so that people with HIV and AIDS can be treated. Started in 1988, World AIDS Day is not just about raising money, but also about raising awareness, education and fighting prejudice. World AIDS Day is also important in reminding people that HIV has not gone away, and that there are many things still to be done. Themes for World Aids Day The theme for world AIDS day 2003 is Stigma and Discrimination. Each year there is a particular theme chosen for World AIDS Day, and for the last fourteen years the themes have been as follows: 2004 Women and AIDS 2003 Stigma and Discrimination 2002 Stigma and Discrimination 2001 I care. Do you? 2000 AIDS : Men make a difference 1999 Listen, Learn, Live: World AIDS Campaign with Children and Young People 1998 Force For Change: World AIDS Campaign With Young People 1997 Children Living in a World with AIDS 1996 One World, One Hope 1995 Shared Rights, Shared Responsibilities 1994 AIDS and the Family 1993 Time to Act 1992 Community Commitment 1991 Sharing the Challenge 1990 Women & AIDS 1989 Youth 1988 Communication The Red Ribbon The Red Ribbon is an international symbol of AIDS awareness that is worn by people all year round and particularly around world AIDS day to demonstrate care and concern about HIV and AIDS, and to remind others of the need for their support and commitment. The red ribbon started as a "grass roots" effort, and as a result there is no official red ribbon, and many people make their own. To make your own ribbons, get some ordinary red ribbon, about cms wide and cut it into strips about 15 cms long. Then fold at the top into an inverted "V" shape and put a safety pin through the centre which you use to attach the ribbon to your clothing.

126 评论


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