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有能力的人到哪里都不愁找不到好工作,相反欠缺工作经验的年轻人,如果没有一个正确的职业规划、良好的求职动机、成熟的求职技巧,可能到哪都会遇到不少困难和挫折,所以给你一些求职过程中的共性建议:我个人强调不管是学习专业还是寻找工作,都有一个原则,就是热门的东西未必是适合你的东西,待遇好、工作轻松、环境好的岗位未必就是最有利于你发展的岗位,大可不必人家说什么好、拿钱多就往哪里钻,适合自己的发展,能学到东西是第一位的考虑因素!等到发展到一定的程度,待遇自然会好起来的。没学历可能只是暂时没有了做白领的敲门砖,并不代表就没有前途,学好一门技术,凭本事吃饭,日子过得并不比白领差啊! 以于现在新时代的年轻人而言,找到工作其实并不难的,难的是找到自己喜欢的工作。当今的年轻人,往往大多喜欢“钱多、活少、离家近、坐坐办公室”的工作,但其实在现实中是不太可能的,所以我给出的建议是,先找一份更适合自己发展,能累积到很多实践经验的基层工作,有了这些宝贵的经验,再去寻找更理想的工作,或是在原有岗位往更高的岗位发展就不难了,那么如何找到适合自己的工作呢? 首先是要了解下自己的综合实力,再次就要密切留意下社会上的岗位需求,总结起来说,就是要回答三个问题: 1、我想做什么?----也就是自己的兴趣爱好,目前自己所了解到的所有职业中,哪些是自己非常乐意去从事的。 2、我能做什么?----这个和前一个问题不同了,喜欢的未必是自己有能力去胜任的,尤其对于没有工作经验的应届生而言,一定不能眼高手低,必须客观判断自己目前有哪些技能可以去胜任社会上的具体岗位(比如打字快,一般写作都比较拿手的的女孩子可以先从文秘类、客户服务类的岗位开始一点点发展自己……) 3、市场要什么?----这个是关键中的关键,不同的地区,不同的生活水平,所对应的岗位需求是大不一样的,了解社会招聘需求的最佳途径,就是经常翻阅当地主流权威的招聘报纸或是浏览当地比较著名的人才招聘网站,另外千万不要一直待在家里面找工作,多跑跑每周一次或每月一次的人才现场交流会,也是非常好的选择,除了能了解岗位需求之外,还有在现场与用人单位直接面对面的交流和接触,对于了解各个岗位的技能要求,提升面试、沟通等经验是非常有帮助的!总之,只要好好回答这三个问题,找出三个答案中的“交集”,前途在何方就马上心知肚明了!当然了,现实和理想还是有很大区别的,在复杂多变的职场竞争中,我个人建议大家还是重点把握好“我能做什么?”和“市场要什么?”这两个问题即可,毕竟,想要找到既是自己想做的,又是自己目前就可以胜任的,还是市场上供不应求的岗位,对于应届生或是职场经验不多的年轻人而言真的是不太现实的,我们还是要注重在基层岗位上的积累和锻炼,分步分阶段的给自己做个规划,逐步向自己理想的岗位目标去努力去靠近。 关于简历和面试相关问题,我建议你要注意以下一些问题: 1、面试前有没有仔细了解过对应企业的情况,对方的企业文化、主营业务、未来的发展方向。如果跑过去面试,其实对该企业一点也不了解的,就仅仅知道来面试XX岗位,那对方单位肯定不想要这样的人。一点诚意也没有。 2、岗位要求你真正符合的有多少?不少求职者应聘,简历都是“仙女散花”式的乱投一气,很有有人真正去冷静地逐条去分析对方单位的任职要求,打个比方,对方单位写了五条要求,你是不是真的每一条都是符合的呢?如果五条中有四条是绝对胜任的,那还有一条是不是硬条件呢?(比如很多岗位必备持有上岗证才能上岗,那如果没有的话,哪怕就只有一条不符合,也是浪费时间不会录取的)如果低于四条,那用人单位在有充分选择余地的情况下,是不会考虑你的。 3、你的简历是不是千篇一律的呢?绝大多数的求职者的简历根本就是一个版本走天下,应聘A岗位是这个简历,应聘另外的B岗位也是这个简历,从来没有考虑过要根据对方单位的的具体情况以及应聘岗位的具体要求,为其“量身定制”一份有针对性的简历,只有简历中有针对性地根据每条招聘要求突出自身的优势或是胜任的具体条件,才有可能在面试中让考官感受到你的诚意和用心。 4、其实就是面试时与考官交流的技巧问题了,包括了基本的职场礼仪、个人的言行举止等,这里就不再多说了。但最重要的要提醒大家,回答问题(包括自我介绍)一定要围绕着对方单位的情况(你对招聘企业的了解)、“我觉得自己凭什么可以胜任你这个岗位,我的胜任条件有哪些?……”、自己对招聘单位企业文化和发展方向的认同、自己如果能够从事该工作,有哪些想法和打算等等,最最重要的是不要给对方一种很计较工资待遇的感觉,要让对方感受到你有一种“与公司共同发展”的意识,把自己的命运与公司的命运紧密相连,同坐一条船,有着一颗心

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166 评论



178 评论


Along with our country market economy system of perfect gradually and personnel system further reform, talent market has been established, self-dependent career choice, two-way choice mechanism has been formed, in the whole process of employment, job interviews have become enterprise unit choosing and employment with a very important one annulus. It is through the interviewer applicant with the formal meet and talk to applicant's professional knowledge, experience, and applying for jobs that motivation and response ability, expression ability form relatively objective understanding, but also through the interview to evaluate its facial expressions, instruments and emotional control ability, thus obtains the direct-viewing understanding and eventually decide if you can offer. So, many enterprises in hire employees before interview is necessary.

204 评论


As China's market economy gradually improved and further reform of the employment system, job market have created their own jobs, two-way selection mechanism has been formed throughout the career choice, job interview has become a business unit of selection and appointment is an important part of . It is through recruiters and candidates to meet and talk to the official to meet on the candidate's expertise, work experience, job motivation, response capabilities, skills, etc. to form a more objective understanding, but also through the interview to assess their facial expressions , instrumentation and emotional control, so as to obtain an intuitive understanding, and ultimately determine whether you can hire. Therefore, many companies decided to hire staff in the unit prior to the interview is necessary. Flexible form of the interview, usually two-way communication, to take the form of questions and answers, covering issues ahead of the interviewer is generally designed, or conversations with the candidates to conduct random questions, no matter in what form and manner, the purpose of comprehensive study is to understand the basic quality of candidates. This article discusses the concept of recruitment, as well as the significance of the recruitment interview, the characteristics of the job interview, and finally describes the design of the recruitment interview, and the common interview mistakes. Therefore, many companies decided to hire staff before the first interview with the applicant is necessary. Keywords: job interview; enterprises;朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音字典 - 查看字典详细内容

123 评论


As China's market economy gradually improved and further reform of the employment system, job market has been established, their own jobs, two-way selection mechanism has been formed throughout the career choice, job interview has become a business unit of selection and appointment is an important part of . It is through recruiters and candidates to meet and talk to the official to meet on the candidate's expertise, work experience, job motivation, response capabilities, skills, etc. to form a more objective understanding, but also through the interview to assess their facial expressions , instrumentation and emotional control, so as to obtain an intuitive understanding, and ultimately determine whether you can hire. Therefore, many companies decided to hire staff in the unit prior to the interview is necessary. Flexible form of the interview, usually two-way communication, to take the form of questions and answers, covering issues ahead of the interviewer is generally designed, or conversations with the candidates to conduct random questions, no matter in what form and manner, the purpose of comprehensive study is to understand the basic quality of candidates. This article discusses the concept of recruitment, as well as the significance of the recruitment interview, the characteristics of the job interview, and finally describes the design of the recruitment interview, and the common interview mistakes. Therefore, many companies decided to hire staff before the first interview with the applicant is necessary. Keywords: job interview; enterprises;

160 评论


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