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1、免疫系统这种武器(免疫系可分为先天性免疫,和获得性免疫,作为防御病原入侵的两种武器)2、异种联合免疫疫苗(疫苗接种多为相同疫苗多次投与,从而获得免疫。本疫苗应为,不同类型的同种抗原的投与,较新的研究证明这样可获得更高的免疫原性)具体可以参看这篇review:Current Opinion in Immunology 2009, 21:346–3513、Th1表现型(获得性免疫分为Th1的细胞免疫,和Th2进而活化B细胞产生抗体的体液免疫,在IL-12的作用下未成熟的help T cell,即Th0细胞可分化为Th1细胞,开启Th1免疫的级联反应,从而产生一系列Th1型细胞因子促进Th1型反应)4、免疫防御5、predominant T cell response ,subdominant T cell response,此两种表达应该有些不妥,我猜想大概是 predominant Th2 cell response 等,因为Th1和Th2一般都同时存在的,只是有主次)希望我的回答对你有帮助。

297 评论


arm of adaptive immunity: 介备型的适应性免疫Heterologous prime-boost vaccination 异源首次加疫苗TH1 phenotype: TH1显型,可能就是有TH1细胞的个体吧。 protective immunity 保护性免疫? 应该是防护型免疫predominant T cell response T细胞初级应答subdominant T cell response T细胞次级应答

236 评论


Immunology is the graduate student object resist original material immunity should answer and its method of living creature- medical science should the answer is the reaction that the machine body resists the original incitement, also is resist the original material to carry on identifying and expeling of a kind of biology process. As early as more than 1000 year agos, the people discovered the immunity phenomenon, and develop the immunity prevention toward the infectious disease from Chinese invented to use the person first the 痘痂 skin inoculates with the prevention smallpox, and at 15 centuries in the in the late Ming Dynasty 隆 celebrates the year have to compare to improve greatly, and get the extensive , this great invention spreads Japan North Korea, Russia, Turkey and many nations of British etc..Empress British doctor the piano 纳 studies to use the method that the cowpox germ prevent°froms the smallpox on these grounds, developping the vast foreground to the prevention of the infectious disease for the whole world ability exterminates the smallpox in the end of 70's in 20 centuries, connecting to get smallpox vaccination the germ to develop the huge of 19 centuries, the French chemist, the microbiology a 巴斯 is virtuous in study the person and the infectious disease of the animal, analyzed the immunity to inspire in the piano 纳 under, he invents to use to reduce the poisonous anthrax rod bacteria seedling stub to make into the vaccine, the anthrax disease of the prevention animal;Use to reduce the poisonous stub of poisonous rabies to make into the vaccine, prevent°from the mankind's zoologist of 著 plum 契 尼 section man is after long-term research insect gobble up the phenomenon of the foreign body with the animal cell, pointing out the white cell and liver, the 脾 organizations in the bodies in 1883 in of gobble up the cell to have to gobble up and digest the ability of the bacteriology house, immunology house shell the wood discovers that the immunity has the antitoxin of the anti- diphtheria toxin in the serum in 1890, Japanese bacteriology house north in firewood three the 郎s also discover the anti- tetanus infection the antitoxin of the toxin, two people common research serum therapy success, to the treatment diphtheria and tetanus infection the sufferer obtains the good now on, the people start inquiry into the immunity mechanism, seeing the neutralization that the cell gobbles up the function and antitoxin is the basis of the particularity immunity, and open the exhibition cell immunity and the body fluid immunity two universitieses to send gradually of contend for the 鸣 .The leader of the cell immunity school of thought is the plum 契 尼 section man, the leader of the body fluid immunity school of thought is a 埃 of German bacteriology 尔 benefit benefit of 埃尔 is rare to use the biochemistry method research immunity phenomenon, being the foundation with the protein chemistry and the sugar chemistry especially, the study antigen and essence and its interactions of the antibody, put forward the side chain theory of the antibody formation in 1896, this ory is down to date to still have the actual universities send of contend for 鸣's promoting immunology the 60's in 20 centuries, have already attained the level of the molecular biology to the research of the body fluid immunity, have already made the member structure and functions of the pure the same time, also made the obvious progress to the research of the cell immunity, think that the small lymphoid cell is to be placed in the decrepitude in the past eventually in last phase, but already affirmative it is the lymphoid cell that a major type of the immune system has the immunity activity now, rising to emphasize to want the function in develop the immunity the people further clarified the structure of the small lymphoid cell, and the occurrence of the individual and divide the process, especially at miscellaneous handed over the lump technique to obtain the achievement of the breakthrough, this not only enriched the knowledge of the general cytology, and for acquire the single gram 隆 antibody or lay the quality material to develop a new scholars still notice:When the cause microorganism invade, the machine body can acquire the particularity immunity on the other hand, on the other hand also will appear the machine body immunity to the late hair style that a section of German bacteriology 赫 research tubercle rod bacteria cause changed the reaction of 态 , the people discover gradually not only germs and its outcomes can cause the machine body immunity to injure, connect the different race serum egg white even many easy chemistry materials enter the machine body again, also will make the machine body the organization encounters the of 20 centuries, transplant along with the organization organ of open the exhibition, to transplant the thing to reject, the immunity bear to is repress by sex, immunity, immunity blemish, oneself immunity, the tumor immunity etc. carried on the thorough research, the important meaning that know that the thymus gland, the method surname bag and spleens are in the machine body immunity function, know past the unilateral that the immunity process limits at the anti- infection immunity, also know immunity should answer is since can defendoof infect and protect the machine body and can result in immunity injure and cause a biology process of paroxysm is to say, immunity is the living creature body to everything not the personal member carries on identify with expel of process, is to maintain a physiology of machine to respond, is the machine body identifies by one's own of a kind of widespread biology modern immunology think that the immunity function of the machine body is to resist the original incitement of should answer, but immunity should the answer express again identifies the oneself and expels for the immune system not personal of immunity function identifies to produce result according to the kind of function has mostly:Outward the immunity defense of the source foreign body( is mainly the contagion factor);Do away with the immunity of decline or hurt cell, to keep the oneself stability;Cancellation mutation the immunity surveillance of the the immune system develops the homologous function and keeps the opposite balance under the condition of normal, the machine body then can maintain the the immunity function take place unusually, by all means cause the machine body balance maladjustment, appear the immunity pathology immune system identifies in the process of exertive immunity function is an important whole living creatures all have this kind of unicellular living creature has the food of distinguish, invades the microorganism only and oneself the cell composition etc. the low class identifies the machine body immune system of the vertebrates is gradually perfect, not only having the immunity organ anding the immunity cells of the integrity, and living cell of immunity canning but also producing the particularity antibody and the factor of 琳巴s, identifying the oneself thus and accurately, expeling the foreign body to attain the machine body inside the opposite stability of the environment, this all has the great significance towards protecting the oneself and continuing the race and living creatures development of the immune system of high etc. living creature, it to inside various antigen foreign body of the outside environment stimulate since express a diverse sex and adaptabilities, and then express a particularity and recall sex, this to living creature of evolution process, living creature grow the existence and orientations of the department to have the important China was established, the immunology has already very greatly have to make progress in the application on the medical living creature of the prevention and cure infectious disease products to not only satisfy the local demand, but also support a little bit other new vaccine,such as chemistry vaccine, B a hepatitis vaccine...etc., that recent years research to manufacture, have already neared to advanced level in has already exterminated the smallpox, and exterminate and control the human life plague and true sex choleras basically, waiting the violent infectious spinal cord ash quality 炎 , measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus infection...etc. outbreak rate of the familiar infectious disease has already lowered modern immunology develops the theories system of become the current oneself gradually and has independent course of special research method provided some new meanses for the research of the early as the beginning of 20 centuries, the people have already made use of the immunology to distinguish analyse the mankind's blood plant classification learn very early application the method of the adopted the immunology technique while study the toxin of the plant and example,1889-1890 years, the people studies the diphtheria toxin and the tetanus infection toxins with the immunology technique, using it again later on to study the plant toxin, such as the castor toxin, the croton toxin and snake poison, spider poison within the animal , the people make use of to precipitate to respond to discriminate the blood stain of the animal early very new techniques that recent years develop, such as project the immunity, the immunity fluorescence and the 酶 immunity etc., all provided the practical research means for the from the substance, modern immunology however is a branch of the living creature- medical , along with the technical development of science, it sends to living a many independent branch course again, for example, with the modern biology germane member immunology, the immunity biology and the immunity geneticses, learn with germane immunity hematology, the immunity pharmacology of medical science, immunity pathology, grow the immunology and transplant the immunology, tumor immunology, anti- infection immunology, clinical immunology etc..Now, have already attained the cell level and the member levels to the research of the immunology, the people are work hard the basic physiology regulation of the study living creature- immunity of oneself stability important problems within medical science, respond such as the oneself immunity, super 敏 , tumor immunity, transplant the immunity, the immunity heredity...etc., will get necessarily better resolve.免疫学是研究生物体对抗原物质免疫应答性及其方法的生物-医学科学。免疫应答是机体对抗原刺激的反应,也是对抗原物质进行识别和排除的一种生物学过程。 早在1000多年前,人们就发现了免疫现象,并由此发展起来对传染病的免疫预防。中国人首先发明了用人痘痂皮接种以预防天花,并且在十五世纪中后期的明朝隆庆年间有较大改进,并得到广泛的应用。后来,这一伟大发明传播到日本朝鲜、俄国、土耳其和英国等许多国家。后英国医生琴纳据此研究出用牛痘菌预防天花的方法,为免疫学对传染病的预防开辟了广阔的前景。全世界能在20世纪70年代末消灭天花,接种牛痘菌发挥了巨大作用。19世纪末,法国化学家、微生物学家巴斯德于研究人和动物的传染病时,分析了免疫现象。并在琴纳的启发下,他发明用减毒炭疽杆菌苗株制成疫苗,预防动物的炭疽病;用减毒狂犬病毒株制成疫苗,预防人类的狂犬病。著名动物学家梅契尼科夫在长期研究昆虫和动物细胞吞噬异物的现象后,于1883年指出体内的白细胞和肝、脾组织中的吞噬细胞具有吞噬和消化细菌的能力。德国细菌学家、免疫学家贝林于1890年发现免疫血清中有抗白喉毒素的抗毒素存在,日本细菌学家北里柴三郎也发现抗破伤风毒素的抗毒素,两人共同研究血清疗法成功,对治疗白喉和破伤风患者取得良好效果。从此,人们开始探讨免疫机制,把细胞的吞噬作用和抗毒素的中和作用看成是特异性免疫的根据,并逐步开展细胞免疫和体液免疫两大学派的争鸣。细胞免疫学派的首领是梅契尼科夫,体液免疫学派的首领是德国细菌学家埃尔利希。埃尔利希用生物化学方法研究免疫现象,特别是以蛋白质化学和糖化学作为基础,探讨抗原和抗体的本质及其相互作用,于1896年提出抗体形成的侧链学说,这一学说直到今天还具有实际意义。两大学派的争鸣促进了免疫学的发展。到20世纪60年代,对体液免疫的研究已经达到分子生物学的水平,已经弄清抗体的分子结构和功能。同时,对细胞免疫的研究也取得了明显的进展,过去认为小淋巴细胞是处于衰老终末期,而现在已肯定它是免疫系统的一大类具有免疫活性的淋巴细胞,在发挥免疫功能中起着重要作用。此后人们进一步阐明了小淋巴细胞的结构,以及个体的发生和分化过程,特别是在杂交瘤技术方面取得了突破性的成就,这不仅丰富了一般细胞学的知识,而且为获得单克隆抗体或介质物质开辟了一条新的道路。许多学者还注意到:当病原微生物入侵的时候,机体一方面能够获得特异性免疫,另一方面也会出现机体免疫损害。自从德国细菌学家科赫研究结核杆菌所引起的迟发型变态反应以来,人们逐步发现不仅细菌及其产物可以引起机体免疫损害,就连异种血清蛋白甚至许多很简单的化学物质再次进入机体,也会使机体组织遭到破坏。20世纪中期,随着组织器官移植的开展,对移植物排斥、免疫耐受性、免疫抑制、免疫缺陷、自身免疫、肿瘤免疫等进行了深入的研究,认识到胸腺、法氏囊和脾脏在机体免疫功能中的重要意义,认识到过去把免疫过程局限于抗传染免疫的片面性,也认识到免疫应答是既可防御传染和保护机体、又可造成免疫损害和引起疾病的一个生物学过程。也就是说,免疫是生物体对一切非己分子进行识别与排除的过程,是维持机体相对稳定的一种生理反应,是机体自我识别的一种普遍生物学现象。现代免疫学认为,机体的免疫功能是对抗原刺激的应答,而免疫应答又表现为免疫系统识别自己和排除非己的能力。免疫功能根据免疫识别发挥作用。这种功能大致有:对外源性异物(主要是传染性因子)的免疫防御;去除衰退或损伤细胞的免疫,以保持自身稳定;消除突变细胞的免疫监视。只有免疫系统在正常条件下发挥相应的作用和保持相对的平衡,机体才能维持生存。如果免疫功能发生异常,必然导致机体平衡失调,出现免疫病理变化。免疫系统在发挥免疫功能的过程中,识别是个重要的前提。一切生物都具有这种能力。单细胞生物只具有分辨食物、入侵微生物和本身细胞成分等低级的识别功能。脊椎动物的机体免疫系统逐渐完善,不仅具有完整的免疫器官和免疫细胞,而且免疫活性细胞还能产生特异性抗体和琳巴因子,从而准确地识别自己,排除异物以达到机体内环境的相对稳定,这对保护自己、延续种族和生物进化都有重大意义。高等生物的免疫系统充分发展,它对内外环境的各种抗原异物刺激既表现出多样性和适应性,又表现出特异性和回忆性,这对生物的进化过程、生物种系的生存和适应具有重大影响。新中国成立以来,免疫学在医学上的应用已经有了很大进展。防治传染病的生物制品不仅满足国内的需要,而且支援其他一些国家。近年研制的新疫苗如化学疫苗、乙型肝炎疫苗等,已经接近世界先进水平。中国已经消灭天花,并且基本上消灭和控制了人间鼠疫和真性霍乱,等烈性传染病。脊髓灰质炎、麻疹、白喉、百日咳、破伤风等常见传染病的发病率已经大大降低。现代免疫学逐步发展成为既有自身的理论体系、又有特殊研究方法的独立学科。它为生物学的研究提供了一些新的手段。早在20世纪初,人们已经利用免疫学来区分人类的血型。植物分类学很早就应用免疫学的方法。在研究植物和动物的毒素时也采用了免疫学技术。例如,1889~1890年,人们用免疫学技术研究白喉毒素和破伤风毒素,随后又用它来研究植物毒素,如蓖麻毒素、巴豆毒素和动物毒素中的蛇毒、蜘蛛毒。另外,人们很早就利用沉淀反应鉴别动物的血迹。近年发展起来的一些新技术,如放射免疫、免疫荧光和酶免疫等,都为生物学提供了实用的研究手段。从实质上说,现代免疫学不过是生物-医学的一个分支。但是,随着科学技术的发展,它本身又派生出许多独立的分支学科,例如,与现代生物学有密切关系的分子免疫学、免疫生物学和免疫遗传学,与医学有密切关系的免疫血液学、免疫药理学、免疫病理学、生殖免疫学、移植免疫学、肿瘤免疫学、抗感染免疫学、临床免疫学等。现在,对免疫学的研究已经达到细胞水平和分子水平,人们正在努力探讨生物的基本生理规律——免疫的自身稳定机制。医学中的许多重要问题,如自身免疫、超敏反应、肿瘤免疫、移植免疫、免疫遗传等,必将得到更好的解决。有写字翻译不出来 见谅

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