赵钱孙李,周吴郑王,冯陈楚魏,切糕沾白糖。大事小事,不如深空小编带你看新鲜事。小编整理了半天,给大家带来了这篇文章。不让大家久等了,下面马上进入正题吧。伯克利-南非的青少年女孩面临着巨大的艾滋病毒威胁:到成年时,南非将有四分之一的女孩感染该病毒,其中大多数是在青春期首先感染的。加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的研究人员根据北卡罗来纳大学和南非威特沃特斯兰德大学的同事进行的一项纵向研究显示,经历抑郁症会使这些女孩面临更高的HIV感染风险。 。该发现在线发表在《美国流行病学杂志》上,表明针对改善少女心理健康的干预措施可能有助于阻止艾滋病毒在南非以及整个撒哈拉以南非洲的蔓延。我们已经知道,抑郁症和艾滋病毒并存已有数十年之久,但是没有人知道箭头的方向:抑郁症会导致艾滋病毒还是艾滋病毒导致抑郁症?加州大学伯克利分校的流行病学教授,该研究的资深作者詹妮弗阿赫恩说。可能是双向的,但我们能够证明,至少在这个人群中,箭头肯定是一种方式,那就是抑郁症会导致艾滋病毒。这可能对干预措施可能产生重要影响。作为研究的一部分,研究小组研究了青少年社交生活和行为的哪些方面可以解释抑郁症与艾滋病毒感染率之间的关系。后来出现抑郁症状的少女更有可能报告说自己与父母没有亲密关系,并且有一个伴侣如果她要他戴安全套,会打她。这些因素似乎是感染艾滋病毒的途径的一部分。Dana Goin表示:为回应安全套谈判而出现的伴侣暴力,以及缺乏父母的监督,与抑郁症和艾滋病毒之间的联系最为密切,这表明抑郁症和艾滋病毒之间的大多数关系都可能受到这些因素的影响。加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校妇产科和生殖科学系的博士后学者,该研究的主要作者。戈恩说:研究结果表明该人群中的感染与结构因素有多大关系。戈恩是加州大学伯克利分校流行病学博士学位的候选人。该研究利用了收集自居住在南非姆普马兰加省农村地区的2533名13至21岁妇女的数据。在研究开始时就对每个青少年进行了抑郁症状筛查,然后每年进行6年的HIV检测。在研究开始时,略多于18%的青少年患有抑郁症-约为南非全国平均水平的两倍。在抑郁症患者中,将近11%继续感染艾滋病毒,而没有抑郁症的患者中只有最终被感染。虽然先前的一项研究表明,在美国,与男性发生性关系的男性中,抑郁症可能导致较高的HIV感染率,但这是研究撒哈拉以南非洲女孩与年轻女性之间关系的第一项研究。尽管南非农村地区的居民获得心理健康服务的机会有限,但牛津大学和南非威特沃特斯兰德大学的Ahern和Goin的合作者目前正在努力开发基于社区的干预措施,以帮助识别和支持正在经历经历的女孩萧条。越来越多的证据表明,外行咨询师和社区医护人员可以提供行之有效的抑郁症心理治疗方法,例如行为激活,这为在社区中提供抑郁症治疗方法提供了一种可行的方法,医学教授艾伦斯坦说。牛津大学的儿童和青少年精神病学。在同伴导师的电话支持下,也有可能使用互联网或手机提供这类治疗,这是我们正在努力的事情。许多中低收入地区,包括非洲大部分地区,缺乏熟练的心理保健人员,医学研究委员会/威特斯大学农村公共卫生与健康转型研究部的教授兼高级科学家凯瑟琳卡恩补充说。威特沃特斯兰德大学公共卫生学院,论文的共同作者。应该大力推行非专业工作者可以进行的干预措施,该干预措施应适用于不同文化,这是我们现在的工作重点。欲要知晓更多《抑郁症使南非女孩更容易感染艾滋病毒》的更多资讯,请持续关注深空的科技资讯栏目,深空小编将持续为您更新更多的科技资讯。王者之心2点击试玩
艾滋病的保健教育 你可以把它简化, 把要点抽出AIDS Education One important aspect of a comprehensive AIDS policy is education. Many in our society are ignorant of the facts and need more information. A study of young people in San Francisco revealed that 30 percent believed AIDS could be cured if treated early, and one-third did not know that AIDS cannot be transmitted merely by touching someone with AIDS activists, however, have seen education as the primary or even the sole means of fighting the AIDS epidemic. And while education is certainly important, information alone is not a sufficient means of fighting AIDS. Indeed, there are some serious concerns surrounding AIDS problem is that AIDS information is often dispensed in a so- called value neutral environment. Educators and counselors try to discuss AIDS and human sexuality in an amoral framework. But in attempting to be amoral, they often end up being immoral. Teaching the facts about subjects like condoms and homosexuality without teaching the moral values associated with them is tantamount to encouraging second concern about AIDS education is that it sometimes misrepresents the facts. Various medical and governmental reports, for example, have touted the condom as an effective means of reducing the risk of contracting AIDS. But while it is true that condoms reduce the risk of contracting AIDS, they by no means eliminate used for contraceptive purposes fail about 10 percent of the time over the course of a year. Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop warned of the "extraordinarily high" failure rate of condoms among homosexuals. And a study done at the University of Miami Medical School showed that 17 percent of women married to men with AIDS became infected within a year despite the use of , AIDS education is frequently used to promote the homosexual lifestyle. While AIDS is not exclusively a gay disease, it has often been used by gay activists to promote acceptance of homosexuality. Although we should reach out to AIDS victims with compassion, we should not compromise the biblical teaching that homosexuality is unnatural (Rom. 1:26-27) and an abomination (Lev. 18:22).Fourth and last, there is some question about the general effectiveness of AIDS education. While educating people about AIDS may provide them with the basic facts, we should not be so naive as to believe that information alone will necessarily change their behavior. If it did, then our country's massive anti-smoking education programs would have been followed by a precipitous drop in smoking and lung cancer, and the numerous venereal-disease education programs would have substantially reduced the number of sexually transmitted inadequacy of education became evident through a survey that asked students at the University of Maryland about their knowledge of AIDS and their subsequent sexual behavior. Seventy-seven percent said they knew condoms can be used to limit the risk of infection of AIDS, but only 30 percent reported increased use of condoms. Eighty-three percent of the male students who said they have homosexual relations said they had made no change in their hasn't AIDS education been more effective? One reason is that people use selective perception to screen out most of the messages they receive. We do not, for example, pay much attention to lawnmower commercials unless we are in the market for a lawnmower. If people do not think they are at risk for AIDS, AIDS information may not get through their perceptual the problem of selective perception is emotional denial. High-risk groups often ignore messages they do not want to hear, and those at risk for AIDS are no and perhaps most important, human sin nature frequently keeps us from doing what is right and leads us to practice evil (Rom. 7:15-19). All have sinned (Rom. 3:23) and fall short of the glory of God, so we should not be surprised that people engage in dangerous sexual behavior even when they are armed with the facts.
艾滋病的保健教育 你可以把它简化, 把要点抽出AIDS Education One important aspect of a comprehensive A
爱滋病传播途径及预防方法 摘要:艾滋病的医学全称为:"获得性免疫缺陷综合症",英文缩写"AIDS",是由人体感染人类免疫缺陷病毒即艾滋病毒(HIV)引起的免疫缺
3 艾滋病健康知识教育对收容教育女性艾滋病乐观偏差的效果评价及启示 陈静; 蒋索; 陈月凤 温州医学院学生处; 温州医学院环境与公共卫生学院 【期刊】中国