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The purpose is to understand that how the indoor air pollution impact on people's health. Methodology: The investigation was conducted between October and December 2007 in certain community at Wancheng District in Dongwan City. 50 apartments of different decorating conditions, which were not resided more than one half year, were monitored for multiple air pollution index. 120 residents living in the 50 apartments were interviewed face-to-face. At the end of the investigation, averagely, Carbon Oxide level exceeded the provided standard over 100%, Carbon Dioxide level exceeded the provided standard 1200%, Formaldehyde level exceeded the provided standard over 4000%, the level of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Dimethylbenzene exceeded provided standards 800-1300%, and bacterium level exceeded provided standards 290%. 80 from 120 interviewed residents reported somatic symptoms. Hereby we draw the conclusion that Formaldehyde is the most serious pollutant of indoor air pollutants, and indoor air pollution directly harm the residents' health.

205 评论


The goal understands the room air pollution the degree and to the human body health influence. The method October, 2007 to December, to the Dongguan Wan city some plot's 50 varying degree repair, housing less than a half year housing, carries on many item of air pollution target monitor, and to 120 family members has carried on the inquiring survey. Finally the carbon monoxide exceeds the allowed figure more than 1 time; The carbon dioxide exceeds the allowed figure 12 times; The formaldehyde exceeds the allowed figure more than 40 times; The benzene, the toluene, the ethyl benzene, the xylene exceed the allowed figure separately 8-13 times; The bacterium target surpasses standard times. In 120 by the investigation object, some 80 bodies appeared the bad symptom. In the conclusion room air the formaldehyde pollution is most serious, moreover the indoor spatial pollution is harming human body's health directly.

316 评论


2 results infections formation rates 181 examples liver cirrhosispatient merges infects 101 examples, the infection formation , in the courtyard the infection percentage is . infections has the spot 101 examples infections altogether to haveeach kind of infection example order is 133. 4 examples are 3 spotsinfect, 24 examples are 2 spots infect Other 73 examples are a spot infect. The infection spotaccording to has the frequency height is in turn: Primary peritonitis59 examples, the intestinal tract infects 15 examples, on The respiratory tract infects 12 examples, bacteriemia 9examples, the lungs infection and pleurisy each 8 examples. Thebiliary duct infects, the urine road infection and the oral cavityinfects each 5 examples The skin soft tissue infects 4 examples, infectiousness is inshock 3 examples. has the infection correlation factor infections and liver function child - pugh graduationrelational infection group 101 examples. A, B and the C level patientpopulation respectively is 11 examples, 41 examples and 49 Example. The non- infection group 80 examples, A, B and the Clevel patient population respectively is 26 examples, 39 examples and15 examples. In liver cirrhosis merge infection group child - pugh Clevel The patient counts obviously are many to the non- infectiongroup, two groups compare the difference to be extremely remarkable(x2=, P < ) see Table 1. Two groups of liver function child - pugh graduation comparison (X2) Group other A B C grand total Infection group 11 () 41 () 49 () 101 Non- infection group 26 () 39 () 15 () 81 Amounts to 378064181 Note: In the parenthesis the data is various numbers theorynumber (T) In courtyards infects with is hospitalized the timerelations to be hospitalized the time > in January, 1/2 ~ in Januaryand < 1/2 month courtyard 内感 dyes the formation rate respectivelyis , , . The liver cirrhosis patient is hospitalizedwhen > January has the opportunity which in the courtyard infectsobviously to be higher than < January (P < ) to see Table 2. In the courtyard infects with is hospitalized the time relations Is hospitalized the time infection example number infectionpercentage < 1/2 5 1/2 ~ in January 13 > In January 31 In courtyards the infection and in the attack operationrelational 133 examples infection, accepts the attack operationpatient person sequence to the first 3 distinctions is: 25 examples Before the infection accepts the deep vein to set at the tubetechnique, 14 examples abdominal cavities puncture method, 4 exampleschest cavities puncture method. Question supplement that, etiology bacilliculture examined thebacterium includes: Large intestine Egypt hopes the fungus (ascites);假单胞菌 (ascites); Smelly nose 克雷 伯氏 fungus ( The blood, the phlegm, the bedsore pus fluid), Purey Mao theSi sand mold (blood, neck vein inserts a tube), epidermis grape fungus(phlegm), white rosary fungus (phlegm, excrement, Swallows 拭子), pulls west west the peduncle the fungus(phlegm), ear grape fungus (urine). revolutions turn over to have the infection to die of illness 29examples, the mortality rate are ; Has not had the infection todie of illness 2 examples, the mortality rate . Other 72 examplesinfection The reasonable use antibiotic and guarantees treatment and soon liver, diuresis in the etiology examination foundation, maintainsthe patient oral cavity and the whole body skin cleanly in order tohelp the control infection and so on Under nurses all good extension to leave the hospital, equallyis hospitalized the number of days is days. Under has not had theinfection other 78 examples reasonably to treat and to nurse all goodextension to leave the hospital, even Is hospitalized the number of days is days. The livercirrhosis merge infection mortality rate obviously is higher than thenon- infection. (X2= P < ) see Table 3 The infection compares with the non- infection mortality rate The group other death example number change for the betterexample number equals Infection group 29 () 72 () 101 Non- infection group 2 () 78 () 80 Amounts to 31150181 Two groups of differences have 显著性 the significance

347 评论


Objective To evaluate acute and long2term angiographic and clinical outcomes of longstent or multiple overlapped stents (length ≥ 20 mm) implantation for diffuse atherosclerosis lesions inoctogenarians. Methods Long stent or multiple overlapped stents implantation was performed on 111diffuse native coronary lesions ( Group O : 47 lesions in 44 octogenarians ; Group Y: 64 lesions in 58 patientsaged under 60) . Baseline demographic , lesion characteristic , angiographic and procedural details weresimilar in these 2 groups. Six2month clinical and angiographic follow2up was completed in all cases. In2hospital and long2term outcomes were evaluated. Results Procedure success was 100 %for both had in2hospital major adverse cardiac events (MACE) . There was no significant difference inangiographic binary restenosis ( ≥50 % diameter stenosis) rate between the groups at follow2up ( Group Ovs. Group Y, 1218 % vs1 1019 % at 32month , 2918 % vs. 2616 % at 62month , P > 0105) . The rates oftarget lesion revascularization and MACE at follow2up were less in Group Y, but it showed no statisticalsignificance (718 % vs. 1016 % and 816 % vs. 1114 % at 32month , 1516 % vs. 2314 % and 2017 % % at 62month , respectively , P > 0105) . Conclusions Long stent implantation for diffuse lesionsin octogenarians appears safe and feasible , with high procedural success and favorable long2term outcomes.

263 评论


3 讨论 本组肝硬化患者感染发生率,肝硬化肝功能失代偿child—pugh C级患者合并感染者明显增多。院内感染总发生例次率,住院时间超过1月者发生院人感染机会明显增加,住院期间由于诊冶需要而行各种创伤性操作也增加了医源性感染的机会。肝硬化验室患者肠道内菌群上移,而小肠段肠壁较薄,门脉压增高使肠壁淤血,淋巴流量增多,导致肠壁水肿,致使肠壁屏障被破坏〔3〕。肝硬化患者肝细胞坏死、纤维化的同时,肝脏的单核—巨噬细胞系统功能亦显著受损,使来自肠腔的细菌不能被清除,易发生肠源性感染。本资料已培养检测到的细菌以条件致病菌居多,治疗选用抗菌药物最多的是甲硝唑和头孢第三代类。本组发生感染者病死率%,明显高于无合并感染者的病死率%。提示肝硬化合并感染是造成病情加重,导致死亡的重要原因。这主要与机体免疫功能低下,高胆红素血症、白蛋白明显下降及肝功能衰竭有关。而感染又常诱发生上消化道出血,肝性脑病及肝肾综合征等严重并发症,使肝硬化进展为慢性重型肝炎、肝功能衰竭甚至多脏器功能衰竭而死亡,病死率明显增高。因此,肝硬化患者住院后应抓紧时间检诊,在诊治过程中加强消毒隔离,严格无菌操作及掌握各种侵袭性操作的适应症,尽量减少医源性感染的诱因。对肝功能child—pughC级患者采取绝对卧床休息、给予高热量、适量蛋白质(以植物蛋白为主)、丰富维生素等易消化饮食,并应细嚼慢咽,绝对戒烟酒,加强口腔及皮肤护理,病情稳定后尽早出院。发现感染征兆如不明原因的持续低热,黄疸明显升高,顽固性腹胀、腹痛、腹泻、腹水量明显增多或利尿剂无效等,应及早作细菌培养,合理应用抗菌药物,加强支持利退黄治疗,积极预防和控制感染及严重并发症的发生

305 评论


AbstractObjective:To ring for the treatment of mixed hemorrhoid surgery, most of the large presence of local damage, post-operative complications and other defects. Observed using different stripping tie ring mixed hemorrhoids surgical treatment efficacy, and to explore the anal sphincter function and circumferential mixed pathogenesis. Surgical techniques: the ring mixed hemorrhoids external hemorrhoids with the sub-stripping, ligation of internal hemorrhoids with injection of non-liquid Xiaozhiling area hemorrhoids ligation method. Circumferential mixed for varicose veins do not release the anal sphincter, and for circumferential mixed connective tissue type to give anal sphincter release. Results: 164 patients were cured and 158 cases, 96%, effective in 6 cases, accounting for 4% of all effective course of 12-21 days, an average of 16 days, one year after surgery follow-up, there are follow-up results of 156 cases, including two cases of occasional wet anus, itching, with no recurrence and secondary anal fissure, anal stenosis. Conclusion: The circumferential mixed connective tissue type of patients, the anal sphincter tension, poor flexibility, giving anal sphincter release surgery, after surgery can reduce pain, prevent local edema, but also to prevent anal stenosis after surgery. Circumferential mixed-type patients with varicose veins, the most lax anal sphincter, anal sphincter surgery does not release, it does not cause anal stenosis. Therefore, anal sphincter dysfunction and the pathogenesis of mixed hemorrhoid ring to be : circular mixed hemorrhoid ligation stripping anal sphincter injection Xiaozhiling

274 评论


Abstract Objective: To ring for the treatment of mixed hemorrhoid surgery, most of the large presence of local damage, post-operative complications and other defects. Observed using different stripping tie ring mixed hemorrhoids surgical treatment efficacy, and to explore the anal sphincter function and circumferential mixed pathogenesis. Surgical techniques: the ring mixed hemorrhoids external hemorrhoids with the sub-stripping, ligation of internal hemorrhoids with injection of non-liquid Xiaozhiling area hemorrhoids ligation method. Circumferential mixed for varicose veins do not release the anal sphincter, and for circumferential mixed connective tissue type to give anal sphincter release. Results: 164 patients were cured and 158 cases, 96%, effective in 6 cases, accounting for 4% of all effective course of 12-21 days, an average of 16 days, one year after surgery follow-up, there are follow-up results of 156 cases, including two cases of occasional wet anus, itching, with no recurrence and secondary anal fissure, anal stenosis. Conclusion: The circumferential mixed connective tissue type of patients, the anal sphincter tension, poor flexibility, giving anal sphincter release surgery, after surgery can reduce pain, prevent local edema, but also to prevent anal stenosis after surgery. Circumferential mixed-type patients with varicose veins, the most lax anal sphincter, anal sphincter surgery does not release, it does not cause anal stenosis. Therefore, anal sphincter dysfunction and the pathogenesis of mixed hemorrhoid ring to be explored. Keywords circular mixed hemorrhoid ligation stripping anal sphincter injection Xiaozhiling

334 评论



183 评论


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