Management Information Systems (MIS), sometimes referred to as Information Management and Systems, is the discipline covering the application of people, technologies, and procedures — collectively called information systems — to solving business problems. Management Information Systems are distinct from regular information systems in that they are used to analyze other information systems applied in operational activities in the , the term is commonly used to refer to the group of information management methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making, . Decision Support Systems, Expert systems, and Executive information systems.
一般在论文里,都要求有一至二个英文文献。我给你几个参考。都是有关信息系统的参考文献。[1] Management Information System , Mcleod , Printice Hall , 1998[2] Thomas R. Security Risk Associates Inc,2001[3] H. M. Hassan & Charles Hutchinson. Natural Resource and Environmental Information for Decision Making. A World Bank Publication, Washington D. C., USA, 1995[4] Willian K, Michener, James W. Brunt & Susan G. Stafford. Environmental Information Management and Analysis: Ecosystem to Global Scales, Taylor & Franics Ltd, London, Britain,1994[5] [美] Michael N. DeMers著,武法东、付宗堂、王小牛等译. 地理信息系统基本原理(第二版). 北京:电子工业出版社,2001[6] Michael F. Worboys. GIS: A Computing Perspective. Taylor & Franics Ltd, London, Britain,1995[7] Robert Laurini, Derek Thompson. Fundamentals of Spatial Information Systems. Academic Press, London, 1993_______________________________________________________参考文献:(1)、《管理信息系统》(第三版) 薛华成主编 清华大学出版社 1999年;(2)、《管理信息系统》 陈禹主编 中国人民大学出版社 1998年;(3)、《信息系统开发方法――方法、策略、技术、工具与发展》 姜旭平编著;清华大学出版社 1997年;(4)、《计算机数据处理系统分析与设计》 王勇领编著 清华大学出版社1986年;(5)、《管理信息系统导论》 黄梯云主编 机械工业出版社 1985年;(6)、《系统分析与设计》 季延平、郭鸿志合著 华秦书局 1995年;
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AB证券公司信息系统管理改进方案研究前言 6-7 第一部分 AB证券公司信息系统管理现状 7-13 1.1 AB证券公司基本情况 7-8 1.2