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关键词:交互设计,人机交互,用户体验设计 在学习和生活中,我们经常会遇到三个名词:“交互设计”,“人机交互”,“用户体验设计”。这三个名词是否是同一个意思呢,如果不是,他们的异同点又是什么呢。本文尝试从历史沿革,现有状况,未来发展三个方面,对这交互设计,人机交互,用户体验设计进行分析。 交互设计起源于网站设计和图形设计,但现在已经成长为一个独立的领域。现在的交互设计师远非仅仅负责文字和图片,而是负责创建在屏幕上的所有元素,所有用户可能会触摸,点按或者输入的东西:简而言之,产品体验中的所有交互。交互设计在于定义人造物的行为方式(the "interaction",即人工制品在特定场景下的反应方式)相关的界面。交互设计作为一门关注交互体验的新学科在二十世纪八十年代产生了,它由IDEO的一位创始人比尔·摩格理吉(Bill Moggridge)在1984年一次设计会议上提出,他一开始给它命名为“软面(Soft Face)”,由于这个名字容易让人想起和当时的玩具“椰菜娃娃(Cabbage Patchdoll)”,他后来把它更名为“Interaction Design”,即交互设计。 1959年美国学者从人在操纵计算机时如何才能减轻疲劳出发,提出了被认为是人机界面的第一篇文献的关于计算机控制台设计的人机工程学的论文。1960年,Liklider JCR首次提出人机紧密共栖(Human-Computer Close Symbiosis)的概念,被视为人机界面学的启蒙观点。1969年在英国剑桥大学召开了第一次人机系统国际大会,同年第一份专业杂志国际人机研究(IJMMS)创刊。可以说,1969年是人机界面学发展史的里程碑。在1970年成立了两个HCI研究中心:一个是英国的Loughbocough大学的HUSAT研究中心,另一个是美国Xerox公司的Palo Alto研究中心。 1970年到1973年出版了四本与计算机相关的人机工程学专著,为人机交互界面的发展指明了方向。 20世纪80年代初期,学术界相继出版了六本专著,对最新的人机交互研究成果进行了总结。人机交互学科逐渐形成了自己的理论体系和实践范畴的架构。理论体系方面,从人机工程学独立出来,更加强调认知心理学以及行为学和社会学的某些人文科学的理论指导;实践范畴方面,从人机界面(人机接口)拓延开来,强调计算机对于人的反馈交互作用。人机界面一词被人机交互所取代。HCI中的I,也由Interface(界面/接口)变成了Interaction(交互)。 用户体验这个词最早被广泛认知是在上世纪90年代中期,由用户体验设计师唐纳德·诺曼(Donald Norman)所提出和推广。身为电气工程师和认知科学家的Don Norman加盟苹果公司之后,帮助这家传奇企业对他们以人为核心的产品线进行研究和设计。而他的职位则被命名为“用户体验架构师”(User Experience Architect),这也是首个用户体验职位。 由上述资料不难看出:交互设计这个名词起源于计算机领域,软件专家在进行设计时发现人和计算机的交互产生许多问题,于是交互设计这一名词应运而生。人机交互则是由人机工程学发展而来,是以人与机器的关系为切入点开始进行研究的。和交互设计与人机交互这两个名词不同,用户体验是以心理学和认知科学为基础提出的,从心理学和认知科学的角度对人和外界环境的关系进行探讨。 在这里,首先整理出权威的交互设计,人机交互,用户体验的定义。 交互设计:英文叫做Interaction Design 交互设计是指设计人和产品或服务互动的一种机制 , 以用户体验为基础进行的人机交互设计是要考虑用户的背景、使用经验以及在操作过程中的感受,从而设计符合最终用户的产品,使得最终用户在使用产品时愉悦、符合自己的逻辑、有效完成并且是高效使用产品。 交互设计的目的是使产品让用户能简单使用。任何产品功能的实现都是通过人和机器的交互来完成的。因此,人的因素应作为设计的核心被体现出来[1]。 人机交互:人机交互(Human-Computer Interaction, 简写HCI):是指人与计算机之间使用某种对话语言,以一定的交互方式,为完成确定任务的人与计算机之间的信息交换过程。有很多著名公司和学术机构正在研究人机交互。在计算机发展历史上,人们很少注意计算机的易用性。现在,很多计算机用户抱怨计算机制造商在如何使其产品“用户友好”这方面没有投入足够的精力[2]。 用户体验:英文叫做User Experience,缩写为UE, 或者UX。 它是指用户访问一个网站或者使用一个产品时的全部体验。他们的印象和感觉,是否成功,是否享受,是否还想再来/使用。他们能够忍受的问题,疑惑和BUG的程度[3]。 由交互设计,用户体验,人机交互三者的定义可以得出:在现阶段,交互设计,用户体验,人机交互都有研究人和外界环境关系的含义。但相对而言,交互设计研究的是人和产品互动的机制。人机交互研究的是人和计算机的对话过程。用户体验研究的是研究用户访问产品时的体验。从研究对象广度上说:用户体验》人机交互》交互设计。这三者既有相似之处,也有不同之处可以得出分析图如下:由图可知,从2011年到2018年九月,在交互设计,人机交互,用户体验三个词中,媒体报道最多的词汇是用户体验,其次为人机交互,最后为交互设计。作为一个互联网名词,用户体验传播最广,人们对于它也更为了解。而人机交互和交互设计则在一定程度上属于专业名词,还尚不为人们所熟知。 人工智能是近年来新出现的名词,这里结合人工智能对交互设计,人机交互,用户体验的发展趋势进行分析。要结合人工智能对交互设计,人机交互,用户体验发展趋势进行分析,就要看,三个词汇中哪个词与人工智能的相关度最高,当用户搜索“人工智能”的同时搜索“用户体验”,就说明“人工智能”和“用户体验”存在相关性。在这里收集了用户搜索“人工智能”和“交互设计”;搜索“人工智能”和“人机交互”;搜索“人工智能”和“用户体验”的数据,用以研究人工智能和这三者的相关性。 由图可知,人工智能与交互设计的相关性最强(用户搜索人工智能的同时搜索交互设计的数量最多),其次为用户体验,最后为人机交互。 下边从时间维度分析人工智能与三个词汇的相关性变化由图可知,随着时间的推移,人工智能与用户体验,人机交互,交互设计的相关性越来越明显(当人工智能搜索量增加时,用户体验,人机交互,交互设计的搜索量也增加)。 随着时间的推移,人工智能与用户体验,人机交互,交互设计的相关性逐渐增强。其中,人工智能与交互设计的相关性最强。参考文献: [1] 王月丰. 互联网产品交互设计中反馈机制的研究[D]. 江南大学, 2012. [2] 邓滔. 基于隐喻认知的互联网产品反馈机制设计研究[D]. 湖南大学, 2016. [3] 高路. 基于网络界面符号体系的用户隐喻认知机理探索[D]. 南京理工大学, 2009.

101 评论


The most prestigious award SIGCHI (Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction) gives ------ the CHI Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Tom Moran in the year Moran was a founding director of the Palo Alto Research Center in Xerox Corporation. As we know, the Xerox Corp. is widely known for its contribution on print machines and the pioneering work on user interfaces. Especially their invention on mouse and graphical user interface (GUI) have later been popular. As one of the founders of PARC, Tom and his partners devoted their early years of work in the theoretical foundations of HCI and published a culminating paper ------ The Psychology of HCI, which eventually leads to a further effort on the raise of several famous models, includes the GOMS model which we will have an overview of it later this fact, that was only part of his contribution during his dramatic life working on HCI. What’s more, the primitive formulation of Xerox Star, the first ‘desktop metaphor’ was based on his design. Based on my simple knowledge, ‘desktop metaphor’ is just like the 3D desktop shown on some web pages. Users can empty their recycle bin by solely putting his or her hand on the 3d icon and make a gesture of ‘upside down’. That might be a funny experience when users pile the icons altogether and push them everywhere afterwards, and that is what HCI actually ’s additional research on a variety of realms of HCI also reached a culminate standard in the specific area, for instance, task-mapping and mental models, which involves Dynamic Resource Reservation as well as Psychology. Moreover, he contributed to the world paradigm for CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work), which calls for both tele-communication and ’ve looked up some of Tom Moran’s materials online about his career and feat. The most frequently mentioned point is his paper on Psychology and I guess it might be the main reason of his nominating and obtaining the final award. Indeed, as far as I am concerned, based on the information I got on the threshold class, human-being is playing and will play a most critical role in the development within the realm of study on HCI, just as and because of its literally meaning. As long as the subject is to pace forward, one thing must be taken into consideration is how human actions is able to transmit information to computers and how computers reflect to the commands. Taking as an illustration, when we are to make a Voice Recognition System, sometimes we wonder what mood is the speaker is in. Is he angry or appease, sad or delighted? Psychology helps us distinguish different human mental moods and we can obtain something from the voice wave either. Is the speaker shouting aloud, or silently wept? A successful system on HCI can never neglect the human mental matters, which can most probably be the reason why Dr. Tom obtained his fundamental point I got from the material is that people are considering about interaction all the time, not only between human being and machine, but man to man, machine to machine as well. A reasonable evidence is from the study of the Computer Supported Cooperative Work. What should an HCI Machine System actually do? Simply making interactions between human and computer is leaving too much to be desired. It requires file share theories and co-work environment at the same time. It may enlighten us to some extent. If we are going to make an online medical cure system with HCI, we should consider all aspects linked to the problem. Whether doctors are able to cooperate distantly? How will a machine reflect to the signals added onto it?I am fully confident that there will be one day that doctors operates on a screen in his or her own office, treating a patient thousands of miles away. When we cast our net forward, we are handling more and more burden as well as responsibilities. Dr. Tom’s feat may instruct us a lot, in addition, encourage us to explore the bright future.

215 评论


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