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楼上说的似乎都太小儿科了,楼主想必是要发表的那种,当然要正式一点.这里的一篇是偏向交作业的下面一个是正式发表的双语版本张彧典人工证明四色猜想 山西盂县党校数学高级讲师用25年业余时间研究四色猜想的人工证明。在借鉴肯普链法和郝伍德范例正反两方面做法的基础上,独创了郝——张染色程序和色链的数量组合、位置(相交)组合理论,确立了仅包含九大构形的不可免集合,从而弥补了肯普证明中的漏洞。现贴出全文(中——英文对照)及参考文献的英译汉全文。欢迎各位同仁批评指正。最后特别感谢英国兰开斯特大学、兰州交大张忠辅、清华大学林翠琴、上海师大吴望名四位教授的无私帮助。附:论文用“H·Z—CP“求解赫伍德构形张彧典 (山西省盂县县委党校 045100)摘要:本文根据色链的数量和位置组合理论,用赫伍德染色程序(简称H—CP)和张彧典染色程序(简称Z—CP)找到一个赫伍德构形的不可避免集。关键词:H—CP Z—CP H·Z—CP《已知的赫伍德范例》〔1〕对求解赫伍德构形有两大贡献。其一,提供了H—CP,使我们用它找到了赫伍德染色非周期转化的赫伍德构形组合;其二,范例2提供了赫伍德染色周期转化的赫伍德构形,使我们发现了Z—CP,解决了这种构形的正确染色。为下面讨论方便,先给出〔1〕文中赫伍德构形的最简单模型。如图1所示:四色用A、B、C、D表示,待染色区V用小圆表示,其五个邻点染色用A1、B1、B2、C1、D1表示,形成的五边形区域叫双B夹A型中心区。中心区外有A1—C1链、A1—D1链(因它们的首尾分别被V连成环,故叫环,以便与开放链区分),其中还有B1—D2链、B2—C2链,A1、A2被C2—D2链隔开。其余赫伍德构形类同。在我们所设的模型中,再添加一些不同的色链后就构成许多不同的标准三角剖分图(记为G′)。当借助H—CP对它们求解时发现,其中色链的不同数量组合和相交组合直接影响解法上的差异。现在具体确立赫伍德构形的不可避免集。在后面图解中,画小横线者表示环,画粗线者表示两点以上染色互换的链,B(D)等表示一个点的染色互换。如图2: 设图1中有B1-A2链、D1-C2链(也可以是B2-A2链)存在时。其解法是:在A1—C1环内作B、D互换,生成新的A—D环(生不成情形归于下一种构形),再作A—D环外的C、B互换,可给V染C色。如图3:设图1中有C1-D2链、D1-C2链存在时。其解法是:在A1—C1环内作B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环外的D、A互换,生成新的A—C环(生不成情形归于下一种构形);再作A—C环内的B、D互换,可给V染B色。如图4:设图1中有C1-D2链、B2-A2链存在时。其解法是:在A1—C1环内作B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环外的D、A互换,生成B—D环;作B—D环内的A、C互换,生成新的B—C环(生不成情形归于下一种构形);再作B—C环内的D、A互换,可给V染D色。如图5:设图4中B1-D2链与A1-D1环相交,这时有B1-A3、C1-A3生成。其解法是:在A1—C1环内作B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环外的D、A互换,生成B—D环;作B—D环内的A、C互换,生成A—D环;作A—D环外的C、B互换,生成新的B—D环(生不成情形归于下一种构形);再作B—D环外的A、C互换,可给V染A色。如图6:设图5中C1-D2链与A1-C1环相交,为简单起见,将C1-D2链在A1-C1环外的D色点均改染B色,见图中B(带圈子的)。其解法是:在A1—C1环内作B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环外的D、A互换,生成B—D环;作B—D环内的A、C互换,生成A—D环;作A—D环外的C、B互换,生成A—C环;作A—C环外的B、D互换,生成新的A—D环(生不成情形归于下一种构形);再作A—D环内的C、B互换,可给V染C色。如图7:设图6中B1-D2链再与B1-A3链相交,为简单起见,将B1-A3链在B1-D2链内侧的A色点均改染C色,见图中C(带圈子的)。其解法是:在A1—C1环内作B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环外的D、A互换,生成B—D环;作B—D环内的A、C互换,生成A—D环;作A—D环外的C、B互换,生成A—C环;作A—C环外的B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环内的D、A互换生成新的A—C环(生不成情形归于下一种构形);再作A—C环内的B、D互换,可给V染B色。如图8:设图7中有B1-D2链与C1-D2链在A1-C1环内相交。其解法是:在A1—C1环内作B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环外的D、A互换,生成B—D环;作B—D环内的A、C互换,生成A—D环;作A—D环外的C、B互换,生成A—C环;作A—C环外的B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环内的D、A互换生成B—D环;作B—D环外的A、C互换,生成新的B—C环(生不成情形归于下一种构形);再作B—C环内的D、A互换,可给V染D色。图9:设图8中有B2-A2链与A1-D1环相交。其解法是:在A1—C1环内作B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环外的D、A互换,生成B—D环;作B—D环内的A、C互换,生成A—D环;作A—D环外的C、B互换,生成A—C环;作A—C环外的B、D互换,生成B—C环;作B—C环内的D、A互换生成B—D环;作B—D环外的A、C互换,生成A—D环;作A—D环内的C、B互换,生成新的B—D环;(生不成情形归于下一种构形)再作B—D环内的A、C互换,可给V染A色。如图10:这是一个十折对称的赫伍德构形。即在图3中,按图6的相交组合方式设C1—D2链与A1—C1环相交,D1—C2链与A1—D1环相交,C1—D2链在A1—C1环外的D色点与D1—C2链在A1—D1环外的C色点均改染B色,见图中B(带圈子的)。;再设改染成的C—B链、D—B链对称相交。这个赫伍德构形就是〔1〕文中范例2的拓扑变换形式。对于图10如果沿用图2—9的求解方法,就会产生四个周期转化的赫伍德构形,无法得解。但是,四个连续转化的赫伍德构形有一个共同的染色特征,即都包含A—B环,于是产生了如下特殊的Z—CP:若已知的是第一(或三)图时,先作A—B环外的C,D互换,生成新的A—C,A—D(或B—C、B—D)环,再作B(D)、B(C)[或A(D)、A(C)]互换,使五边形五个顶点染色数减少到3。解如图10(1)和图10(3)。若已知的是第二(或四)图时,先作A—B环外的C,D互换,生成了新的B—C(或A—D)链,再作B—C(或A—D)链一侧的A(D)[或A(C)〕互换,使五边形五个顶点染色数减少到3。解如图10(2)和10(4)。下面从理论上证明图2—10组成的不可避免集的完备性。在已四染色的G’中,由A、B、C、D四色中任意二色组成的不同色链共C42(=6) 种。反映在赫伍德构形中,有始点终点均在中心区且相交的A1-C1环、A1-D1环,还有始点在中心区,终点在A1-C1、A1-D1二环交集区域边缘上的B1-D2、B1-A2(B2-A2)、B2-C2、C1-D2(D1-C2)四种链。这四种链在赫伍德构形中的不同数量组合共四组:B1-A2、B1-D2、B2-C2、B2-A2B1-A2、B1-D2、B2-C2、D1-C2C1-D2、B1-D2、B2-C2、B2-A2C1-D2、B1-D2、B2-C2、D1-C2而六种色链中任意两种色链的不同位置组合共C62(=15)组。其中有三组不可相交组合:A-B与C-D、A-C与B-D、A-D与B-C;还有12组可相交组合:A-B与A-C、A-D、B-C、B-D;A-C与A-D、B-C、C-D ;A-D与B-D、C-D;B-C与B-D、C-D;B-D与C-D。我们把上述六种色链的不同数量组合(4组)及不同位置组合(12组可相交的)作为两大变量,一共可得到16种不同组合的赫伍德构形;然后在“结构最简”和“解法相同”的约束条件下逐一检验,具体归纳为:图2——4体现四种不同数量组合,其中图2体现前两种组合;图5——9体现依次增多的相交组合,其中图9已包含了12种相交组合;图10体现特殊的数量组合和相交组合。到此,我们用“H·Z—CP”成功地解决了赫伍德构形的正确染色,从而弥补了肯普证明中的漏洞。参考文献:〔1〕、Holroyd,F.C.and Miller,R.G..The example that heawood shold have given Quart J Math.(1992). 43 (2),67-71附英文版Using H·Z-CP Solves Heawood ConfigurationZhang Yu-dianYu Xian Party School, Yu Xian 045100, Shanxi, ChinaAbstract: In this text, One Heawood configuration’s inevitable sets is found by using Heawoods-clouring procedure (abbreviated as H-CP) and Zhang Yu-dian clouring procedure (abbreviated as Z-CP), based on quantity and poison combination theory of coloring chain. And, one new procedure is found, which is named as H· words: H-CP Z-CP H·Z-CPIntroduceThesis [1] made two main contributions to solving Heawood configuration. One is H-CP, by using it Heawood-coloring aperiodic transform’s Heawood configuration sets was found. The other one, in example II[1], provided Heawood-coloring periodic transform’s Heawood configuration. With it, Z-CP was found, and solved correct coloring for this the convenience of discuss, the simplest Heawood configuration model is given in [1] as shown in Fig. 1, A, B,C ,D denote four colors, one roundlet denotes section V to be dyed, A1, B1, B2,C1 ,D1, denote five adjacent points border upon V, the pentagon area that forms is defined as pairs of B & A embedded area. Outside of V is A1-C1 chain and A1-D1 chain (because the head and trail is looped by V separately, so called loop, in order to distinguish with others). And there are B1-D2 chain and B 2-C2 chain also. A1, A2 is separated by C2-D2 chain. The other Heawood configuration is this model, if add another coloring chain, many distinct normal triangle section map is formed(is G′). When to find the solution of map, it is found that distinct quantity combination and intersectant combination have effect on solution’s follows, the detailed Heawood configuration’s inevitable sets is is defined in latter figure as: a small transverse thread denotes a loop, a thick thread denotes a chain in which two or more coloring changed. B(D) etc. denotes that one point’s coloring is shown in Fig. 2, if there are B1-A2 chain and D1-C2 chain in Fig. 1(can also be B2-A2 chain):Its solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed (if it can’t be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with C shown in Fig. 3, if there are C1-D2 chain and D1-C2 chain in Fig. 1:Its solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed (if it can’t be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in A-C loop, B and D is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with B shown in , if there are C1-D2 chain and B2-A2 chain in Fig. 1:Its solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed , in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in B-C loop, D and A is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with D shown in , if B1-D2 chain and A1-D1 loop is intersectant in Fig. 4, new B1-A 3 loop and C1-A 3 loop are solution is:in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, A and C outside B-D loop is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with A shown in , if C1-D2 chain and A1-C1 loop is intersectant in Fig. 5, for simplicity, D can be dyed with B color in C1-D2 chain outside A1-C1 loop. See ○B in solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed, B and D outside A-C loop is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in A-D loop, C and B is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with C shown in , if B1-D2 chain and B1-A3 loop is intersectant in Fig. 6, for simplicity, A can be dyed with C color in B1-A3 chain inside B1-D2 chain. See ○C in Fig. solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed, B and D outside A-C loop is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, in B-C loop, D and A is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in A-C loop, B and D is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with B shown in , if B1-D2 chain and C1-D2 chain is intersectant inside A1-C1 loop in Fig. solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed, B and D outside A-C loop is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, in B-C loop, D and A is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, A and C outside B-D loop is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in B-C loop, D and A is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with D shown in , if B2-A2 chain and A1-D2 loop is intersectant in Fig. solution is: in A1-C1 loop, B and D is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, D and A outside B-C loop is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, C and B outside A-D loop is interchanged, a new A-C loop is formed, B and D outside A-C loop is interchanged, a new B-C loop is formed, in B-C loop, D and A is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, A and C outside B-D loop is interchanged, a new A-D loop is formed, in A-D loop, C and B is interchanged, a new B-D loop is formed, (if it can't be formed, belongs to another configuration). Then, in B-D loop, A and C is interchanged, and then V can be dyed with A Fig. 10, it is a ten-fold symmetrical Heawood configuration. Namely in Fig. 3, according intersectant combination method in Fig. 6,if C1-D2 chain and A1-C1 loop intersects, D1-C2 chain and A1-D1 loop intersects, D color point at C1-D2 chain outside A1-C1 loop and C color point at D1-C2 chain outside A1-D1 loop are both exchanged with B coloring, see ○B in Fig. 10. And then presume the exchanged C-B chain and D-B chain are symmetrically intersectant. This Heawood configuration is the topology transform form in example II [1].For Fig. 10, if using the solution way in Fig. 9, 4 periodic transform’s Heawood configurations will come into being, and will be no result. But there is a common coloring character for the 4 sequence transform Heawood configurations, namely, they all contain A-B loop. And then, as follows Z-CP comes into Fig. 10(1) or 10(3) is known, firstly, C and D outside A-B loop interchanged, the new A-C loop and A-D loop(or B-C loop and B-D loop) come into B(D) & B(C) (or A(D) & A(C)) interchange. The coloring number at the point of the pentagon is reducing to 3. Its conclusion is shown in Fig. 10(1) and Fig. 10(3).If Fig. 10(2) or 10(4) is known, firstly, C and D outside A-B loop is interchanged, the new B-C (or A-D) chain come into being, then A(D) (or A(C)) at the side of B-C (or A-D) is interchange. The coloring number at the point of the pentagon is reducing to 3. Its conclusion is shown in Fig. 10(2) and Fig. 10(4).The self-contained inevitable sets composed of Fig 2 to 10 will be proved as the 4 color dyed G’, the quantity of distinct coloring chain formed by two colors in A, B,C ,D four colors have C42(=6) kinds totally. It is reflected in Heawood configuration, there are intersectant A1-C1 loop and A1-D1 loop whose start-point and end-point are all in center area. And there are B1-D2, B1-A2(B2-A2), B2-C2, C1-D2(D1-C2) 4 chains , whose start-point is in center area, and end-point is on the verge of the intersection area of A1-C1 loop and A1-D1 loop. There are 4 groups in total for the 4 kinds of chain’s distinct quantity combination in Heawood configuration:B 1-A2、B 1-A2、B2-C2、B2-A2B 1-A2、B 1-D2、B2-C2、D1-C2C 1-D2、B 1-D2、B2-C2、B2-A2C 1-D2、B 1-D2、B2-C2、D1-C2There are C62(=15) kinds of two different situation’s combination in 6 kinds of chains, among them ,there are 3 kinds of not intersectant combinations:A-B and C-D、A-C and B-D、A-D and B-C;Otherwise there are 12 kinds of intersectant combinations:A-B and A-C、A-D、B-C、B-D;A-C and A-D、B-C、C-D ;A-D and B-D、C-D;B-C and B-D、C-D;B-D and C-D。Above 6 kinds of chain’s different quantity combinations(4 groups) and different situation combinations (intersectant 12 groups ) are two major variables, 16 kinds of Heawood configurations in different combination can be found totally. Then, on the “simplest structure” and “same solution” restrictive condition, verifiyed one by one, detailed conclusion is: Fig. 2 to Fig. 4 indicate 4 kinds of different quantity combinations. Among them, Fig. 2 indicates the former 2 groups. Fig. 5 to Fig. 9 indicate intersectant combination increased in turn. Among them, Fig. 9 contains12 kinds of intersectant combinations. Fig. 10 indicates specific quantity combinations sand intersectant this time, correct coloring for Heawood configuration is solved. The procedure which solve the problem, we name it H·Z-CP. The conclusion renovate the leak of kengpu :〔1〕、Holroyd,F.C.and Miller,R.G..The example that heawood shold have given Quart J Math.(1992). 43 (2),67-71

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参考文献的格式标注方法:1.学仿喊祥术期刊文献[序号]作者.文献题名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起-止页码2.学术著作[序号]作者.书名[M].版次(首次免注).翻译者.出版地:出版社, 出版年: 起-止页码3.有ISBN号的论文集[序号]作者备搏.题名[A].主编.论文集名备搏[C].罩基出版地:出版社,出版年:起-止页码4.学位论文[序号]作者.题名[D].保存地:保存单位,年份5.专利渗肆文献[仿喊祥序号]专利所有者.专利题名[P].专利国别:专利号,发布日期6.技术标准[序号]标准代号,标准名称[S].出版地:出版者,出版年7.报纸文章[序号]作者.题名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次)8.报告[序号]作者.文献题名[R].报告地:报告会主办单位,年份9.电子文献[序号]作者.电子文献题名[文献类型/载体类型].文献网址或出处,发表或更新日期/引用渗肆日期(任选)

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论文格式要求 一篇完整的论文应包括如下四部分: 第一部分:正文之前 (1)题目 (2)作者 (3)数学系 级 专业 班 (4) 指导教师 名字 空一行 (5)摘要(中文)200字以内; (6)关键词3—5个 空一行 第二部分:正文 (1)引言; (2)主要结论和必要的论证.(可分成若干节讨论) 第三部分:参考文献:应依引用次序编号,注意书写的规范性. 例1:[1]陈世明.一类半线性双调和方程的整体解,应用数学[J],1994,7(1):85—92 说明:其中,[1]是文献出现的序号,陈世明是作者名,"一类半线性双调和方程的整体解"是论文的题目,"应用数学"是杂志的名称,[J]表示杂志,"1994,7:85—92"表示发表的年份,卷,期,页(起止)码. 例2:[3]华罗庚.数论导引[M].北京:科学出版社,1985 说明:其中,[3]是文献出现的序号,华罗庚是作者名,"数论导引"书的题目,其后加[M]表示这是一本书,"北京:科学出版社"表示出版地点和出版社,"1985"表示出版的年份. 第四部分:英文部分 (1)英文题目 (2)作者姓名(拼音字母) (3)数学系 级 专业 班 (4)指导教师 名字 (3)英文摘要; (4)英文关键词. 二,文字字体要求: 用A4纸打印,其中 (1)题目用2号宋体(粗); (2)小标题用4号黑体; (3)其他用5号宋体(中文)(英文用5号Times New Roman); (4)其他未说明的问题(如脚码,脚注等)按一般科技论文格式要求 三,其他 论文一律采用Word文档或Latex文档形式打印编排(尤其是符号,字母要用数学形态);要用统一的封面;在左侧装订.

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142 评论


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