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216 评论


研究电子自旋还是很有前途的,毕竟作为一个新兴学科,应用还不是特别广泛。现在的硬盘(HDD)读取磁头(GMR),磁性随机存储器(TMR)等等,以及未来的Microwave通信技术(Chip to chip wireless communication),都已经证实了这个学科的重要性。以上是针对科研而言。对于就业而言,国内的情况不是很清楚,日本的就业前景还算不错,毕竟,如果你能有所成绩的话,就说明你具备一定研究能力,而这种研究能力是公司会社所看重和需要的。换而言之,通过电子自旋学,能够培养研究实践能力。也许我说的不够具体,有跑题之嫌,但是电子自旋这东西,毕竟不同于计算机技术和应用自动化这些领域,毕竟属于物理学的范畴,直接应用起来比较困难,所以就业前景一般般吧。但是如果你能够了解这一学科,久而久之你会产生兴趣的,毕竟有些东西不能纯靠理论分析,需要实验去实践。以上纯属个人见解,如果你满意的话,别忘了评最佳答案。

307 评论



307 评论


Magnetic devices Ultrafast precessional magnetization reversal process of Abstract: Based on the basic theory of micro-magnetic and magnetic dynamic theory of rectangular nano-thin film system under the action of the ultra-fast pulsed field magnetization reversal process of moving into the system. Research by pulse amplitude and pulse duration on the rectangular field of nano-thin film systems and the inversion time inversion effect: in the same pulse duration and pulse direction, with the pulse amplitude varies from small to large, reverse time presents some variation, that is, the initial magnetic structure of three magnetic reversal time increases with the magnitude of increases. In the same pulse amplitude and pulse direction, with the pulse duration changes from small to large, reverse time with a certain variation: For C-shaped and S-shaped magnet initial magnetic structure, inversion time first decreases increased after the last change; for the initial magnetic structure of F-shaped magnet, inversion time first decreases and then increases. These conclusions for the nano-magnetic information devices and the development of spin electronic devices to provide a more systematic theoretical guidance. Key words: micro-magnetism; pulsed field; magnetization reversal process

198 评论


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  • 自旋电子学毕业论文


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