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Johnny's Entertainment in Japan and in Thailand they are part of the group G-Junior on the GMM Grammy Label. Members Pichaya Nitipaisalkul (Golf) * Real Name: Pichaya Nitipaisalkul * Nicknames: Golf * Date of Birth: February 20th, 1987 * Place of Birth: Bangkok, Thailand * Blood Type: B * Height: 170 cm * Weight: 53 kg * Family: 2 older brothers -Sand (Pisut), Bank (Piset), 1 younger brother -Mike (Pirath) and 1 younger sister -Ying (Ploychompoo). * Favorite Color: White, Gray * Favorite Sports: Basketball, Ping Pong * Favorite Animals: Siberian Huskies * Fears: Ghosts, Electric Plugs, Alsatian Dogs * Hobbies: Breakdancing, Graphic Design, Drawing, Singing, Reading Comics, Video Games * Favorite Musicians: Rain, Se7en, Usher, Michael Jackson, Omarion, Chris Brown, Justin Timberlake, Jay Chou * Schools: Pirintorn Kindergarten, Coverdale Christian School, Ruamrudee International School Information: Golf is the third child of five. He auditioned for the group G-Junior at the age of 14. Golf is known to be loud and confident, as opposed to his much quieter brother. He is very talkative and friendly but gets serious about things like work. Unlike his brother, he is daring and doesn't worry as much and just likes to have fun and go crazy, especially when he is with his friends. He also likes to set goals for his future and try to reach them. His opinion of his attractive quality would be his sociable personality and his ability to make people laugh. He was nicknamed 'Golf' because when he was born, golf was starting to gain popularity in Thailand. Golf likes working with Mike because he likes being able to share everything with his sibling and when they fight, he won't talk to Mike until he apologises. Golf has a phobia of plugs because when he was young, he got a shock from plugging in a lamp and he hasn't been able to bring himself to plug anything in by himself since. His bad experiences include having a spider dropped on his head. Pirath Nitipaisalkul (Mike) * Real Name: Pirath Nitipaisalkul * Nicknames: Mike * Date of Birth: December 19th, 1989 * Place of Birth: Bangkok, Thailand * Blood Type: B * Height: 174 cm * Weight: 57 kg * Family: 3 older brothers -Sand (Pisut), Bank (Piset), Golf (Pichaya) and 1 younger sister -Ying (Ploychompoo). * Favorite Color: White * Favorite Sports: Basketball, Football, Ping Pong, Tennis, Badminton * Favorite Animals: Kittens * Fears: Love, Bugs * Hobbies: Breakdancing, Graphic Design, Drawing, Singing, Reading Comics, Working Out * Favorite Musicians: Rain, Se7en, Usher, Justin Timberlake, Tackey & Tsubasa, Lucifer, Gackt * Schools: Pirintorn Kindergarten, Coverdale Christian School, Ruamrudee International School * Ideal Girl: Doesn't like to expose herself and loves him very much Information: Mike is the fourth child of five. Since he was a child, he always dreamed of being a singer or a superhero like Spiderman. He auditioned for the group G-Junior at the age of 11. He is known to not have much confidence and is mostly quiet and serious. He doesn't talk much and tends to worry a lot, especially about his image, according to Golf. Mike's opinion of his attractive quality would be his eyes, though he says he has never really observed himself. His nickname 'Mike' comes from their family business, Michel Angelo, which started when he was born. A nickname that he got from his friends was 'Het' (meaning mushroom) because his hair used to resemble a mushroom. A nickname that he would choose for himself would be 'Ling' (meaning monkey) because he was once told that he had a monkey face. Mike likes working with his brother because he says it's fun to always be with someone he can trust and when he and Golf fight, he is usually the one to say sorry and make up. Mike is scared of insects because they jump on him when he sleeps and he is allergic to dog hair. His bad experiences include being heartbroken at the age of 12. His favorite quote is "Do what you want others to do to you". He is very shy but loves to smile a lot even if he is a serious working guy. Information Pirath and Pichaya come from a musical family as their older brothers, who go by Sand and Bank, were also popular musicians in Thailand in the late 90s. When Golf and Mike were 14 and 11, they tried out for the group G-Junior. After a year of training they passed the audition and began working on their first album, GOLF-MIKE, released three years later. Golf & Mike debuted during Thongchai McIntyre's For Fan concert in 2002. After their debut, they traveled to Japan and participated in concerts with popular J-Pop groups NEWS and Ya-Ya-Yah. They covered Tackey & Tsubasa's Epilogue for their debut album as well as Yume Monogatari during concerts as they both idolize Tackey (Takizawa Hideaki). Their participation in the Japanese music scene did not end there, however as recently they were put into a group under Johnny's Entertainment with Yamashita Tomohisa called Kitty GYM. They were also due to perfom with ARASHI and G-JR in a J-Pop/Thai-Pop concert on October 7 at the Impact Arena, Bangkok, to celebrate Thailand's ties with Japan but the J-Pop group were sent back to Japan a few days prior to the concert date due to Thailand's current unstable political state. Korean stars they have interacted with include Byul. Though Golf and Mike are brothers, the third and fourth children of five respectively, their personalities are very different; they are 'like black and white', as Mike once said in an interview. Because they study in an international school and have spent time in Australia studying, they are fluent in English and can also speak some Japanese in addition to Thai. They enjoy normal teenage things, such as hanging around the Siam Center, a popular shopping center for teenagers in Thailand. Both are also interested in graphic design and art, as well as video games and manga and are very good at drawing. Their Golf-Mike logo was designed by Golf and the Golf-Mike monkeys were also drawn by him. They own a blog, however, due to their collective inability to type in Thai, they only write in English. Thailand Discography Albums * <> Let's Bounce * <> 10 Club (with G-Junior) * <> 365 Days with Golf & Mike * <> One by One Singles * <2005.??.??> Bounce VCDs/Other * <> LET'S BOUNCE * <> The Show Must Go On * <> 365 Days with Golf & Mike Photo Books * UNSEEN GOLF-MIKE * GOLF-MIKE THE BACKSTAGE SHOW Commercials * 12 Plus Cutie * Yamaha Fino * True Move Japanese Discography Singles * <> Fever to Future (with Kitty GYM) * <> Nippon Ai ni Iku yo (ニッポン アイニイクヨ; I'll Go Meet You in Japan) Awards * <2006> Seed Popular Artist of the Year Award * <2006> Channel Thailand Music Video Awards: Favorite Breakthrough Artist Award

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国家/地区名称季度年份非洲 Big Brother Africa 1~4,6~10 2003~2009,2011~2016 Big Brother: All-Stars 5 2010 阿尔巴尼亚 Big Brother 1~9 2008~2016 安哥拉 Big BrotherAngola 1,2 2014,2015 阿拉伯 Big Brother: الرئيس 1 2004在第11天被强制中止 阿根廷 Gran Hermano 1,2 2001,2002-03 4,5 2007, 6,7 2010-11,2011-12 8,9 2015,2016 Gran Hermano Famosos 1 2007 澳大利亚 Big Brother Australia 1~8 2001~2008 9~11 2012~2014 CelebreityBig Brother 1 2002 巴尔干地区 Veliki Brat 1,2 2006,2007中止 3 2009 4 2011 5 2015 Veliki Brat VIP 1~4,5 2007~2010,2013 VB: Generalna Proba 1 2006 比利时 Big Brother 1~4 2000~2003 5,6 2006,2007 Big Brother VIPs 1,2 2001,2006 Big BrotherAll-Stars 1 2003 巴西 Big Brother Brasil 1,2 2002 3~16 2003~2016 保加利亚 Big Brother 1 2004-05 2,3 2005,2006 4,5 2008,2015 Big Brother Family 1 2010 VIP Brother 1,2 2006,2007 3 2009 4~7 2012~2015 Big Brother All Stars 1~3 2012~2014 加拿大(英语) Big Brother Canada 1~4 2013~2016 加拿大 魁北克(法语) Loft Story 1 2003 2,3 2006 4,5 2007,2008 Loft Story: La Revanche 6 2009 Big Brother 1 2010 哥伦比亚 Gran Hermano 1,2 2003,2012 中国 室友一起宅 1 2016 室友一起宅:先导季 1 2015 克罗地亚 Big Brother 1~5 2004~2008 CelebrityBig Brother 1 2008 捷克 Big Brother 1 2005 丹麦 Big Brother 1,2 2001 3 2003 4~6 2012~2014 Big Brother VIP 1 2003 BB Reality All-Stars 1 2004 厄瓜多尔 Gran Hermano 1 2003 芬兰 Big Brother 1~8,9 2005~2012,2014 Julkkis Big Brother 1 2013 法国 Loft Story 1,2 2001,2012 Secret Story 1~9 2007~2015 德国 Big Brother 1,2 2000 3,4 2001,2003 5,6 2004-05,2005-06 7,8 2007,2008 9 2008-09 10,11,12 2010,2011,2015 Promi Big Brother 1~3 2013~2015 希腊 Big Brother 1~3,4 2001~2003,2005 5 2010-11 匈牙利 Nagy Testvér 1,2 2002,2003 Nagy Testver VIP 1~3 2003 印度(印地语) Bigg Boss 1,2,3 2006-07,2008,2009 4,5 2010-11,2011-12 6,7 2012-13,2013, 8,9 2014-15,2015 Bigg Boss HallaBol! 1 2015 印度(孟加拉语) Bigg Boss Bangla 1 2013 印度(埃纳德语) Bigg Boss Kannada 1~3 2013~2015 印度尼西亚 Big Brother Indonesia 1 2011 以色列 האח הגדול 1,2,3 2008,2009-10,2010-11 4~7 2013~2015 VIP האח הגדול 1,2 2009,2015 意大利 Grande Fratello 1~9 2000~2009 10,11,12 2009-10,2010-11,2011-12 13,14 2014,2015 Grande Fratello VIP 1 2016 立陶宛 Paslapčių namai 1 2013 墨西哥 Big Brother México 1,2,3 2002,2003,2005 Big Brother PM 4 2015 Big Brother VIP 1,2 2002,2003 3,4 2004 5 2005 荷兰 Big Brother 1~4 1999~2002 5,6 2005,2006 Big Brother VIPs 1,2 2000,2006 Secret Story 1 2011 尼日利亚 Big Brother Nigeria 1 2006 挪威 Big Brother Norge 1~3,4 2001~2003,2011 太平洋地区 GH del Pacífico 1 2005 巴拿马 Gran Hermano Panamá 1 2016 秘鲁 La Casa de Los Secretos 1 2012 菲律宾 Pinoy Big Brother 1,2,3 2005,2007,2009-10 4,5,6 2011-12,2014,2015 PBB: Celebrity Edition 1,2 2006,2007-08 PBB: Teen Edition 1,2,3,4 2006,2008,2010,2012 波兰 Big Brother 1,2 2001 3 2002 4,5 2007,2008 BB: Ty Wybierasz 1,2 2001 Big Brother VIP 1 2008 葡萄牙 Big Brother 1 2000 2,3 2001 4 2003 Big Brother Famosos 1,2 2002 Big BrotherVIP 3 2013 SS: Casa dos Segredos 1~5 2010~2014 SS: Desafio Final 1~3 2013~2015 SS: Luta Pelo Poder 1 2015 罗马尼亚 Big Brother 1,2 2003,2004 俄罗斯 большой брат 1 2005 斯堪的纳维亚(丹麦,挪威) Big Brother 1 2016 斯堪的纳维亚(挪威,瑞典) Big Brother 1,2 2005,2006 3 2014 Second Life Big Brother Second Life 1 2006 斯洛伐克 Big Brother Súboj 1 2005 斯洛文尼亚 Big Brother 1,2,3 2007,2008,2015 Big Brother Slavnih 1 2010 南非 Big Brother SouthAfrica 1,2 2001,2002 Big Brother Mzansi 3,4 2014,2015 CelebrityBig Brother 1 2002 西班牙 Gran Hermano 1~3 2000~2002 4,5,6 2002-02,2003-04,2004 7,8,9 2005-06,2006,2007 10,11,12 2008-09,2009-10,2010-11 13~16 2012~2015 Gran Hermano VIP 1,2 2004,2005 3,4 2015,2016 GH: El Reencuentro 1,2 2010,2011 GH: La Revuelta 1 2012 瑞典 Big Brother Sverige 1,2~4 2000,2002~2004 5,6 2011,2012 7 2015 Big BrotherStjärnveckan 1 2002 瑞士 Big Brother Switzerland 1,2 2000,2001 泰国 Big Brother Thailand 1,2 2005,2006 土耳其 Big Brother Türkiye 1 2015 乌克兰 Big Brother Україна 1 2011 英国 Big Brother 1~17 2000~2016 CelebrityBig Brother 1,2,3~5 2001,2002,2005~2007 6~17 2009~2016 Teen Big Brother 1 2003 Big Brother Panto 1 2004-05 BB:Celebrity Hijack 1 2008 Ultimate Big Brother 1 2010 美国(英语) Big Brother 1~6,8~18 2000~2005,2007~2016 Big Brother: All-Stars 7 2006 美国(西班牙语) Gran Hermano 1 2016 越南 Người giấu mặt 1 2013-14

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是的啊~Brooks Brothers也叫布克兄弟,1818年在美国创立的,是美国知名的男士轻奢品牌,至今也有两百多年历史了。Brooks Brothers(布克兄弟)的衣服都挺不错的,标志性的产品也很多,像泡泡纱,马德拉斯格纹,免熨衬衫和扣领衬衫这些都很不错,我就很喜欢买他家的免熨衬衫系列,穿上很显气质还舒服,主要是免熨烫的面料真的很方便,即防皱又实用,我衣柜的最多的就是Brooks Brothers(布克兄弟)的衣服。

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