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“热钱”是只为追求最高报酬以最低风险而在国际金融市场上迅速流动的短期投机性资金。 "Hot money" is only for the pursuit of the highest reward with minimum risk in the international financial market speculative capital flows rapidly the short-term. 近年来,随着我国经济持续向好,国内投资机会增多,资产价格不断上扬,我国自然是“热钱”流入流出的热土,并且规模还呈现出不断扩大趋势。 In recent years, with China's economy continued to better off, domestic investment increased opportunities, asset prices continue to rise, China's nature is "hot money" hometown of inflow and outflow, and expanding the scale also presents trend. 这对我国宏观经济的稳定性产生了巨大影响,加大了宏观流动性金融风险,并且对资产价格和人民币汇率造成了冲击。 This macroeconomic stability of our country has made an enormous impact, increase the macro liquidity to financial risk, and asset prices and the RMB exchange rate caused a shock. 例如我国股市、楼市均出现过不正常的较大幅波动。 For example our stock and property are seen more unusual fluctuations. “热钱”日益成为社会各界关注的话题。 "Hot money" social from all walks of life has increasingly become an issue of concern. 我国在相关法律法规及制度方面还并不是十分完善,难以应对“热钱”的流入流出逐渐的多样化、隐蔽性的方式。 Our country in the relevant laws, regulations and systems also is not very perfect, difficult to deal with "hot money" inflow and outflow gradually diversification, covert way. 本文分析了“热钱”流入流出途径和对经济我国带来的影响。 This paper analyzes the "hot money" inflows in ways and on the economy out the impact of. 为地让“热钱”合理健康的为我国经济服务,在监管对策上建立金融稳定监控和预警系统提供理论参考。 For to let "hot money" for our country economy the reasonable health service, in the regulatory measures established on the financial stability monitoring and warning system to provide theoretical reference. [关键词] 短期投机性 金融风险 宏观经济稳定性 人民币汇率 [key words] short-term speculative financial risk macroeconomic stability of RMB exchange rate

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Talking about Housing Loans房屋贷款Al and Virginia Baxter are talking to their banker ,Tony Flora ,about a housing loan.艾尔和弗吉尼亚·巴克斯特正和他们的银行家托尼·费洛拉洽谈有关房屋贷款之事。Al:We'd like to get some information about mortgage loans,.艾尔:我们希望得到一些有关抵押贷款方面的知识,弗洛拉先生。We found a house that we'd like to buy.我们找到了一所我们想买的房子。Flora:Well, generally lend 80% of the bank's appraised value on 30-,35-or 40-year mortgages if the house is less than 10 years old .弗洛拉:好的,巴克斯特先生。如果房屋从建成至今尚未超过10年,我们一般借给买房者的数额是银行对房屋估价的80%,而贷款期为30、35或40年。Baxter:Oh ,it's almost a brand-new house .I think it was built two years ago .巴克斯特:哦, 这几乎是一所全新的房子,我认为是两年前修建的。A:Yes,it's a real good deal .The price is just right .艾尔:是的,这真是的桩合适的买卖,价钱也很合理。F:Bank appraisals are usually slightly lower than the actual market prices,,弗洛拉,银行的估价总是低于实际市场价格的,巴克斯特先生。so you'll have to figure on at least at a 25%-28% down payment .因此,您必须计划支付至少25%—28%的定金。A:Yes,we planned on that .We've accumulated enough in our savings for a 30% down payment.艾尔:是啊,这点我们已经估计到了,在我们的积蓄中攒的钱已足够支付30%的定金。B:What's the interest rate on mortgage loans?巴克斯特:抵押贷款的利息率是多少?F:It fluctuates a little depending on the various factors in the loan ,but around for longtime clients.弗洛拉:根据各种不同情况的贷款,利息率稍有差别,但是,对于银行的老主顾一般是8。75%左右。A:Well,we've been banking here since we got married 8 years ago , ,so I guess we qualify.艾尔:那么我们从结婚到现在8年来一直与这里的银行往来,弗洛拉先生。因此,我想我们是合乎条件的。F:Yes,you certainly do ,'s fill out this application ,so we can get started on the paperwork .弗洛拉:是的,你们当然是符合条件的,巴克斯特先生。让我们先来填写这张申请表,然后就可以开始着手票据事宜,It takes some time to complete a mortgage loan transaction.要完成抵押贷款的交易是得花点时间。B:We will need title insurance and fire insurance ,too,won't we ?巴克斯特:我们还需要产权保险和火灾保险,对吗?F:Yes,you 's our mortgage loan booklet which explains all the things which will be necessary .弗洛拉:是的,这里有一本有关我们抵押贷款的小册子,这个小册子说明了必须要办的一切手续

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奥巴马麦凯恩激辩金融危机据《今日美国》报道,在周二的总统辩论中,约翰-麦凯恩和巴拉克-奥巴马互相攻击,并提出了各自的应对美国金融危机的方案。John McCain andBarack Obama exchanged blame and offered proposals to address the nation'sfinancial crisis during Tuesday's presidential debate, USA Today reported.麦凯恩承诺对那些苦苦挣扎的房主们施以援手,而奥巴马则表示政府必须确保国家大规模救市方案按计划实施。McCain promisedaid to struggling homeowners and Obama said the government must assure themassive federal financial rescue package works as planned.二人辩论的主题很快便集中在经济问题上,当晚辩论主要围绕着这一话题进行。The debate focusedimmediately on the economy and stayed on it for much of the night.麦凯恩提议财政部有条件地买进按揭坏债,并根据目前的房价和房主们进行再次协商。McCain called forthe Treasury Department to buy up troubled mortgages — with some conditions —and renegotiate them with homeowners at the current value of homes.麦凯恩说:“我们都清楚,只有我们稳定了美国的家庭价值观,我们才能去创造就业机会、恢复我们的经济。McCain said,"We all know, my friends, until we stabilize home values inAmerica,we're never going to start turning around and creating jobs and fixing oureconomy,此外,我们还得重建对美国的信任和信心。”and we've got toget some trust and confidence back toAmerica."奥巴马称最近的经济低迷为“大萧条后最严重的金融危机”,他表示政府必须确保签署的金融救市方案按计划实施。Obama called thecurrent downturn "the worst financial crisis since the GreatDepression" and said the government must assure that the financial rescuepackage signed into law worked as planned.他说:“我相信这将是对过去8年来布什政府高调推行的失败的经济政策的最终审判,而参议员麦凯恩就是这一政策的支持者。”"I believethis is a final verdict on the failed economic policies of the last eightyears, strongly promoted by President Bush and supported by SenatorMcCain," he said.辩论开始前几小时,道琼斯工业平均指数又暴跌508点。辩论在一片金融阴霾中展开。The debate beganhours after the Dow Jones industrial average tumbled another 508 points, andthe resulting financial anxiety is looming large over the debate.麦凯恩指责奥巴马是参议院中收取房利美和联邦住宅贷款抵押公司捐款的第二大个人,而这两大公司正是目前名誉扫地的抵押贷款行业巨头。McCain accusedObama of being the Senate's second-highest recipient of donations fromindividuals at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two now-disgraced mortgageindustry giants.奥巴马回击称,麦凯恩竞选团队经理戴维斯在华盛顿一家政治公关公司持股,直到最近,该公司每月都从联邦住宅贷款抵押公司收到成千上万的资金。Obama shot backthat McCain's campaign manager, Rick Davis, has a stake in a Washington lobbying firm that receivedthousands of dollars a month from Freddie Mac until recently.路透社报道,两位候选人均誓言致力于使美国能源独立。Both candidatesvowed to focus on making theUnited Statesenergy independent, Reuters reported.麦凯恩表示,核电是一项无污染能源,也将是解决气候变化的关键。他还对奥巴马进行了嘲讽。McCain saidnuclear power was a clean source of energy that would be key to battlingclimate change and mocked Obama.奥巴马支持发展核电,并将其作为一个大能源计划的组成部分。And Obama said heapproved of nuclear power as one element of a broader energy plan.美联社报道,辩论话题还涉及外交政策方面,其激烈程度不亚于经济和国内事务。The debate alsoveered into foreign policy, and the disputes were as intense as on the economyand domestic matters, AP reported.麦凯恩称他的对手“在伊拉克和进军问题上的观点是错误的。”McCain said hisrival "was wrong aboutIraqand the surge.“在俄罗斯侵略格鲁吉亚问题上,他(奥巴马)对俄罗斯的看法是错误的。”“He was wrong about Russia when theycommitted aggression against Georgia.”“他的职业生涯很短,他还不了解我们国家在安全问题上所面临的挑战。”“And in his short career he does notunderstand our national security challenges.”“而我们没有时间来进行在职培训。”“We don't have time for on the jobtraining.”奥巴马略带嘲讽地回击说,他确实不太了解一些事情,例如:多年来美国已经在伊拉克耗费了数千亿美元后,今后,美国要如何面对阿富汗问题的挑战。Obama counteredwith a trace of sarcasm that he didn't understand some things — like how UScould face the challenge inAfghanistanafter spending years and hundreds of billions of dollars inIraq.据路透社报道,辩论后哥伦比亚广播公司和美国有线新闻电视网的一项快速调查都显示奥巴马在辩论中胜出。Two quick pollstaken immediately after the debate, by CBS News and CNN, both judged Obama thewinner, Reuters reported.路透评论道,麦凯恩可能不会再有扭转竞选局面的机会。McCain could berunning out of chances to recast the race, Reuters commented.离大选只有4周的时间,两位候选人将在10月15日进行最终辩论。With only fourweeks to go until the election, the two candidates will meet for one finaldebate on October 金融危机激增MBA申请人数眼下的华尔街可谓哀鸿遍野,而美国各地的商学院却因此振奋不已:全日制MBA课程的申请人数在2008年激增。Business is bad onWall Street, and business schools across the country are bracing for theimpact: A surge in applications this year to their full-time . programs.金融市场一片混乱,美国经济放缓,华尔街正在经受深刻的结构性变化。很多人决定,现在是回学校充电的好时候。With financialmarkets in turmoil, the economy slowing down and Wall Street undergoing aprofound structural change, many people are deciding that now is a good time tohead back to school.考虑迈入校门的人有些是此次金融业大裁员的牺牲品,另一些则觉得他们的饭碗即将不保。Some would-bestudents are the victim of layoffs roiling the financial industry. Others thinktheir jobs could disappear soon.即使目前工作还算稳定的MBA申请者也认为,利用这段时间攻读研究生文凭是个不错的选择--因为未来几年的升迁和跳槽机会都会比较稀缺。Even someapplicants whose jobs are currently stable are deciding that it makes sense togo for a graduate degree now: since promotions and new opportunities could behard to find in the next few year商学院还没有关于申请人数的统计数字,因为大多数顶尖学校的第一轮招生截止日期是在10月中旬。不过,许多商学院表示,今年咨询MBA课程的人增加了很多。Schools don't haveapplication tallies yet -- as deadlines for the first round of admissions arein mid-October for most top-tier schools -- but many already are reporting bigincreases in interest.纽约大学斯特恩商学院称,今年参加其校外MBA推介会的人员增加了30%。New YorkUniversity Stern School of Business reports a 30% increase in attendance atoff-site information sessions this year.西北大学凯洛格管理学院的申请人数目前已增长22%。NorthwesternUniversityKelloggSchoolof Management has had a 22% increase inapplications so far.芝加哥大学工商管理研究生院表示,其网上咨询和推介会参加人数都有显著上升。Universityof Chicago GraduateSchool of Business says it is seeing significant increases ininquiries online and attendance at information sessions.今年,GMAT考试的注册人数也在增加。People are alsoregistering for the Graduate Management Admission Test in greater numbers thisyear.美国研究生入学管理委员会位于弗吉尼亚州McLean市,成员包括165家商学院。According to theGraduate Management Admission Council, a McLean, membershiporganization of 165 graduate business schools,.该机构称,2008年1至9月GMAT考试的注册人数达到129,902人,比去年同期上升。GMAT registrationvolume for the first nine months of this year totaled 129,902, up from thesame period last year.这些数字反映出一种与以往的经济衰退期类似的趋势。The numbersunderscore a trend that has occurred in previous economic downturns.商学院和经济学家说,研究生入学人数是反经济周期的,也就是说,它与经济景气程度背道而驰。Graduateadmissions are countercyclical -- meaning that they move in the oppositedirection of the economic cycle, business schools and economists say.由于次债风波的连锁反应,这批MBA研究生毕业时,将面对一个完全不同的华尔街,就业市场可能很不乐观。When this year'. applicants graduate, they will enter a dramatically different WallStreet and potentially smaller job market that has been altered by the rippleeffects of the credit crunch.今年即将毕业的研究生已经感受到就业市场的低迷。This year's newlyminted graduates already encountered a tougher job market.科尔说,在芝加哥大学,2008年毕业生中找到工作或有公司邀请加盟的人数比去年下降了约3个百分点。At the University of Chicago, the percentage of 2008graduates that either had offers or had already accepted them dropped roughlythree percentage points from the previous year, Ms. Kole says.一些商学院表示,由于毕业后的就业前景不确定,因此目前有稳定工作的申请者可能会放弃进入商学院的机会。Indeed, schoolssay not knowing what the job market will look like upon graduation could detersome prospective applicants who have stable jobs from applying.有些申请者则打算碰碰运气。Some applicantsare taking their chances.其他研究生院也都预计申请人数会增加。Other graduateschools are also expecting increases in applicants.学员们今年还要考虑另一个问题──次债危机使学生贷款很难申请。Also a factor forstudents to consider this year: The credit crunch has roiled the market forstudent loans.一直关注这一领域事态发展的负责人马克-坎特罗维兹称,2007年,有144家民间和政府教育贷款机构暂停了学生贷款。In the past year,144 education lenders have suspended private and federal loans, according toMark Kantrowitz, publisher of , who has been following thedevelopments.不过,坎特罗维兹说,商学院的学生应该可以找到贷款,因为很多贷款机构只是对本科生和成人教育学生暂停发放贷款。Still, says business-school students should be able to find loans. Manylenders, he says, have suspended loans for undergraduate and continuingeducation students but not graduate loans对这些贷款机构来说,“研究生贷款项目是最有利可图的,因为贷款质量最高。”For lenders,'graduate student loans are the most profitable because the loan balances arethe highest,' he says.然而,学生要想获得私人贷款,可能需要提供更多的信用证明,而且贷款利率也会上升。But students mayface tighter credit requirements in getting private loans and pay higherinterest rates.

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