摘 要目前,电子商务正在全球范围内蓬勃发展,发达国家把它作为国际贸易领域的新手段扩大其应用范围。预计到2003年,世界电子商务交易额将增加到近亿美元,“因特网经济”将成为世界经济的主角。这种新兴贸易方式的发展为国际贸易的发展提供了更为便捷自由的手段和工具,使国际贸易的许多方面都发生了令人瞩目的积极变化。电子商务拓展了国际贸易的空间和场所,缩短了国际贸易的距离和时间,简化了国际贸易的程序和过程,使国际贸易活动全球化、智能化、无纸化和简易化,并实现了划时代的深刻变革。关键字:蓬勃发展 深刻变革 经济主角 新兴AbstractCurrently, the electronic commerce is developing rapidly in the global scope, flourishing nation it Be the new hand segment of international trade realm extends its application continuously. till 2003, world electronic commerce's trading a sum will increase to near USD, "Internet economy" will become the leading role of world economy. kind of development of[with] newly arisen trade method provided more conveniently free means and tool into the development of international trade, making of international trade take place to make the aggressive variety that the person focuses attention in many ways and electronic commerce expanded space and place of international trade, distance and time of international trade, simplifying procedure and process of international trade, making the international trade movable globalization, intelligence turn, have no paper to turn with simple turn, and carried out an epoch-making and deep word: Booming development,Deep change,Economic leading role,newly arisen随着电子商务的发展和应用,国际贸易方式的创新,传统国际贸易迫切要求实现全球贸易运作的信息化,来节约社会成本和贸易成本,而电子商务的发展正好满足了这种需求。今天,有幸与在座的各位领导和同仁一起探讨我国电子商务与国际贸易相关问题,我也想将我的调查研究成果与大家分享。
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