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你要写一份2 - 3页(双倍行距,键入的)论文题目:“可以在多大程度上水电预期迎接我们电能需要 未来几十年里吗?” 这篇论文应该有3个部分: 1。介绍了专业术语的定义明确的问题,包括了简要说明物理过程参与蓄能作为重力位能在水中大坝后面并转到电能。 2。一个中间一段提出有关的事实问题

153 评论


食物是一个国家生存的物质基础,食品安全事件可以影响到国家的稳定和经济发展,小的可以危及个人的生命和健康。近年来,中国的粮食安全形势不容乐观,从而导致食品安全事故频繁发生,导致国内消费者对食品的信心下降。代不仅在食品生产过程中存在的食品安全风险,但在流通过程中也提出了从农场到餐桌。社会关注食品安全的相关指标大多集中在食品农药残留,食品添加剂,食品生产和加工相关的指标,往往忽略了运输,贮存污染,食品污染和保存老化的食品物流问题。由于缺乏安全意识,食品物流,加上原中国的有关法律和法规的食品物流的标准化是不够清晰的不完善。落后设施和信息技术的发展水平等原因,已生产后的质量标准的食品,经常在运输,仓储,配送,销售等流通过程中,缺乏必要的保护,温度适宜湿度,发生变质,腐烂,甚至其它有毒物质污染。 食品物流和安全问题的研究和分析,可以帮助推进现代化的食品物流行业的过程中,以防止恶化食品质量标准,在流通过程中被污染。此举不仅在国家和社会的稳定发挥了基础作用。同时促进粮食物流业,以满足消费者对食品质量的需求的快速发展,提高食品企业,食品物流企业乃至整个食品行业的竞争力。 本文通过分析中国食品安全的物流状态,确定存在的问题,并借鉴西方的成功经验,并提出解决方案,全方位提高食品物流的质量,减少安全风险食品物流,食品物流安全保障。

266 评论


Inertia is a very important concept in physics. Understanding of inertia, the more recognition of objects with properties of keeping original motion state, the inertia (object will remain at rest or of uniform motion in a straight line), the nature of reason is not in the interior of the object, also has nothing to do with force. But due to the uniformity of the object of time and space symmetry. Along with the development of modern physics, general relativity and proposed that inertia is around by its expression objects associated with space-time quality distribution determines the nature of the object. An important progress for inertial understanding of relationships with energy and inertia. With inertial energy point of view to broaden the understanding of inertia, also broaden the understanding of on inertial essence as the research perspective, this paper expounds on inertia of the concept of development and change, human understanding of nature of various inertial phenomenon to broaden the understanding of inertia, focusing on the based on the Newton classic time-space conditions to explore the establishment of the law of inertia and the inertia in the high school physics teaching concept, the law of inertia, grasps the inertia and life closely related, introduces the application of inertia on the science and technology.

128 评论


翻译成英文后:This thesis on the history of physics and physics teaching combined with the status quo at home and abroad was studied, with "the students for this" as the basic concept, discusses the physics history with physics teaching of the two modes: case analysis method and munch and osborne integration mode. On this basis, the design of the type of the physics history with physics teaching. At the same time, the history of physics in high school the application of electric and magnetic teaching are discussed in this paper, from the case further elaborates the effective combination of the history of physics and physics teaching.翻译成日语后:本论文が国内外物理学史と物理教学结合の现况について研究してきて、「学生は本」を基本理念理想郷物理学史と物理の教育に2つのモデル:事例分析法と孟克とリオスは本融合モードです。これを足がかりに设计した物理学史と物理の授业を结合するタイプです。と共に、物理学史は高校电気や磁気授业中の応用论议したものは、判例にさらに详しく述べて物理学史と物理の授业の有効な结合です。希望你可以采纳O(∩_∩)O~~

355 评论


这篇论文应该有2个部分: 1。介绍了专业术语的定义明确的问题,包括了简要说明物理过程参与蓄能作为重力位能在水中大坝后面并转到电能。 2。一个中间一段提出有关的事实问题

86 评论


This article focuses on both local as well as foreign base physic pedagogies in which incorporated with physic history and carries out research and analysis. It is a "Student Centric" base to analyze these two modules . physic history and the physic padagogies: Case analysis and Monk,M.&Osborne,J. Integrated modules. Based on these modules, it designs an integrated physic history and its padegogies module. At the mean time, it also analyzes the micro-electromagetics in high school physic history, and illustrates in details about the benefits of such integrated of the history of physic and physics padagogies.

261 评论


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