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Xiang, Xue Qiao, Qing Wang, Rui Li, Wenjuan Miao, Dean Guo, Min Ye*. From single compounds to herbal extract: a strategy to systematically characterize the metabolites of licorice in Metab. , 39(9), Liang, Min Ye*, Wen zhi Yang, Xue Qiao, Haijun Yang, Xiaoli Wang, Dean Guo*. Flavan-3-ols from the rhizomes ofDrynaria , 72(14-15), Li, Xue Qiao, Qingyan Li, Rong He, Min Ye*, Cheng Xiang, Xionghao Lin, Dean Guo*.Metabolic and pharmacokinetic studies of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin in mice tumor after intragastric administration of nanoparticle formulations by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass . Chromatogr. B2011, 879 (26), Qiao, Min Ye*, De-lin Pan, Wen-juan Miao, Cheng Xiang, Jian Han, De-an Guo*. Differentiation of various traditional Chinese medicines derived from animal bile and gallstone: simultaneous determination of bile acids by liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass . Chromatogr. A2011, 1218, Qiao, Xing Zhang, Min Ye*, Yan-fang Su, Jing Dong, Jian Han, Jun Yin, De-an Guo*. Rapid characterization of triterpene saponins fromConyza bliniibyliquid chromatography coupled with mass Commun. Mass , 24, Ye,Jian Han, Hubiao Chen, Junhua Zheng, Dean Guo. Analysis of phenolic compounds in rhubarbs using liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization mass . Am. Soc. Mass , 18(1), Ye, Yuning Yan, Dean Guo. Characterization of phenolic compounds in the Chinese herbal drug Tu-Si-Zi by liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass Commun. Mass , 19(11), Ye, Jian Han, Dongge An, Guangzhong Tu, Dean cytotoxic bufadienolides from the biotransformation of resibufogenin byMucor , 61(37), Ye, Jian Han, Guangzhong Tu, Dongge An, Dean Guo. Microbial hydroxylation of bufalin byCunninghamella blakesleanaandMucor . Nat. , 68(4), Ye, Guiqin Qu, Hongzhu Guo, Dean Guo. Specific 12b-hydroxylation of cinobufagin by filamentous . Environ. , 70(6), 3521-3527.

89 评论


Xu, Kaiqian Wang, Yihui Deng, et al. Effects of cleavable PEG-cholesterol derivatives on the accelerated blood clearance of PEGylated liposomes. Biomaterials. 2010,31(17): 4757-4763. (SCI收录) Xu, Yihui Deng, DaWei Chen, et al. Esterase-Catalyzed DePEGylation of pH-sensitive Vesicles Modified with Cleavable PEG–Lipids Derivatives. J Control Release. 2008, 130(3): 238–245. (SCI收录) Xu, Yihui Deng, Kaiqian Wang, et al. Preparation and Characterization of Stable pH-sensitive Vesicles Composed of α-tocopherol Hemisuccinate. AAPS PharmSciTech. 2012,16(4):1377-1385(SCI收录) Xu, Yihui Deng, DaWei Chen, et al. Preparation and Characterization of pH-sensitive Vesicles Made of Cholesteryl Hemisuccinate. Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2008, 34(2): 134–141. (SCI收录)5.司维峰, 李焕巧, 徐缓*,等. 球形分枝结构Pt纳米材料的合成、纯化及电化学活性研究. 催化学报. 2012, 33(9):1601-1607 (通讯作者,SCI收录)6.徐缓,王凯乾,黄微崴,等. 聚乙二醇修饰脂质体的ABC现象研究进展. 药学学报. 2010, 45(6):.徐缓*,于涛,尹朋朋,等. NBT光照法测定聚(2-乙基-2-恶唑啉)化超氧化物歧化酶模拟物脂质体的活性. 中国药学杂志. 2012, 47(21): .徐缓*,尹朋朋,于涛,等. PEOZ修饰SOD模拟物脂质体冻干制剂的考察. 中国药房. 2013, 24(1):57-609.徐缓,王凯乾,邓意辉,等. 阴离子交换树脂-微柱离心法测定钙黄绿素脂质体包封率. 药物分析杂志. 2010, 30(9):.陈建霞, 徐 缓*, 于涛, 等. 微柱离心-紫外分光光度法测定超氧化物歧化酶模拟物脂质体的包封率. 中国新药杂志. 2011, 20 (10): .徐 缓,邓意辉,陈大为,等. 修饰脂质体的可断裂聚乙二醇脂质衍生物的研究进展. 药学学报. 2008, 43(1): .徐 缓,邓意辉,王凯乾,等. 超滤-分光光度法分离测定聚乙二醇单甲醚-2000. 中国药学杂志. 2008, 43(5): .徐 缓,邓意辉,陈大为,等. 超滤-紫外可见分光光度法测定钙黄绿素囊泡包封率. 中国新药杂志. 2008, 17(2): .徐 缓,于涛,尹朋朋,等. AE-活性酯的合成及检测方法的建立. 北华大学学报. 2011, 12(6):656-65815.曲海源,徐 缓,韩洪波,等. αvβ3 整合素受体靶向性超顺磁性脂质体的建立及体外磁共振观察. 中国医学影像技术. 2009, 25(6):969-972.

257 评论


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