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怎么没人说F-16呢 多么经典的战机啊?

114 评论


不知你说的是第几次伊拉克战争,如果是第一次,什么长弓阿帕奇、B2轰炸机、JASSM要么没有出现,要么没有参战,美国第一次投入实战的武器装备据我所知有以下几种:1、F117夜鹰隐形战斗机;2、战斧巡航导弹;3、AGM-86空射型巡航导弹;4、爱国者防空导弹;5、小牛反坦克导弹;6、AIM-120中距离拦截弹;7、M1A1型坦克;8、A10型攻击机;9、F18超级大黄蜂战斗机; 其他应该还有,至于麻雀、响尾蛇导弹和灵巧炸弹、铺路石激光制导炸弹等,那是在越战时就出现的老相识,虽然有改进,不算;像E6B、F14,也都在利比亚大打出手,不算;而像A10、战斧这样的装备,虽然装备时间已经很长,但是第一次应用于实战,还是第一次海湾战争。

233 评论


The war in Iraq impact on the global economy will linger(题目)"The Wall Street Journal," April 7, said a signed article, the war in Iraq may be in the next few years the impact of the global economy and financial markets. During the cold war, Henry Kissinger and the former Soviet Union the United States fighting two superpower described as "the two heavily armed blind in a house in sailing through uncharted waters." 24 years later, the Soviet Union has disintegrated, but the superpower is more than ever to be debated. The United States decided to only a small number of international forces in support of the attack on Iraq, for this purpose and its long-time ally of the United States at break, along with the war in Iraq has exposed differences within the EU, this is the strength of the release may be affected in the next few years the global economy and financial markets. The first force is the war in Iraq. "If the war continued to crack down on consumers and businesses the confidence and expenditures affecting the decision ... ... these will be reflected in the share price, the" UBS Warburg in London, George Magnus, chief economist, said. Secondly, before the outbreak of the war in Iraq, due to a high degree of insecurity and instability in the geopolitical situation in the impact of the 12-nation euro zone and Japanese economies have been hovering around the edge of recession. And those problems because of the slowing down of the . economy further. This is because Japan and Europe over the last 5 years has been to rely on exports to the United States to sustain its economic growth momentum. The third problem is the decline in the dollar, since the beginning of the year in 2002, the . dollar against the euro exchange rate has dropped by 17 percent, the . dollar against the yen exchange rate has fallen by . "The longer the war dragged on, the dollar will fall more miserable," said Magnus. "This makes Europe and Japan (export) competitiveness and (the exporters) against an additional profit." Less than a political background or where. Financial consulting firm Independent Strategy in London, the chief economist鲍勃麦基claims that from a single superpower led by the world into a "European core economies" with the United States against the world, the Iraq war and the outbreak of war diplomacy before and it set a precedent for the dispute. In France and Germany under the leadership of some of the unilateral US-led challenge to the world countries that the . should not be in trade, investment and political decision-making, as well as Western countries since the Second World War military alliance formed to play a decisive role. Mackey is expected after the end of the war in Iraq, there will be a series of disputes concerning the World Trade Organization, the current Doha Round of trade negotiations, designed to further the lifting of controls on international capital flows, as well as the United Nations in resolving the political disputes the role of ( if any). "If the global economy and the constraints of the Cold War international relations can not play a role in the mechanism, then the trend of globalization means that there is some stagnation — — perhaps some back," said Magnus of UBS Warburg. Well, free trade, international capital flows and market opening can occur, such as efforts to retrogression. "It will affect the risk premium in financial markets and economic growth," said Magnus. "If the differences can not be resolved, it will be brought about by a very serious political consequences." Within the EU that took place on the war in Iraq confirmed the differences as follows: in a very long period of time, the European countries more closely linked to form the ultimate political union is still only a wishful thinking, Morgan Stanley, an economist in London乔基姆费尔斯said. Clear winner in Europe who will not be easy. Independent Strategy's McKee pointed out that in terms of gross domestic product, and to the United Kingdom, led by Spain and Italy to support the camp compared to the American invasion of Iraq, in favor of Europe and the United States independent of the Franco-German alliance against the economy stronger. However, as the EU expanded in 2004, the 15 member countries will increase to 25, most of the increase in new members in support of the United States. Mackey added that the trade in European countries an average of 60% occurred in the case of Europe, the independence of European countries it is very difficult. In addition to Britain, other European countries do not trade against the United States all of its foreign trade more than 10 percent, Britain's trade with the United States about 17%. Even so, 55% of British trade is with other EU countries. Into Baghdad, there are problems. Rapid victory in the United States, French President Jacques Chirac could shut up, but if a military conflict into chaos, and that might be further encouraged to Chirac. Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder of Germany is also the case, although Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder expressed support for the first time a few days ago to oust Saddam, but he is still against the war. Mackey said that from an investment point of view, the chaos and long-drawn-out conflicts and other . dollar would no longer be attractive assets. If Iraq fails, Japan will also be losers, because of its dependence on oil imports too much, and oil prices will continue to rise. Stockcube Research Ltd. Global strategist David Fowler said that the war will continue to put pressure on the stock market until investors to accurately aware of the change of regime in Iraq in sight. He said that the stock market will be 2-6 on the medium-term rebound in oil prices will drop to 15-20 . dollars a barrel. Followed by more bad news. He said that the market will be the main trend in the flat plate, spacing down to stage until the early 1980s than the valuation higher. On the S & P 500, that means that the dividend yield of 6% for 8-10 times earnings. In contrast, the March 31 Index dividend yield of , to 30 times earnings. He believed that both cases will lead the market: first, not the United States easily won the war and peace, the resulting long-term benefits is one of the world become more peaceful and democratic, more prosperous economy. In his view, the big losers will be France and Germany, because they are under the wrong note, as well as Russia, because oil prices will fall. The second situation: since the war to become the biggest disaster since the Vietnam War, long-term result is that, with the weapons of mass destruction proliferation, the world becomes more dangerous. With the United States to pursue further political isolation, and global factors will lead to an increase in the power vacuum.要谢我的哦!

161 评论


你能想到的美制装备除了核弹之外全写上吧从M14到B2 F117 最早投入实战是在美军入侵巴拿马那会AIM120中距拦截弹在海湾战争投入实战了?穿越?F-18超级大黄蜂在01年才试飞,就出现在90年的海湾战争?幻觉!楼上2位军盲,F18e/f才被称为超级塑料虫!一楼的白痴 火箭都是新秀武器了那么弓箭是不是能算先进武器了?AC-130从越南战争用到现在宝刀不老&

315 评论


海军陆战队 游骑兵飞机有AC-130 F18 F-117 F-22 无人机掠食者

258 评论


兄弟,你如果是军校或者国防生,要专业性较强的东西的话,那我就爱莫能助了,以下内容你可以忽略了。要是只是肤浅灌水的一般的议论文,应付考试或者老师的任务,那么我给你一个我看到这题目的思路和框架,具体的东西自己填下,800字真的不多。。。“孙子曰:兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。意思是说战争,是国家的大事。它关系到人民的生死,国家的存亡,不可不慎重地加以考察研究”这句话可以作开头,同样也是论点。下面用:“国防始终是国家屹立的基石之一,无论是在春秋战国群雄并起战火纷乱的古代, 还是以和平发展为主题的现代。从上世纪末到本世纪初的几场战争都提醒了我们国防的重要性,由以伊拉克战争最为明显”引出下文,作过渡。下面你百度下伊拉克战争,从伊拉克自己的准备不足啊等等方面挑他不重视国防的刺,用来做不重视国防的反例。如果字不够你可以在前面小小的简单的介绍下伊拉克战争,100来字足矣。“闻者足戒”过渡到我国的国防,大概介绍下我国的国防建设的指导原则啊什么的,如科学技术是国防建设的保证之一什么的,百度一下找找,结合下伊拉克的成功与失败讨论下我国的不足。大概讨论下“经济建设必须在强大国防的保护下才能顺利进行,两者也是互为基础的”、“强大的国防是民族自尊的保证,是民族崛起的象征,是中华民族屹立于民族之林的基础”等等 这些足够800字了,大概其论点论据论证也有了。我的水平有限,见笑于大方之家了。。。如果没有更好的答案 ,给个辛苦分吧 谢谢啦,现码的字,甚苦啊。

116 评论


非专业 你是解放军大学毕业的还问这个? A、军队管理对企业管理有很多借鉴和参考价值的内容,: 一是无条件执行的效率。服从是军队的灵魂,军人以服从命令为天职。军队在接到命令时,要无条件执行,不得寻找任何借口,而服从和坚决执行则是战斗力的集中表现。在企业中这就是行动力和效率的表现。作为企业,应该而且能够通过建立严格的管理制度,使企业获得像军队一样的战斗力和执行力。 二是把平民变英雄的训练。军队是一个能够让人脱胎换骨的地方。从奴隶到将军,从平民到英雄,军队创造了一个又一个的奇迹。企业面临各式各样不同素质的员工,怎样使他们转变为能够在同一系统中按统一标准协同工作、具有效率的组织成员呢?相信军队的训练模式会给人们以启发。 三是竞争取胜的战略战术。商场如战场,一些军事战略战术实际上早就被运用到商战实践中去了。战争中,战略战术运用的失识导致的是毁灭性的结局。所以,在商业竞争实距中,运用军事上的一些成熟的战略技术,对于企业经营,尤其是中小企业的经营会起到非常重要的作用。 当然,军队的管理有着更为丰富的内容,对军队的管理作一个全面的分析,可以得到更多的启发。 B、现代作战方式与企业管理: 现代作战方式的特点; 第一、模式创新:对整个作战系统的高度依赖,远远超过对个人能力的依赖。传统的作战,高度依赖的是战士的个体作战能力,而这种作战新模式,是一种基于大量资金的长期投入形成的高科技作战能力、依赖整体系统的高效能而形成的战斗模式。这种作战新模式,在经济落后、科技落后的国家,是一种“不可能完成的任务”。这种作战模式上的高度创新,使两支战斗部队的战斗力,从一开始就远远地拉开了差距。这是一种基于体系的竞争力,给你看到了,告诉你了,你也学不会,做不到,只能望洋兴叹。一句话,是体系和系统的核心竞争力,主导了战场的优势。 第二、对士兵个体的充分和严格的培训,提高战士个体的素质,从而提高“投资回报率”,降低消耗提高效能。在这种新模式下,在一个战士身上要投入更多的资金和时间,让他们接受比以前多得多的严格培训,使战士掌握更多的知识和技能,具有复合型的知识结构和技术能力,当然,同时还要给他们更高的工资和福利。从表面上单独看起来,这是提高了作战单位的个体成本,好像优点不合算。但是,由于一场战争的胜负最终的决定因素是人,所以,如果每个成员的素质大大提高,用更少的更低的消耗和损失和成本,去赢得一场战争的胜利的可能性,实质性地提高了。而且,从每个成员消灭对方、保存自己、获得胜利的回报角度看,每个个体成员的“投资回报率”是大大提高了,从而在整体上,降低了消耗(成本)提高了效能(效率)。 现代新作战模式的这两个特点,是一个硬币的不可缺少的两面,互为依靠、互为映衬、互相促进。 这实际上是人类社会的组织战斗力的一种新模式。这种新模式,不仅存在于军事组织中,在跨国公司的经营管理中,我们也能看到这样的“战场版”新模式的“市场版”。 跨国公司在全世界,是非常注重投入公司资源,包括投入自己公司内部的资金、人员、时间,以及聘请专门的外脑――律师事务所、会计师事务所、管理咨询公司、软件外包公司、投资银行、广告公司、公关公司等,来建立全公司的体系化的核心能力。这种体系化的核心能力建立,表现在建立公司内部的全球统一的ERP系统、CRM系统、SCM系统,也还表现在建立公司外部的全球统一的供应商体系、合作伙伴联盟、大客户服务体系、专利共享互换体系、品牌管理体系等。这样的一种专注和投资,最终的结果是,公司的体系资源的积累越来越多、越来越强大,对员工个人包括董事长和CEO的依赖越来越小,使整个公司成为一个管理健全,体系完善的大平台,谁来了都能管,谁走了也还照常运转的具有独立生命的社会组织生命体。而且,这种管理平台的改进是持续的,每年有预算,真的是可以说做到了“年年改、月月改、日日改”的程度,天长日久、日积月累,最终形成自己的核心能力:告诉你,你也学不到,做不好。 跨国公司非常注重人才的培养,这种注重,是从公司品牌在大学校园里的建设开始的。在中国的外资公司中,有一个招聘工作做得非常好的外企――宝洁公司。这家外资企业,从人才招聘的角度,就把当年毕业的22岁大学生和25岁硕士生里的学生,全部挑最优秀的,招了进去。那它是如何招聘的呢?作广告,是用最好的印刷品;去演讲的人,坐豪华的汽车(虽然可能是租来的);面试,是包租学校附近最高档的饭店;进入公司的起步工资,要比一般的大学生高出20%-30%;来了公司以后,集中统一的严格培训;明明是普通的员工在内部的不同部门和岗位之间的轮岗,却可能会给你一个“管理培养生”的头衔,给大学生一个荣誉感;还三天两头给你点新的洗发液拿回家让你孝敬老爸老妈――那又值几个钱呢?其实呢,这也就是一个生产老百姓最经常使用的,行业进入门槛非常低的日用化工用品的公司。 这两点,正是中国企业的一个软肋,一个今后努力学习、不断提高的一个方向。 () C、军队模式与公司治理改革 现在很多公司都强调治理改革的必要性,最重要的是可以借此机会来阐明与权力有关的各种问题。权力是导致腐败的催化剂;权力不是某一种职权的产物,而是很多种职权范围之外的力量联合的产物。 公司的CEO(首席执行官)虽然大权在握,但每天都被媒体报道种种不尽如人意的后果。的确,要在权力和制约之间找到一个平衡点不是件容易的事。 如美国军队在早期伊拉克战争中和其它地方的表现所广泛证实的那样,如果职权能被有效而且高效地运用,那么就不会产生绝对的权力。公司治理改革的内容应该包括对公司内部权力的更详细地描述和划分。从纵向看,应该把公司治理的核心功能从那些日常运作的重要功能中区分出来。从横向看,至少应该削弱手握大权的管理层在组织进程中控制业务发展、决定员工薪金水平和人员聘用的权力。 公司CEO:美国总统 在伊拉克战争中,谁在扮演公司CEO的角色?是国防秘书拉姆斯菲尔德吗,还是总指挥乔治·W·布什?答案是:BOTH!(两个都是) 在喜剧片里,将军常常被描绘成坐在畸形怪状的战地办公室里,嘴叼着雪茄烟,威风凛凛地大声发号施令。但实际上,将军手中的军权却同时被“横向”和“纵向”地划分了。分权的作用在于造就了一支反应更为灵敏、责任感更强的军队。“纵向”分权指的是军队和领导、监督军队的政府机构之间的权力划分。只有总统,而不是参谋长联席会议才有权命令发起军事行动,但总统的权力又要受不同的立法和执行部门的限制,这些部门同时还负责军队的监督和拨款。 在军队中,没有人能像公司的CEO那样可以单独从深度和广度上行使公司制度所赋予的权力。虽然联邦法律和州法律都涉及到了公司行为,但那些法律只是泛泛地定义了权力的限度,却没有划定可接受限度内的权力使用范围。毋庸置疑,CEO在做一些事情,比如收购一个公司时,需要得到公司董事会董事的支持。但正如我们所看到的,因为时间、信息、资源和专家意见等等原因,最终妥协的总是董事会。卷入矛盾中的董事会处境越来越艰难,变得越来越没有独立性。而CEO却能利用手中的权力发展个人兴趣。董事会与大权在握且有决断权的CEO几乎没有任何瓜葛。 公司董事会:美国国会 代表美国人民的美国国会也负责军队的监督。如果把国会看作是公司的董事会,那么二者有几个明显的差异:参议员和众议院议员是全职工作,他们有许多助手,制定与军队长官的会面计划,包括隔多久开一次会、确定时间表和书写备忘录,等等。而公司董事则完全依靠CEO提供给的时间表来获知何时被召集,他们的行动只能遵循为公司管理而设置的议程表。 另外一个最重要的差别是:参议员和众议院议员有管理权,可以不受限制地提出自己所有质疑;而在美国公司里,管理层有权决定何时、何地、以何种方式披露何种信息。从理论上来说,董事也可以随便提问,但问题仅仅是问题,难以得到解决。所以董事们的话题便很自然地被限制在了一定的范围内,大家说话的调子也与之相符。举个例子,当一个人同时对自己的下属和老板有怀疑时,他可能会向老板提问题,但肯定不会像质问他的下属那样直截了当。 从本质上看,董事个人并没有实权,这很可悲。董事会只拥有集体的权利,也就是说,董事会有权命令公司的管理层坐下来听他们说话。但董事会发表的意见是集体的,而非个人的。心存不满提出意见的董事很快会发现了自己成了“孤胆英雄”,自己的影响力也在不断地下降。实际上,CEO根本就不需要获得所有董事的支持,他只需要一半董事会董事再加一个董事点头同意就行了。而CEO自己就是那个“点头”的董事。 居于这样的事实,就可以理解为什么有的外部董事在解决与其他董事的冲突时会显得犹豫不决,除非冲突已经严重到了不可救药的地步。董事会的每个成员都很清楚自己的权力来自于组织而非个人。所以,大部分人不愿做麻烦的制造者。持反对意见的人知道,如果不能在大范围内取得共识,那他们宁愿放弃冒险而不愿因此而影响到将来的合作。 部门经理:战地指挥官 除了“纵向”地对权力进行分割以外,美国军队被“横向”地划分权力。纵览伊拉克战争期间的种种媒体报道,我们可以清楚记得军队新闻发言人无数次说过类似的话:“我们会让战地指挥官来做决定。”换言之,军队会把不同程度的决定权留给不同级别的合适人选,而不会等最高长官来决定所有的事情。 军权的划分标准与公司的权力分配制度差异很大。军队指挥官往往会制定出非常详细的可执行条例,供军队中各层级的人员遵守。即使所有的条例都获准通过,但在特殊场合,尤其是前线官兵在自卫时可以获得更广泛的执行权力。他们没必要向上级陈述自己的决定,也没必要联系总部以得到授权。比如说,飞行员有自行处理紧急情况的权力。为了保证飞机和机组人员的安全,在很多情况下,飞行员都不会死板地遵守总部制定的规章制度。 而部门经理则远没有如此自由。虽然有些CEO很欣赏个人自律,但他们一定不会去那些让自己觉得是局外人的地方。如果他们和你是同事,那他们很可能会用命令的口气来对你讲每一件事,不管是谈论某个契约条例还是评价自助餐厅里的菜单或大堂里地毯的颜色。公司薪酬差异军队级别 军队的纪律性比任何组织的条例都强,但如果要决定薪酬和晋升,军队长官的权力就不如企业老板大。军队中的军官表现报告(OPR)被看作是对军官表现的评价。表现欠佳的军官表现报告会成为个人晋升的巨大障碍。军队里有一个由同等级别的军官组成的秘密评定委员会,被称为“升迁和选拔委员会”,专们负责评定军官的升迁,是一个临时的独立部门。他们对富有争议的军官表现报告(OPR)做出评价。评定对象的选择权在该部门而不在撰写军官表现报告的军官本人。如果一位军官接到了他认为对自己评价不公的军官表现报告,他可以向位于华盛顿的军事档案更正处的独立委员会提出申请,请求其对他的上级给他的评价进行正式评估。 几乎没有公司为职员提供这样的保护。公司的人力资源部门往往依照部门经理的指示来进行员工表现评估。而部门经理,可能是因为自己不能独立行使权力的缘故,在评价中没有为员工提供任何有意义的保护。员工表现评价看起来虽然有权威性,但实际上只是公司高层操纵权力的一个小工具而已。 和美国公司不一样,美国军队不发奖金。军队中只有10个工资等级,覆盖了所有的军衔级别。同一级别的军官收入相同。公司到了每年的人事聘任时期,职员们都会摩拳擦掌,为能获得加薪或升职做着准备。但军队里没有这样的场面。 美国军队中的薪金差别也比公司里小得多。粗略算来,一个四星的将军(工资级别是O~10)的基本工资应该是一个二等陆军中尉(工资级别是O~1)的5倍。然而,一个CEO的工资却比公司最低一级经理的工资要高500倍。如果你把金钱看成是一个很好的激励因素,那么你应该会同意这种说法:军队中更加公平的工资结构可以减小公司CEO欺股东的动机;如果你反对这种说法,那么美国公司还会和以前一样,继续花费股东大量的金钱来作为付给CEO的工资。 新的商务游戏规则 每个企业都会有不同的改革故事,但是别忘了,我们需要进行公司治理的首要原因是,保证管理者手中的权力可以被运用到正确的目标上,可以用来获得更多的正当利益。公司治理的重要组成部分是公司的完整性、独立性和透明度,这几部分的可利用程度与滥用职权的几率成反比。 在传统的商业宣传中,公司职权被看作是一种绝对的权力,是无能的、不灵活和无效的官僚作风。但当我们重新审视公司职权时,不应被那种老观念所左右。美国军队已经广泛证实了一个事实:大机构的行动也很迅速,工作也有灵活性和高效率,而且最终还能保护给他们支持的广大选民们。 如果公司治理的先行者们觉得从军队中找到组织管理的灵感是不容易的事,那么,请记住一点,商业管理已经套用了军队的模式开始了自己的组织管理。如果军队能改变,那么我们的商业队伍自然也能改变。 注解:参谋长联席会议(JointChiefsofStaff———JCS):美国总统的最主要军事参谋团体,由陆军、海军、及空军的司令以及海军陆战队指挥官组成。 链接:美军作战守则 1.你不是超人。 2.如果一个愚蠢的方法有效,那它就不是愚蠢的方法。 3.不要太显眼,因为那样会引人攻击(这就是航母被称为“炸弹磁铁”的原因) 4.别和比你勇敢的战士躲在一个弹坑里。 5.别忘了你手上的武器是由出价最低的承包商制造的。 6.如果你的攻击很顺利,那你一定是中了圈套。 7.没有任何计划能在遇到敌人后继续执行。 8.所有5秒的手榴弹都会在3秒内烧完。 9.装成无关紧要的人,因为敌人的弹药可能不多了(所以它会只打重要的人)。 10.那支你不加注意的小部队其实是攻击的主力。 11.重要的事总是简单的。 12.简单的事总是难以做到的。 13.好走的路总会被布上雷。 14.如果你除了敌人什么都缺,那你一定在交战中。 15.飞来的子弹总有优先通过权(挡它的道你就倒大霉了) 16.如果敌人在你的射程之内,别忘了你也在他的射程之内。 17.歼灭敌数计算法:2名游击队员加2只猫,本次战斗共击毙敌人37人。 18.要一起用才能生效的装备通常不会一起运来。 19.无线电总会在你急需火力支持时断掉。 20.你做的任何事都有可能让你挨枪子儿——什么都不做也一样。

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The war in Iraq impact on the global economy will linger"The Wall Street Journal," April 7, said a signed article, the war in Iraq may be in the next few years the impact of the global economy and financial the cold war, Henry Kissinger and the former Soviet Union the United States fighting two superpower described as "the two heavily armed blind in a house in sailing through uncharted waters."24 years later, the Soviet Union has disintegrated, but the superpower is more than ever to be debated. The United States decided to only a small number of international forces in support of the attack on Iraq, for this purpose and its long-time ally of the United States at break, along with the war in Iraq has exposed differences within the EU, this is the strength of the release may be affected in the next few years the global economy and financial first force is the war in Iraq. "If the war continued to crack down on consumers and businesses the confidence and expenditures affecting the decision ... ... these will be reflected in the share price, the" UBS Warburg in London, George Magnus, chief economist, , before the outbreak of the war in Iraq, due to a high degree of insecurity and instability in the geopolitical situation in the impact of the 12-nation euro zone and Japanese economies have been hovering around the edge of recession. And those problems because of the slowing down of the . economy further. This is because Japan and Europe over the last 5 years has been to rely on exports to the United States to sustain its economic growth third problem is the decline in the dollar, since the beginning of the year in 2002, the . dollar against the euro exchange rate has dropped by 17 percent, the . dollar against the yen exchange rate has fallen by . "The longer the war dragged on, the dollar will fall more miserable," said Magnus. "This makes Europe and Japan (export) competitiveness and (the exporters) against an additional profit."Less than a political background or where. Financial consulting firm Independent Strategy in London, the chief economist鲍勃麦基claims that from a single superpower led by the world into a "European core economies" with the United States against the world, the Iraq war and the outbreak of war diplomacy before and it set a precedent for the France and Germany under the leadership of some of the unilateral US-led challenge to the world countries that the . should not be in trade, investment and political decision-making, as well as Western countries since the Second World War military alliance formed to play a decisive is expected after the end of the war in Iraq, there will be a series of disputes concerning the World Trade Organization, the current Doha Round of trade negotiations, designed to further the lifting of controls on international capital flows, as well as the United Nations in resolving the political disputes the role of ( if any)."If the global economy and the constraints of the Cold War international relations can not play a role in the mechanism, then the trend of globalization means that there is some stagnation — — perhaps some back," said Magnus of UBS Warburg. Well, free trade, international capital flows and market opening can occur, such as efforts to retrogression. "It will affect the risk premium in financial markets and economic growth," said Magnus. "If the differences can not be resolved, it will be brought about by a very serious political consequences."Within the EU that took place on the war in Iraq confirmed the differences as follows: in a very long period of time, the European countries more closely linked to form the ultimate political union is still only a wishful thinking, Morgan Stanley, an economist in London winner in Europe who will not be easy. Independent Strategy's McKee pointed out that in terms of gross domestic product, and to the United Kingdom, led by Spain and Italy to support the camp compared to the American invasion of Iraq, in favor of Europe and the United States independent of the Franco-German alliance against the economy , as the EU expanded in 2004, the 15 member countries will increase to 25, most of the increase in new members in support of the United States. Mackey added that the trade in European countries an average of 60% occurred in the case of Europe, the independence of European countries it is very difficult. In addition to Britain, other European countries do not trade against the United States all of its foreign trade more than 10 percent, Britain's trade with the United States about 17%. Even so, 55% of British trade is with other EU Baghdad, there are problems. Rapid victory in the United States, French President Jacques Chirac could shut up, but if a military conflict into chaos, and that might be further encouraged to Chirac. Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder of Germany is also the case, although Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder expressed support for the first time a few days ago to oust Saddam, but he is still against the said that from an investment point of view, the chaos and long-drawn-out conflicts and other . dollar would no longer be attractive assets. If Iraq fails, Japan will also be losers, because of its dependence on oil imports too much, and oil prices will continue to Research Ltd. Global strategist David Fowler said that the war will continue to put pressure on the stock market until investors to accurately aware of the change of regime in Iraq in sight. He said that the stock market will be 2-6 on the medium-term rebound in oil prices will drop to 15-20 . dollars a by more bad news. He said that the market will be the main trend in the flat plate, spacing down to stage until the early 1980s than the valuation higher. On the S & P 500, that means that the dividend yield of 6% for 8-10 times earnings. In contrast, the March 31 Index dividend yield of , to 30 times believed that both cases will lead the market: first, not the United States easily won the war and peace, the resulting long-term benefits is one of the world become more peaceful and democratic, more prosperous economy. In his view, the big losers will be France and Germany, because they are under the wrong note, as well as Russia, because oil prices will second situation: since the war to become the biggest disaster since the Vietnam War, long-term result is that, with the weapons of mass destruction proliferation, the world becomes more dangerous. With the United States to pursue further political isolation, and global factors will lead to an increase in the power vacuum.

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