1.平面广告之公益招贴设计要求:建议使用illustrator或coredraw软件制作色彩搭配好、中心突出。 形象设计(企业 VI ) 要求:用 ai 制作(矢量)。色彩、标志、主题、中心突出。注:标志、标志标准字、标志比例、标志应用在桌旗、衣服、名片、信封上的具体应用不少于3个。3.广告设计 要求:具有鲜明和突出的广告主题,能反应广告的信息内涵。在创意上要有创造性,不落俗套,健康向上。文字内容要求简练、准确、通俗易懂,对消费者能产生吸引力。 4.商标设计 要求:能体现商品的特点,对生产厂商有一定的宣传力度。设计出来的商标应具有个性,同时不乏美感,能体现时代性。 5.包装设计 要求:包装是商品生产的继续,是商品的有机组织部分。设计要达到对商品的美化、识别,同时也体现出商品的使用、销售等方面,以及在运输、存储过程中应注意到的事项,如保护措施等。 6.封面设计 要求:简洁、稳重、大气,版面新颖,能够体现书籍的形象特点、反映书籍内容。 7、使用 制作毕业纪念册 要求: a.掌握 的基本功能 b、掌握 flash 的基本功能 c 、掌握 photoshop 的基本功能 d 、有一定的解决问题的能力 8.使用 制作 photoshop 课件 要求: a.有一定程序设计能力 b、熟练掌握 的各项功能 c 、掌握 flash 的基本功能 d 、掌握 photoshop 的基本功能 e 、有一定的解决问题的能力 9.书籍设计离成熟还有多远? 10.广告设计教育的现状及思考 11.浅谈版式设计 12.现代标志设计与原始符号情结
英〕艾伦·斯旺.英国平面设计基础教程.张锡九等译,上海人民美术出 版社,2003 加德纳,费加尔;王毅译. 21世纪超级标志设计[M].上海:上海人民美术出版社,2000. 爱德华�6�1丹尼森,理查德�6�1考索雷;沈慧,刘玉民译.包装纸型设计[M].上海:上海人民美术出版社,2003,31-69. [9] 拉兹罗�6�1鲁斯,乔治�6�1L�6�1威本佳;赵黎明译.包装设计图形手册[M].沈阳:辽宁科学技术出版社,2002,154.
Food Packages Packaging Paper Oceanfront homes Luxury homes rentals包装设计(packing design) 包装设计的构思,下面的是参考:)~~Abstract:The space is the indispensable form element of the modelling design,is also the important component of the commodity packing thesis inquires into the spatial issues of modern packing design according to the analyse of traditional space consciousness origined from the Chinese culture,aimed to perfect peoples'spatial understanding on the packing design and to make the modern packing design be more rational and also be apt to approach the humanizing requires from the spatial comes from new thing, new discovery, or the new look of old thing. The importance and width of modern packing design is becoming increasingly prominent. Packing design, in modern people’s eyes, is a scientific marketing model of the modernized market economy, its concept and function are thought to be equal to such skills as market design and commerce popularization of products. Packing design is, actually, the only way to success for any business. Traditionally, the concept of packing design in business field refers to such packing means as its pattern, material, model, packing functions and printing , as technology and different media are highly developing, these traditional concepts of packing design have lagged far behind the market development of the commodity society. Today, any product that contains certain business value is no longer the one that goes far beyond the domain the traditional packing design can cover, for example, film and television media, network media, products of spiritual culture, notion of fashion, concept of consumption, life style and so , such a variety of forms as concept, sense, tactile sensation, sense of listening, either tangible or intangible, visible or invisible, enter almost every corner of our life. All in all, the traditional packing concepts have lagged behind the development that this age requires. Key words: traditional packing design and domain, the expansion and importance of modern packing design, the packing era of new concept and new one to make and design convenient and advantage of factory to analogous to the ancient type of banner hoisted on a feather decked mast to offer to them,And prevent necessary writing fund input designed by oneself of the customer and managerial question at the same time.
《包装与设计》——国内最早最权威的设计专业期刊之一 发行量最大的设计期刊了
英〕艾伦·斯旺.英国平面设计基础教程.张锡九等译,上海人民美术出 版社,2003 加德纳,费加尔;王毅译. 21世纪超级标志设计[M].上海:上海人民美术出版社