技术与诚信的较量尽管“学术论文测谎仪”在部分高校使用之前,就受到社会舆论的广泛质疑,但这个系统在高校的推广使用,的确引起不少学生的震动。过往,学生们拷贝加粘贴的论文,在仪器面前还是露出了马脚。从上面使用人最终的使用评价和留言能够看出,那句如释重负的感谢中透出怎样的侥幸。然而,当局者在探讨如何“检测”与“反检测”的技术问题时,抄袭本身所折射出的诚信本质问题,却在喧嚣的技术讨论中被忽视。近几年,因为论文抄袭而被取消学位的新闻屡见报端。而新华网针对论文抄袭事件的调查显示,的投票者认为这是“普遍现象,屡见不鲜”,的投票者在评价此事的社会影响时选择了“不抄白不抄,大家都这样”。“不抄白不抄”的心态,在整个学术生态陷入危机的背景下,很容易理解。“学术风气不正、学术道德滑坡、学术生态失范等现象的出现,一个重要原因是利益驱动。” 贵阳学院院长龚振黔说。利益,对于科研单位和诸如贺海波这样的大学老师来说,意味着经费和职称,对于那些要毕业的高校学生来说,意味着学位和证书。采访中,有学生表示,既然很多大学老师都会抄袭剽窃,为师不尊,还要来要求我们?更何况,目前严酷的就业压力下,实习和就业才是最关键的,相较而言,没有太多价值的毕业论文既无法帮助就业,大部分学生也没有条件去做更多的调查研究,写出货真价实的论文。沈阳接受采访时表示,在老师的论文中的确存在“学术原罪”,经过50万篇论文的抽样发现,老师的论文抄袭量非常大,抄袭的人非常多,严重抄袭的人也不少。这就是说,如果都揭露出来,会不亚于一场运动。沈阳表示,今后反剽窃软件推广后,学界抄袭现象依然不容乐观。只是会抄得更加隐蔽,更加辛苦而已。不少高校老师在肯定论文检测系统的作用后,对它未来的实际功用和沈阳一样,并不乐观。事实上,检测系统只能起到一个提醒和防止的作用,根本还是要提高学术人员的思想境界和道德觉悟。针对大学生,提高他们的诚信意识与学术道德意识,这也是杜绝以后他们走上工作岗位后以同样不诚信的手段获取利益的预防教育。沈阳介绍,在国外的大学里面,学生平常的作业和小论文如果是抄的,被发现都会被退学,更不用说是答辩的论文了。国外对学者的要求非常高,这就是国内和国外的学术廉耻心以及整体学术环境的区别。技术只能跟着人走。
Nowadays, there are more and more case of plagiarism in Chinese colleges. Why do those people , even some famous professors copy theses? Maybe the reason can be listed as follows. The first one is that so many colleges consider the number of theses to be very important. Besides,the development of Internet makes it easy to get others' theses. As a result, common people lose confidence in those scholars. For instance,several months ago a report says the total number of Chinese theses is ranked the second in the world, but too many people don't believe the quality of those theses. It is high time that something were done about this problem. On the one hand, colleges shouldn't uate someone solely by the number of his/her theses. The quality is more important. On the other hand, we should strengthen morality education, helping more people know more clearly that honesty is a Chinese traditional virtue. All these measures will certainly reduce the number of academic plagiarism.
第一段第一句:In no field other than the university , it has been said, is the problem of plagiarism more serious.还可以写成:Recently, the issue of plagiarism on university campus has been brought into public focus.还可以写成:It is not uncommon that students doing paper plagiarism on college or university campus .第二句:The deadline of their papers and lack of the instruction from their tutors make students be more inclined to copy some papers from the internet identically.第二段Students who are doing plagiarism will lose enthusiasm of creation. They can hardly find a favorable position in the near future in the more competitive market duet to their lack of originality. what’s more , Plagiarism will definitely hurt the originality-makers. This kind of activity will lead to the decline of the creativity of this society .第三段:For one thing, it is essential that corresponding regulations be worked out and enforced to ban this another, the students should enhance their awareness of the importance of honestyWhat’s more , the faithful academic attitude should be promoted on these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that the problem will be solved in the near future.