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化学与环境化学 (马纳汉虏大肠杆菌2001。第二届环境化学基础版。) 化学是指物质科学。因此,它涉及我们呼吸的空气,我们喝的水,生长的土壤,食物,和重要的生命物质和过程。我们自己的身体含有大量化学物质的多样性和复杂的巨大的化学工厂,进行了复杂的化学过程的数量惊人。 有一个很大的关注,今天对使用和滥用,特别是化学,因为它涉及到环境中。正在发生的事件作为威胁不断提醒,从个人的环境暴露于有毒物质的现象在全球范围广泛,可能导致大规模的,也许是灾难性的,气候的改变。其中包括,作为例子,一个明显的气候变暖的证据;记录天气事件,尤其是洪水,在美国20世纪90年代,并在墨西哥城的空气质量如此低劣,威胁人类健康。此外,大量雇员必须处理有害物质和废物的实验室和工作场所。所有这些事项涉及的环境化学问题的理解和在他们找出解决办法。 环境化学是化学的一个分支,起源,运输,反应,效果处理和命运的化学物质在水,空气,地球,生活环境及向人类活动的影响。与此相关的纪律,毒理化学,是重点有毒物质后,其与生物组织和生物系统的相互作用化学。除了其作为一个重要的,它本身非常重要的纪律,环境化学提供了一个良好的化学研究的框架,“普通化学,处理” 有机化学,化学分析,物理化学,光化学,地球化学,生物和化学。必然它打破了障碍,往往区域化化学,因为这是常规处理。因此,这本书是两个主要目标,提供一个环境内化学框架的化学科学的全面了解,并提供了基本环境

337 评论


化学与环境化学 (马纳汉虏大肠杆菌2001。第二届环境化学基础版。) 化学是指物质科学。因此,它涉及我们呼吸的空气,我们喝的水,生长的土壤,食物,和重要的生命物质和过程。我们自己的身体含有大量化学物质的多样性和复杂的巨大的化学工厂,进行了复杂的化学过程的数量惊人。 有一个很大的关注,今天对使用和滥用,特别是化学,因为它涉及到环境中。正在发生的事件作为威胁不断提醒,从个人的环境暴露于有毒物质的现象在全球范围广泛,可能导致大规模的,也许是灾难性的,气候的改变。其中包括,作为例子,一个明显的气候变暖的证据;记录天气事件,尤其是洪水,在美国20世纪90年代,并在墨西哥城的空气质量如此低劣,威胁人类健康。此外,大量雇员必须处理有害物质和废物的实验室和工作场所。所有这些事项涉及的环境化学问题的理解和在他们找出解决办法。 环境化学是化学的一个分支,起源,运输,反应,效果处理和命运的化学物质在水,空气,地球,生活环境及向人类活动的影响。与此相关的纪律,毒理化学,是重点有毒物质后,其与生物组织和生物系统的相互作用化学。除了其作为一个重要的,它本身非常重要的纪律,环境化学提供了一个良好的化学研究的框架,“普通化学,处理” 有机化学,化学分析,物理化学,光化学,地球化学,生物和化学。必然它打破了障碍倾向。有一个很大的关注,今天对使用和滥用,特别是化学,因为它涉及到环境中。正在发生的事件作为威胁不断提醒,从个人的环境暴露于有毒物质的现象在全球范围广泛,可能导致大规模的,也许是灾难性的,气候的改变。其中包括,作为例子,一个明显的气候变暖的证据;记录天气事件,尤其是洪水,在美国20世纪90年代,并在墨西哥城的空气质量如此低劣,威胁人类健康。此外,大量雇员必须处理有害物质和废物的实验室和工作场所。所有这些事项涉及的环境化学问题的理解和在他们找出解决办法。环境化学是化学的一个分支,起源,运输,反应,效果处理和命运的化学物质在水,空气,地球,生活环境及向人类活动的影响。与此相关的纪律,毒理化学,是重点有毒物质后,其与生物组织和生物系统的相互作用化学。除了其作为一个重要的,它本身非常重要的纪律,环境化学提供了一个良好的化学研究的框架,“普通化学,处理”有机化学,化学分析,物理化学,光化学,地球化学,生物和化学。必然它打破了障碍,往往区域化化学,因为这是常规处理。因此,这本书是两个主要目标,提供一个环境内化学框架的化学科学的全面了解,并提供了基本环境

118 评论


The earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and complicated city system is holding a latent risk of expanding the damage artificially. Also people has been spoiling the health since the immense quantity of chemicals have been produced and already used in pursuit of convenience and various toxic substances have been produced unintentionally and accumulated in environment. Therefore, We need some countermeasures from the viewpoint to prevent the city environment form disaster and to manage environmental risks. So we will develop and improve a new risk management system and a disaster prevention system to preserve and create the city environment where people feel easy and sound in their life.英语作文常见话题-环境保护 Protect EnvironmentMany people are active in fighting against unfair treatment to colored people, women , animals and so on. Right now I am talking about fighting for respect to our the environment doesn’t have a mouth to deprecate what humans have done to her, she retaliates through action. In the early years the Chinese cut down large quantities of trees, at the source of the yellow river, which led to the disappearance of big forests and terrible floods. As a result,the Huangtu plateau which was once covered with grass and forests was turned into barrens that supported fewer plants. Another example was in several developed countries. Because many chemical factories discharged poisonous gas without filtering it, cities were covered with so much poisonous gas that people were killed by the air they breathed in. What horrible scene!What we are suffering is only a small part of what the nature once suffered. If we don’t take action to show respect to the environment, we will have to face an increasingly awful should be taken to protect the environment on which we are relying. First governments should forbid destroying vegetation, rivers and lakes, oceans, as and the atmosphere as well. Second voices should be made to announce the public of the importance of protecting the environment. Third enterprises should pay special attention to the effect they have on the environment and work out solutions for the by changing the way we treat the environment can we get along well with it. Only by saving the environment can we save ourselves.

214 评论



2. 植物生理学,乌得勒支大学。

荷兰 乌得勒支市

邮编:3584 CA



3. 作物改良研究所,西澳农业部。

西澳大利亚 南珀斯市 赫尔男爵宅邸 3号


4. 环境生物学,生物科学研究院,澳大利亚国立大学,



【这是ANU 的生物科学研究院】

315 评论


CHEMISTRY AND ENVIRONMENTAL 化学与环境化学(Manahan S E. 2001. Fundamentals of environmental chemistry 2nd ed.)Chemistry is defined as the science of matter. Therefore, it deals with the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil that grows our food, and vital life substances and processes.化学被定义为一门关于物质科学。因此,它跟我们呼吸的空气、我们喝的水、我们烹调食物的盐以及一些至关重要的生活物质和过程息息相关。Our own bodies contain a vast variety of chemical substances and are tremendously sophisticated chemical factories that carry out an incredible number of complex chemical processes.我们的身体就包含多种多样的化学物质,本身就是一个非常精致的化学工厂,数量庞大的化学过程在我们的身体内进行。There is a tremendous concern today about the uses—and particularly the misuses—of chemistry as it relates to the environment.现在人们非常关注对化学的使用,特别是错误使用,因为它和我们的环境密不可分。 Ongoing events serve as constant reminders of threats to the environment ranging from individual exposures to toxicants to phenomena on a global scale that may cause massive, perhaps catastrophic, alterations in climate. 从诸如很多人们暴露在有毒物质的环境到全球范围内大量的,甚至是灾难性的气候变迁,类似的很多还在继续的事件正在我们的环境受到的威胁持续敲响警钟。These include, as examples, evidence of a perceptible warming of climate; record weather events—particularly floods—in the United States in the 1990s; and air quality in Mexico City so bad that it threatens human health. 这类事件不乏其它一系列事例,我们直接可以察觉的气候暖化;有记录的气象事件——特别是90年代发生在美国的洪涝灾害;墨西哥城的恶劣气体质量危害居民健康。Furthermore, large numbers of employees must deal with hazardous substances and wastes in laboratories and the workplace.还有,为数众多的雇员要在实验室和车间处理有毒物质和废品。 All such matters involve environmental chemistry for understanding of the problems and for arriving at solutions to them. 所有这些都要求环境化学深入了解问题并提供解决的方法。Environmental chemistry is that branch of chemistry that deals with the origins, transport, reactions, effects, and fates of chemical species in the water, air, earth, and living environments and the influence of human activities thereon.环境化学是化学的一个分支,定义为处理有关在水体,大气,土壤和生活环境中化学物质的来源、运输、反应、效应以及可能的最终结果。 A related discipline, toxicological chemistry, is the chemistry of toxic substances with emphasis upon their interaction with biologic tissue and living systems.一个相关的准则,毒物化学,是关于有毒物质特别是强调他们跟生物体组织以及生命系统相互反应作用的化学分支。 Besides its being an essential, vital discipline in its own right, environmental chemistry provides an excellent framework for the study of chemistry, dealing with “general chemistry,”作为化学必不可少的元素,加上本身一些至关重要的准则,环境化学为化学研究特别是“广义化学”研究提供了一个完美的框架。organic chemistry, chemical analysis, physical chemistry, photochemistry, geochemistry, and biological chemistry. 有机化学,化学分析,物理化学,光化学,地理化学,以及生物化学。By necessity it breaks down the barriers that tend to compartmentalize chemistry as it is conventionally addressed. 必然地环境化学打破了因袭传统定义的把化学各分支完全独立这样一个障碍。Therefore, this book is written with two major goals—to provide an overview of chemical science within an environmental chemistry framework and to provide the basics of environmental.因此,本书的编写主要有两个目标——在环境化学的框架下描绘化学科学的一个概貌,以及提供一些有关化境化学的基础。

286 评论


Nanchang County Hospital sources of pollution and analysis of census results Jiangxi Agricultural University, environmental engineering, Zhang Ruyi Abstract: The main sources of pollution on China's first census of the background, purpose and significance, which focuses on the analysis of Nanchang County, two hospitals in the content of this census data, and were compared, thus can clearly see that the Nanchang County Hospital The impact on the environment, pollution sources to achieve the purpose of the census. Key words: sources census, wastewater emissions of medical waste, the source of life

85 评论


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