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随着 AlphaGo 在人机大战中完胜了世界围棋冠军、职业选手李世石,人们开始重新审视人工智能的潜力。在此之前,很多人都相信,围棋代表着人类的终极智慧,而这一终极智慧是机器永远无法企及的。但现在,大数据加上先进的算法就让人类永失了在这“终极智慧”上的骄傲。

尽管 AlphaGo 所代表的人工智能没有自我意识,并不能“像人类一样思考”,但是它所具有的潜力却可能胜任很多目前看来只有人类大脑才能胜任的工作。人工智能有没有可能代替人类完成高水平翻译?一名专业译员,给出的回答却是:完全有可能。只不过不会在短期内实现。



然而,人工智能要想达到甚至超越专业译员的水平,却可以通过其他方式来实现,比如大数据分析加高级语言译解算法,就像“无法像人类一样思考”的 AlphaGo 可以在需要大量逻辑思维的围棋中战胜人类那样。但是,通过这种方式进行实现高质量翻译也仍面临着巨大挑战,这也是短期内无法实现的原因。

336 评论


The progress of artificial intelligence. Speed is amazing, the future we will start to work side-by-side with artificial intelligence. AlphaGo fire, five one hundred million people watching "man-machine war", in the end it depends on the technical advantage of big data and deep learning in a 4-1 winners posture tell people, to artificial intelligence is no longer just the scene in the movie, but in the real world there is another round of industrial revolution, however, this changes make many people feel scared, at that time all kinds of artificial intelligence threats to the human voice, according to the British science association entrusted network research firm YouGov, according to a survey of about 36% of people think that the rise of artificial intelligence technology will pose a threat to human long-term survival. People in all kinds of artificial intelligence can bring big Bob "unemployment" is deeply concerned about the discourse, but also in such a tough AlphaGo will be malicious use worrying on such issues. 人工智能.的进步速度是惊人的,未来我们将开始与人工智能并肩工作。 AlphaGo火了,五场亿人围观的“人机大战”,最终它依托大数据与深度学习的技术优势以4:1的胜利者姿态告诉人们,人工智能真的来了,不再只是电影中的场景,而是现实世界里正在上演的又一轮产业变革,然而这种变革让不少人感到惶恐,一时间各种人工智能威胁人类的声音铺天盖地,据英国科学协会委托网络调研公司YouGov进行的一项调查显示,大约36%的人认为人工智能技术的兴起会对人类长期生存构成威胁。人们在各种人工智能会带来大波“失业潮”的言论中深感忧虑,同时也在如此强悍的AlphaGo会不会被恶意利用等问题上担心不已。

108 评论



Nowadays, artificial intelligence, which is becoming more and more familiar with us with the development of science and technology, is infiltrating into our daily life gradually, and it brings great convenience and progress to our society. Although we don't have a great knowledge about the specific content of artificial intelligence, we enjoy the convenience and benefit that artificial intelligence brings to us. We can say that artificial intelligence is changing the way of our living, learning, working and so on.

Artificial intelligence can be scripted as a new science and technology, which is used to simulate human intelligence. Namely, computers simulate the way of human's thinking and intelligent behavior, such as Learning, Reasoning, Thinking, Planning, and so on. We can't deny the fact that artificial intelligence is of great application nowadays. For example, a lot ofintelligent computer or household appliances come into our life, intelligent robots help us to finish some difficult work that we can't do by ourselves, and intelligent control has improved our working greatly. We can say that artificial intelligence exists everywhere.

As one of the three most cutting-edge technologies in twenty-first Century, artificial intelligence has a very bright prospect. However, The biggest obstacle of it is that it is a subject, which is related to computer science. Psychology. Philosophy and other knowledge. Therefore, what we should do is to study hard, widen our knowledge, and consolidate our professional knowledge. Only by this way can we do contribution to the development of artificial intelligence and the improvement of our lives. Future trends in computer science is one of the artificial intelligence,It is the research and artificial simulation of human thought and eventually be able to make a human like to think the same human services and to help people solve problems. After all, people thought it was unique, there are feelings, there are a variety of character, this will be very difficult to achieve in the fact, to do the same as the human thinking machine, the only one of the artificial intelligence, is by no means all. Through the study of artificial intelligence, can resolve all kinds of scientific problems, and promote the development of other science, the artificial intelligence is the best!

I believe that the science of artificial intelligence is waiting for humanity to explore it step by step the real connotation.




机器人本身并没有是非善恶之分,关键在于如何运用。面对日新月异的机器人技术,人类需要的是与之相匹配的使用智慧。说到底,机器人技术到底是为人类造福,还是为祸,关键仍然在于我们自己的选择。 由于人工智能拥有智商,它可能会反抗人类。这种隐患也在多部电影中发生过,其主要的关键是允不允许机器拥有自主意识的产生与延续,如果使机器拥有自主意识,则意味着机器具有与人同等或类似的创造性,自我保护意识,情感和自发行为。

103 评论


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