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目录 2 开发环境 1 3 开发工具 1 4 完成时间 1 5 设计思想 1 游戏的组成 1 游戏设计要点 1 游戏的主内容分析 2 初始排列方式的分析 2 游戏核心元素的分析 2 游戏操作的分析 3 游戏胜负判断的分析 3 6 设计过程及设计步骤 3 游戏总体设计 3 主场景 4 设置游戏主场景配置 4 设置背景图片 6 创建开始按钮 7 开始按钮跳跃特效实现 10 创建选择关卡场景 11 点击开始按钮进入选择关卡场景 12 选择关卡场景 13 场景基本设置 13 背景设置 14 返回按钮 16 创建选择关卡按钮 16 创建翻金币场景 17 翻金币场景 19 场景基本设置 19 背景设置 19 返回按钮 20 显示当前关卡 21 创建金币背景图片 22 创建金币类 23 引入关卡数据 26 添加现有文件dataConfig 26 添加现有文件 27 完成添加 27 数据分析 28 测试关卡数据 28 初始化各个关卡 29 翻金币特效 31 MyCoin类扩展属性和行为 31 创建特效 32 禁用按钮 34 翻周围金币 36 判断是否胜利 37 胜利图片显示 38 胜利后禁用按钮 39 音效添加 39 开始音效 39 选择关卡音效 40 返回按钮音效 40 优化项目 41 打包项目 42 绿色版本 42 标准版本 42 7 测试运行 43 主场景 43 选择关卡场景 43 翻金币场景 44 游戏胜利场景 45 8 评价与修订 46 9设计体会 48 参 考 文 献 49 附  录 50 致  谢 54 1 设计题目 基于QT实现的翻金币游戏 2 开发环境 硬件环境:微机系列,内存在1G以上 软件环境:Microsoft Windows 10家庭版 3 开发工具 Qt Creator 、HM NIS、NSIS(客户端打包程序) 4 完成时间 5 设计思想 游戏的组成 我认为游戏的组成主要是两个部分:游戏资源和游戏机制。 游戏资源泛指游戏中给用户提供的视听资源,比如游戏的场景,各种道具和角色的外观,游戏音乐,与用户进行交互的界面等。 游戏机制泛指游戏中实现游戏运作的方式,在翻金币小游戏中,怎么排列金币,如何翻转金币,如何判断游戏的胜利与失败,这种对于用户来讲相对隐式的存在却在游戏开发中占据核心地位。游戏机制的实现通常需要数据结构与相关算法的结合。 游戏设计要点 再设计游戏时,因为此项目窗口较多,因此在对于各个窗口的选择上是一个比较需要注意的地方。在初始化各种窗口的时候,是选择QMainWindow,Qwidget,还是QDialog类型呢?这个主要看该窗口的功能,如果作为主窗口(比如交互窗口,游戏窗口)存在的话,选择QMainWindow类型最合适,因为QMainWindow可以搭载工具栏和状态栏,这些功能选择组件在小游戏里面是很实用的(尤其是工具栏)。 至于QDialog则用于对话窗口,单方向地由软件向用户发送信息,一般不做交互,游戏的游戏说明,提示,警告都适合使用QDialog类型。 QWidget适合用来自定义组件,这次的项目中没有组合类的自定义组件,因此没有使用。该项目中自定义的是单个类型的组件(新的按钮),所以直接去继承QT里面的button类就可以了。

357 评论


3 Service QFD – the Starting Point for Internet Banking Services Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is one of the processes incorporated into the Total Quality Management (TQM) concept. QFD is not only a methodological and statistical tool designed for one use but an overall concept that provides a means of translating customer requirements for each stage of product development and production [1]. It is a coherent technique that analyses, prioritises, translates spoken and unspoken customer requirements and involves everyone in an organization. QFD is a comprehensive technique of knowledge processing that integrates all organizational know-how and even reveals internal company knowledge hidden and badly communicated through the organizational structure. QFD fundamentally supports decision making throughout an organizational structure. Once implemented QFD improves team cooperation and promotes teamwork particularly between research, development, and marketing/sales teams. By exploring the culture where teams must cooperate, by understanding the tasks and publishing responsibilities, QFD improves levels of trust and a pure and honest working environment in an organization. The name Quality Function Deployment expresses its true purpose, which is satisfying customers (Quality) by translating their needs into a design and ensuring that all organizational units (Function) work together to systematically break down their activities into finer and finer detail that can be quantified and controlled (Deployment) [8]. QFD dates from 1966 (Yoki Akao) and its penetration into service industries started in the early 1980s in Japanese companies. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a systematic matrix-based visual approach for designing quality products and services. The best-known matrix is the first in the QFD hierarchy, referred to as the House of Quality (HoQ). During the whole process, different size matrices are being constructed (planning matrix/HoQ, concept selection matrix, subsystem/assembly deployment matrix, process planning matrix). Organizational goals & Customer segments Voice of Customer analysis(Planning, definition, prioritisation)Demanded qualities & Quality attributesQuality attributes & FunctionsFunctions & New conceptFigure 1: The QFD Deployments applied to Internet Banking Services 7 7 From the system implementation point of view the following deployments (Figure 1) have be addressed and precisely analysed particularly in a service organization: Organizational Deployment: To map the QFD steps to the different organizational functions; who is responsible for what activities and when during the service planning and development process; highly recommended that organizational deployment be done before QFD is applied to a specific service; Customer Deployment: The deployment of organizational goals into core competencies, into customer attributes, into target customer segments. This helps “tailor” the services to the needs of those customers who can best help achieve organization goals. Voice of Customer Deployment (VOC): VOC tables are used to record raw customer data, use characteristics for defining quality requirements, and so separate the different types of service attributes. In order to satisfy customers, it is important to understand how meeting their requirements affects satisfaction and other specific aspects such as customer involvement, customer preference, customer responsiveness, methodological items of processing and prioritising client requirements. Quality Deployment: Customer-demanded quality and priorities into measurable service quality attributes. Function Deployment: Used to identify functional areas of the organization, which are critical for performing tasks that must achieve the quality attribute targets. New Concept Deployment: Used in conjunction with Quality Improvement Stories (a structured problem- solving approach), to select a new process that will best satisfy customers’ needs. Task Deployment: Breaks down critical jobs into tasks and steps. Reliability Deployment: Identifies and prevents failures of critical customer requirements. 4 Case study The QFD application was carried out in cooperation with the Electronic Banking and Development department of a Slovak bank in the period November 2002 - May 2003. The bank has been operating in the Slovak financial market since 1993 and is well recognized as a corporate and retail bank possessing an advanced technology platform, though not promoting the quality of online services to a sufficient level. The preparation process included a series of bank visits where the bank’s internal documents were provided. The deployment of the ‘Voice of the Customer’ and Quality Deployment (Marked in the Figure 1) were carried out in the following sub-steps. ‘Voice of the Customer’ Deployment The first step of our case study was to identify the quality criteria the bank’s customers were expecting from the Internet banking services. The data was collected in the form of an unstructured customer survey, which included suggestions and ideas about the Internet banking services. They were analysed in several steps: § Iterative completion of a list of all the suggestions § Suggestions’ clustering according to their affinities (23 clusters, frequencies) § Definition of demanded quality criteria § Clusters allocated among the demanded qualities - each cluster could have shared more than one of the formulated service criteria allowing allocating frequencies for each of the service criteria 8 8§ Prioritisation of service quality criteria Refining the voice of the customer is often a demanding task and requires a systematic way ofcommon part of day-to-day management may be a difficult re-engineering task. QFD can be perceived as constraining and often requires additional resources especially at the starting level. By applying QFD we demonstrated the potential this technique has in defining customer expectations and the translation of these expectations into the design specifications, thus ensuring the customer’s satisfaction.

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