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20世纪90年代以来,由于新一轮的房改,小产权房问题逐渐成为我国目前政府和社会公众极为关注的社会热点和难点。 Since the 1990s, because a new round of housing reform and small property right problem gradually become China's current government and the social public Paramount concern social hot and difficult. 小产房的出现是多方面原因所致,但根源是我国土地双轨制。 Small maternity ward appears to be caused by many factors, but the root cause is our country land double track. 解决小产权房,必须坚持兼顾国家、集体、农民和购房人等各方利益的原则,体现党中央所提倡的和谐社会。 Solve both small property right, we must insist on the state, the collective, farmers and the principle of all of the person that buy a house party, reflect interests advocated a harmonious society. 住房问题是我国城市化进程中出现的主要问题之一。 Housing problem is China's urbanization in one of the main problems appear. 对于住房这一具有保障性的准公共产品,不能完全通过市场机制实现其资源配置和有效供给。 For housing, a quasi-public products with the security through market mechanism, and can not achieve its resource allocation and effective supply. 政府有责任建立和完善住房供给体系,由于我国特殊的国情及土地制度,在法律的灰色地带,小产权房迅速发展,带来了许多问题,其中最为明显的是我国的土地流转问题及农民集体所有土地产权不明确的问题,因此对相关问题的研究十分必要。 Government has a responsibility to establish and perfect the housing system, because China's specific conditions and the land system, in legal grey zone, rapid development of small property right, brought many problems, one of the most obvious is that China's land circulation problems and farmer collective all land property rights are not clear problem, so the study of related problem is necessary. 小产权房虽为现行法律所禁止,但受我国经济、法律因素影响,小产权房并未消失,反而有愈演愈烈的趋势。 Though small property right for current law forbids in China, but the economic and legal factors, small property right did not disappear, but have intensified trend. 小产权房目前已成为社会的热点问题,其折射的社会矛盾和利益冲突是制度性的,深层次的。 Small property right has become the hot issues, the social refraction social contradictions and conflicts of interest is the institutional, deep. 我国正在建立和完善社会主义市场经济,房地产市场是其中的一个重要组成部分。 China is in the establishment and improvement of the socialist market economy, the real estate market is an important part of it. 小产权房作为一种新生事物,有其存在的合理性。 Small property right as a new thing, have its existence rationality. 而且目前我国对应小产权房的相关法律制度还不是很完善,所以并不能简单的说小产权房是违法的。 And small property right in China at present the corresponding legal system is not perfect, so it's not simple said small property right is illegal. 小产权房以其优惠的价格受到广大购房者的青睐,然而由于农村宅基地和国有建设用地在所有制方面存在着巨大差异,在农村宅基地上开发商品房的做法,越发暴露了小产权房的种种问题。 Small property right to the preferential price by the buyers, however, due to the favour of house-site in the countryside and state-owned land for construction purposes in ownership exist great differences in the countryside homestead, developed on the practice of commodity, increasingly exposed the small property right problems. 本文从小产权房合法化必要性等角度进行探讨,认为小产权房应当为法律所认可。 This article from property right as necessity discusses legalization, think small Angle of shall be legally recognised property right. 并从对现存小产权房的分类处理以及修正我国农村土地法律制度等方面,提出了小产权房合法化的路径安排。 And from the classification of existing small property right and correction handle the rural land law system and so on, proposed the legalization of small property right path arrangements. 关键词 小产权房 合法化 集体土地 Keywords small property right legalized collective land

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227 评论


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